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1.1 Introduction Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is the largest telecommunication company in Pakistan. This company provides telephony services to the nation and still holds the status of backbone for country's telecommunication infrastructure despite arrival of a dozen other telcos including telecom giants like Telenor and China Mobile . The company consists of around 2000 telephone exchanges across country providing largest fixed line network. GSM, CDMA and Internet are other resources of PTCL, making it a gigantic organization. The Government of Pakistan sold 26% shares and control of the company to Etisalat in 2006. The Government of Pakistan retained 62% of the shares while the remaining 12% are held by the general public. 1.2 Purpose of the Internship The purpose of this internship was to fulfill the requirements for my degree of Master in business Administration in Islamia College University Peshawar, as every student of MBA has to undertake at least 8 weeks of practical work in an organization relevant to his/her field of study. The secondary purpose of this study was to build a connection between theoretical knowledge and practical work and to apply the skills and abilities learned in classrooms to the real work situation. During my internship, I aimed to thoroughly study the HRM activities to build a practical understanding and to find and suggest some useful solutions to the problems if any exists. 1.3 Areas of Focus. During my internship,my focus remained on the following activities of HRM department of PTCL. Human Resources planning Recruitment and selections processes Pay scale and oppurtunities Training and development in PTCL Rewards and compensation Performance appraisal
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1.4 Statement of the Research Problem From the requirement of my MBA-HRM degree, I joined the HRM department of PTCL and worked there studying HRM activities, my research questions was 1. What are the main activities of HRM department of PTCL? 2. How efficiently HR department is performing these activities? 3. What are the deficiencies and how these can be eliminated? 1.5 Significance of the Internship and Report Writing 1.5.1 Significance of the Internship The significances of the Internship are as follows; Provides Experience and Knowledge Improves Skills Boosts Self-Confidence Provides New-Career Opportunities Provides Real Corporate Environment to be Felt 1.5.2 Significance of the Report Writing The significances of Report Writing are as follows; Major component of the Research Study. Develops Writing Skills. Powerful Means of Communication. Gives Scope for Future Reference. The Reader is provided by certain insights about the Research and its Background. Improves Interpretation Skills. 1.6 Objectives of the Internship The objectives of the Internship are as follows; To fulfill the partial requirement for the Degree of MBA. To enhance the knowledge gained in theoretical studies. To improve the skills regarding dealing with the customer. To get aware of the General Management Hierarchy in a PTCL HR Department. To improve PTCL HR Department.

1.7 Research Methodology:

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Methodology of research helps you in aching your aims and objective. In other words methodology shows you what methods you plan to use. One needs a reliable and relent data and information, to study an organization. The researcher will use two methods of data collection i.e. primary and secondary data. 1.7.1 Primary data The data collected for the first time is collect primary data. The sources for the primary in this research will be discussion with general managers, business development offices, Engineers and unstructured intereiws with the staff of PTCL 1.7.2 Secondary data The data which has gone through mathematical and statistical techniques after its collection is caused secondary data. The secondary data sources during my research study will be annual reports, brochures, manual, rules and procedural hand books available at HR department, internet and books on 1.8 Nature of my research: My internship research was an applied form of research, in which I investigated the effectiveness of the human resources department of PTCL and its practices to find convenient answers to my research questions. 1.9 Population and scope of the study: My internship research population was consist of all employees of PTCL through out the country (there are 30,000 employees) but as it is not possible to reach all of them so I limited the scope of my study to only Peshawar region office situated at Saddar, Peshawar 1.9.1 Scope of the study The scope of the internship research is confined to PTCL Human resource management department, and the focus will be on the rewarding and compensation policies of PTCL HR department. The research will be highlighted those critical factors that are most appropriate in motivation. 1.10 Problem Statement This internship report is about the finding out critical factors in the PTCL HR department of employees motivation. 1.11 Limitation of the study PTCL is the largest organization in telecommunication sector in Pakistan, so it is difficult to analyze all the departments in short period of the two months. Apart from
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HRM, specifically on

compensation polices is also a source of secondary data in the research study.

this my specialization course is human resource management and this research emphasis is on HRM department so due to lack of resources and time on the part of researcher the study is limited to Peshawar. 1.12 Outline organization of the internship report. This internship report is consisting of six sections.the first one is preliminary four are the chapter of main body while last section is appendices and annexure.the outline preview of the report is given as under. Preliminary section: Title page Approval sheet Acknowledgement Table of contents Executive summary Chapter one Introduction of ptcl Purpose of the internship Research question. Area of focus Significance of the internship and report writing. Objective of the internship Research of methodology Chapter two Introdution and history of PTCL. Role of the HR Department. HR Planning in general Recruitment and selection Training and development Rewards and compensation Performance appraisal Chapter Three Analyses of PTCL HRM Department and finding
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Chapter Four Recommendation and conclusion Annexure and Appendices

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REFERENCES & BIBLIOGRAPHY Arif, M. F. (2009). PTCL. Lahore: New Lahore Books. Ashraf, M. (2008). Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited. Sargoda: University of sargoda. chapman, a. (2006, January 10). SWOT analysis template and methos. Retrieved June 21, 2011, from BusinessBalls: Graham, T. M. (1996, February 11). SWOT Analysis. Retrieved June 21, 2011, from Mind Tools: Irwin, R. (New York). Business research methods. 1985: The books heaven. Khan, M. (2011, June 01). Pro Pakistani. Retrieved August 01, 2011, from Kothar, D. C. (2008). Research methodology: methods and techniques. New Delhi: New Age International. Kumar, R. (2008). Research Methodology. New Dehli: APH Publishing. Malik, W. (2006). PAKISTAN TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY LIMITED. Bahawalpur: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. provider, P. m. (2000, December 10). Products and services. Retrieved August 01, 2011, from PTCL Official website: pd_id=9 providers, P. m. (2000, December 01). Home page. Retrieved August 10, 2011, from PTCL Official website: Rae, L. (2000). Effective Planning in Training and Development. UK: Kogan Page Publishers. Roberts, G. (2004). Recruitment and selection: a competency approach. London: CIPD Publishing. Copyright. . Schwartz, A. (2003). Performance Appraisal: Apprasial and Meeting. USA: Andrew E Schwartz. Copyright. . Sims, R. R. (1998). Reinventing training and development. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group.

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Introduction: Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited (PTCL) is the largest telecommunication service provider in Pakistan with employee strength of around 30000 and 5.7 million customers. PTCL also continues to be the largest CDMA operator in the country with 0.8 million V-Fone customers. The company maintains a leading position in Pakistan as an Infrastructure Provider to the other telecom operators and corporate customer of the country. The company provides a verity of up-to-date home user, corporate and wholesale communication services e.g. telephony, internet, television, video conferencing etc The company structure is spread over the entire country which facilitates the company in providing services to the value added customers in every part of the Pakistan. Geographically the company is divided into: Headquarters, north, South, Central, and west Zones and functionally in Commercial, HR & Admn, Corporate Development, Finance, Operations and Technical departments. The hierarchy of the company comprises of the following cadres: President and CEO, Senior Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, General Manager, Senior Manager, Manager, Specialist, Management Trainee and Non Management Employee. In April 2006, Emirates Telecommunication Corporation which is commonly known as Etisalat, assumed management control of PTCL part of the $2.6bn deal to buy a 26% stake in PTCL .The successful privatization of PTCL and consequently Ufone, is hailed in a new ear for telecommunication in Pakistan. Etisalat has been the telecommunication service provider in the UAE since 1976and stands 140th among the financial times top 500 corporations in the world in terms of market capitalizations. Etisalat is currently operating in 16 countries of Middle East, Asia and Africa and is continuing to pursue new mobile and fixed line opportunities in many growth markets.

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2.1 HISTORY OF PTCL From the beginnings of Posts & Telegraph Department in 1947 and establishment of Pakistan Telephone & Telegraph Department in 1962, PTCL has been a major player in telecommunication in Pakistan. Despite having established a network of enormous size, PTCL workings and policies have attracted regular criticism from other smaller operators and the civil society of Pakistan. Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) took over operations and functions from Pakistan Telephone and Telegraph Department under Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Act 1991. This coincided with the Government's competitive policy, encouraging private sector participation and resulting in award of licenses for cellular, card-operated pay-phones, paging and, lately, data communication services. Pursuing a progressive policy, the Government in 1991, announced its plans to privatize PTCL, and in 1994 issued six million vouchers exchangeable into 600 million shares of the would-be PTCL in two separate placements. Each had a par value of Rs. 10 per share. These vouchers were converted into PTCL shares in mid1996. In 1995, Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization) Ordinance formed the basis for PTCL monopoly over basic telephony in the country. The provisions of the Ordinance were lent permanence in October The 1996 same through year, Pakistan Pakistan Telecommunication of Pakistan PTCL launched its mobile and data services subsidiaries in 2001 by the name of Ufone and PakNet respectively. None of the brands made it to the top slots in the respective competitions. Lately, however, Ufone had increased its market share in the cellular sector. The PakNet brand has effectively dissolved over the period of time. Recent DSL services launched by PTCL reflects this by the introduction of a new brand name and operation of the service being directly supervised by PTCL. As telecommunication monopolies head towards an imminent end, services and infrastructure providers are set to face even bigger challenges. The post-monopoly era
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Telecommunication Company Limited was formed and listed on all stock exchanges

came with Pakistan's Liberalization in Telecommunication in January 2003. On the Government level, a comprehensive liberalization policy for telecom sector is in the offering. Last Year, in middle of 2005 Government of Pakistan had decided to sell at least 26 percent of this company to some private agency. There were three participants in the bet for privatization of PTCL. Etisalat, a Dubai based company was able to get the shares with a large margin in the bet. Last year when Government was going to privatize the company there was country wide protest and strike by PTCL workers. They even disrupted Phone lines of some big Government institutions like Punjab University Lahore and many lines of public sector were also blocked. Military had to take over the management of all the Exchanges in the country. They arrested many workers and put them behind bars. The contention between Government and employees ended with a 30% increase in the salaries of workers. There have been various changes in the company due to privatization. Such examples include the VSS (Voluntary Separation Scheme for its employees), ERP (SAP based), restructuring, B& CC (Billing and Customer Care Software) etc. Another seemingly minor change was change of brand identity (logo) that will present PTCL's new face after privatization, with greater focus on customer satisfaction and bringing about of new advancements in telecom for Pakistani consumers. 2.2 Corporate of information: Some important information about PTCL organization is following. 2.2.1 Board of Directors It is the highest body of PTCL, which has been rested the function of policy formulation. The directors appointed shall not be less than seven (7) in numbers. (Presently it has 8 members). There is general body meeting once a year of all the shareholders to elect the members of board of directors. A director elected shall hold office for a period of three years unless the earlier resigns, becomes disqualified from being a director or otherwise ceases to hold office. A retiring director shall be eligible for re-election. Mr. Naguibullah Malik (Chairman PTCL Board) Secretary IT & Telecom Division, Ministry of Information Technology Government of Pakistan, Islamabad

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Mr.Abdulrahim Abdulla Abdulrahim Al Nooryani(Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, ) Etisalat International Pakistan L.L.C Administration Etisalat, UAE. Mr.SalmanSiddique(Secretary(Finance),MinistryofFinance) Government of Pakistan, Islamabad Mr.Abdulaziz Ahmed Saleh Ahmed Al Sawaleh(Chief Human Resources Officer) Etisalat, UAE Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Bhatti(Member Telecom) Government of Pakistan, Islamabad Mr. Fadhil Mohamed Erhama Al Ansari(Executive Vice President Engineering) Etisalat, UAE Mr. Khursheed Ahmed Junejo(Ambassador, Embassy of Pakistan) Abu Dhabi, UAE Mr. Abdulaziz Hamad Omran Taryam(General Manager, Northern Emirates) Etisalat, UAE Dr. Ahmed Al Jarwan(General Manager) Real Estate Etisalat, UAE Ms. Farah Qamar(Company Secretary PTCL) PTCL Headquarters, Islamabad 2.2.2 Management Team Walid irshaid(Presedent and Chief Exective officer ) Ismail Saleh Taha (S.E.V.P (HR and Admn) Fazal Husain (S.E.V.P (Corporate Affairs) Muhammad Nehamatullah Toor (S.E.V.P (finance) M.Mashkoor Husain (S.E.V.P (Operations) Sikandar Naqi (S.E.V.P (Special Projects) Shaukat Hayat Javed (Acting S.E.V.P (Technical) Dr.Sadik Aljadir (S.E.V.P (commercial) Farah Qamar (Company Secretary ) Dr. Ssjid Qureshi (E.V.P (legal Affairs) Executive Vice President Contracts &

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Bankers ABN Amro Askari Bank Ltd Citibank N.A FAysal Bank Ltd. Habib bank Limited MCB bank Limited National Bank of Pakistan Standerd Charterd Bank Limited United Bank Limited 2.3 Vision

Auditors A.F Fergusan & Co CharterAccountants KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co Charterd Accoutanats THK Associates (Pvt.) Limited Dr.Ziauddin Ahmed Road , Karachi

To be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the region by achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders' value'. The future is unfolding around us. In times to come, we will be the link that allows global communication. We are striving towards mobilizing the world for the future. By becoming partners in innovation, we are ready to shape a future that offers telecom services that bring us closer. 2.4 Mission To achieve our vision by having:

An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and


An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious Services that are based on the most optimum technology "Quality" and "Time" conscious customer service Sustained growth in earnings and profitability

2.5 Core Values PTCL has some core values to which they give a lot of significance and they consider them as the most important part of their business.these core values do not change from time to time or person to person rather they are foundation of the companys culture.these core values are

Professional Integrity Customer Satisfaction


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Teamwork Company Loyalty

2.6 Products and Services of ptcl 2.6.1 Telephone Service PTCLs one major service is that it provides Telecommunication Service to Pakistan for both domestic and international communication. 2.6.2 Value Added Services Following are the value added services of PTCL Home services Analogue channels Calling card Dialup-Vfone Domestic voice call tariff Fixed line International call tariff Vfone Phone n net Payphone I-PTV (Smart TV) That gives you nationwide access along with international facility. It comes easily affordable denomination of Rs. 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 and can be used from any PTCL digital phone 2.6.4 Voice Message ( keh do sms ) PTCL voice messaging service, one can have all (or desired) calls recorded when one is absent, busy on Phone or do not want to attend the calls for any reasons. One can, later on at his convince, retrieve all recorded messages from any telephone any where in the country. 2.6.4 Advance Free Phone Advance Free Phone is a toll free number (0800), a facility by PTCL, which when combined with your ordinary phone number becomes a dynamic Business services Broadband Pakistan Call center Co-Locations DPLC Fixed line Satellite Phone Radio Maritime TV transmission Voice massaging service

2.6.3 Prepaid Calling Card

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telemarketing tool. This number allows your customer to call you for free and get the information required. 2.6.5 Universal Access Number Universal Access Number is one telephone number for your offices in different cities. 2.6.7 Virtual Private Network Any companies telephone exchange need virtual network. By using this software companies dont need a separate exchange. 2.6.8 Universal Personal Number Universal Personal Number is one number of your mobile or any phone. It is used throughout country wherever you go you can use that number. 2.6.9 Premium Rate Service Premium Rate Service is service in which the bills are paid in advance at particular rate and then the service is used for that. .Internet Services Broadband Pakistan is latest internet product of PTCL, that is DSL service and available in all major cities of the country. PTCL also provide Internet service at different Hour rates. With this service one can connect to Internet from any PTCL telephone line. 2.7 ROLE OF THE HR DEPARTMENT The Human Resource department of the company operates in an auxiliary, advisory, or facilitative relationship to other departments in the organization. Any staff unit, whether it be personnel or otherwise, exists to help the line effectively. It has been created in the first place to take advantage of specialized talent and knowledge.The H.R department of the company generally performs the following roles: Policy Initiation and formulation Advice Service Control 2.7.1 POLICY INITIATION AND FORMULATION The SEVP of the H.R. Department is the individual most actively involved in policy revision to cover recurring problem or to prevent anticipated problems.
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Ordinarily these are proposed to the president of the company, and it is up on the latters authority that the policy is actually issued. When proposing a new or revised policy the personnel director must analyze problem that have occurred in the past, survey other companies to determine how they handle similar situations, discuss the matter with colleagues and subordinates and give due consideration to the prevailing philosophy in the organization. 2.7.2 ADVICE A major portion of the activities of those engaged in staff personnel work is in the nature of counsel and advice to line manager. Countless examples can be given. A shop foreman may be confronted with a grievance over distribution of overtime. Another foreman may have the problem employee who he feels should be disciplined or even suspended. At the time of the annual review of all salaried personnel for possible pay increases, the operating manager plays a key role in advising operating manager on the administration of the program. 2.7.3 Control The H.R. Dept carries out important control functions. It monitors the performance of line department and other staff departments to ensure that they conform to established personnel policy, procedures, and practices. The control function of the personnel department is quite comparable to the activities of a quality control group that measures product variables to ensure conformance to engineering specifications or to the activities of the auditing staff that inspects accounting records to ascertain conformance with prescribed standards. 2.7.4 SERVICE The service responsibilities of the H.R. department are apparent when one examines such things are as the employment, training, and benefits functions. The tasks of recruiting, interviewing and testing job applicants are performed in the H.R. Dept.Training programs are planned, Organized and often staffed through the H.R. Dept.H.R. Dept must see that adequate instructional materials and facilities are available.Once pension and insurance programs have been setup, all claims must be through the H.R. Dept. The maintenance of adequate employee records is a service function that permeates all functional specialties within the personnel field.

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2.8 Hierarchy of PTCLs HRM department: Hierarchy of PTCLs HRM department is given in the following diagram

2.8 Services of HR Department.

1) HR planning 2) Recruiting and selection 3) Training and development 4) Rewards and compensation
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5) Performance appraisal


HR planning in general:

Human resources are the individual who make the workforce of any organization so we can say that human resources planning are the activities undertaken by the organization to ensure that it has the right kind and number of people at the right place and time, who can effectively perform certain activities to make the organization able to achieve its goal. Human resources planning convert the ultimate objectives of the organization into the number of employees that are necessary to achieve those objectives. Human resources planning is an important activity for any organization and must be carried out in a very careful manner as the success of the organization depends upon effective human resources planning. An organization must do HRP because It helps to determine the exact amount of human resources required and avoid over and under staffing problems. Human resources planning helps to tackle the factors that produce changes in job contents, required skills and required number of employees etc, these factors includes new technologies, competition,government policies and others. It helps to fairly decides about promotion opportunities. It provides important information about many other human related functions such as recruiting, training and development, performance appraisal etc. It also helps to find out imbalances in human resources and ultimately helps to reduce the cost. HR planning in PTCL: HR planning is required to predict the future requirements of workforce (human resources) in order to ensure the smooth running of organization and daily business activities. In PTCL the HRM planning has the following steps. First of all a job analysis is conducted, it is the process of identifying and finding the importance of different duties and activities in a specific job and then the data collected is used to know about the job description. Once job description is available, one can easily find out about the job specification (required knowledge, skills and abilities for the job). In PTCL, a concept is
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applied for job analysis which is the job; not the person to ensure that only job is analyzed but not the personal characteristics of the employee doing that job.
Once job analysis is completed, the nest step I step is to restructure and resize the organization, but this must be a right sizing rather than downsizing. The next step is to design and implement a performance management system to measure the performance of organization, department or individual to ensure that the performance

is efficient and effective and is consistently moving the organization towards the achievement of its goal.
In nest step the information about all the current employees is collected, this information is then taken into account during the decision process. A research study is conducted keeping in view all the problems to suggest a meaningful and helpful solution for it. All of the data is then integrated in HR MIS

(Management Information System). 2.8.2 Recruitment and selection in general: Recruitment is the process of attracting a larger pool of applicants for a specific vacancy in an organization by providing enough information about the job, its duties and skill required. While selection is the process of carefully analyzing the applicants, their skills, abilities, and conducting some sort of physical and mental tests along with the interview to select a highly qualified person for the job. Job analysis and job description provide basis for the recruitment process. A successful recruitment process is that which attract a larger number of qualified applicants so that you will have better chances of selecting a highly qualified person for the vacancy, this can be done by providing all the information about the vacancy and targeting the correct audience. General steps in recruitment and selection: 1 Recruitment and selection in general involve the following steps Sourcing the potential candidates through advertising or other methods. Screening the potential candidates using test and interviews. Short listing the qualified candidates. Comparing candidates with the selection criteria. Selecting the candidates that best fits with the selection criteria and is most suitable for work and organization.
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2. Sources of recruitment: In general there are two main sources of recruitment for an organization to choose candidates form; these are external sources and internal sources. 1.internal sources: This mean to choose a candidatefrom inside the organization to fill a vacancy either by transferring from one department to another of by promoting from lower level to a higher position. Other internal sources include upgrading, demotion,retired employees, and those referred by the existing employees etc. ii. External sources: When the organization recruits candidates from any sources, other than internal promotion or demotion, is called external recruitment. Sources for external recruitment are advertisement, training institutes, outsourcing agencies, labor contractors, etc. The following diagram explains the different sources of recruitment.

Recruitment process in PTCL: Like any other well developed organization, PTCL also has a standard pattern for the recruitment of new employees. PTCL makes fresh recruitment only in following fields. Technical

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Human resources department (HR expert and manager) Finance and accounting Business development and marketing Information technology and IT experts Steps in recruitment process at PTCL: 1. Step 1: In first step of the recruitment process, the job vacancy is announced in print or electronic media, this step is based on the job analysis, from the information collected in job analysis, the HR department designs a job description and job specifications, and the vacancy is announced with its complete description and specifications. Another important consideration at this step is to decide the target audience, if this is not done correctly, the recruitment will be a waste of time and money and as there will be a lesser number of applicants so there will be no chance to hire a highly qualified person. 2. Step 2: In nest step the applications are collected from the candidate. Candidates can also apply through PTCLs official websites and submit their CVs. All of these applications and CVs are then judged by the HR and selection committee and the non qualified applications are removed from the pool while the applications that fulfill the required qualification are shortlisted for further processing. The results of job analysis also provide inputs in this step and the applications appraised against information obtained from job analysis. 3. Step 3: The result of the second step is a list of qualified applicants, all having the skills required for the job vacancy, so in this step, the HR department of PTCL conducts a test to further scrutinize the technical knowledge of the shorted listed candidates and generate a pool of only highly qualified and committed candidates. 4. Step 4: In nest step, PTCL invites the candidates who were successful in test for interview. The interview is conducted because many areas of personality can not be judged by formal tests and examinations such as motivation, ability to work under pressure, values and beliefs etc. 5. Step 5: The last step of the recruitment process is the verification of document and certificates
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Sources of recruitment for PTCL: Just like the normal recruitment process, PTCL also has two sources of recruitment that is internal sources and external sources. Both of these are explained in the context of PTCL as following. 1. Internal recruitment in PTCL: In internal recruitment the candidates for a new vacancy are recruited from inside the PTCL organization. This is a simple search method in which the HR staff analyzes the current employees of PTCL and selects one of them for the vacancy on the basis of his potential and his right. To get the desired person, HR staff advertises the job with all of its specifications and descriptions inside the organization using notice board and memorandums.Usually for higher and senior management positions, PTCL does internal recruitment. 2. External recruitment in PTCL: For lower level management and technical officers, PTCL usually conducts and external recruitment process, in which the applicants are invited from external environment, outside of the PTCL organization. PTCL uses many methods for external recruitment. Sometimes they simply advertise the job in print and electronic media and invites application from candidates. They also uses their official website to advertise job and collect CVs, sometimes job portal websites are used for this purpose such as Irrespective of any method for external recruitment, the main purpose is to absorb talented and professional candidates in the organization and to provide an equal opportunity of employment for all the citizens of Pakistan. Quota system in PTCL recruitment: To provide equal opportunities to all the citizens of Pakistan, PTCL is offering specific quota for all provinces of Pakistan, besides this it also has reserved seats for women and for handicapped. Selection process in PTCL: The PTCL selection process is considered one of the effective functions of its HR and administration department. This process follows the following pattern. Interview for the selection process in PTCL:

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In PTCL interview is considered one of the most important tool of the selection process to analyze the applicants and their abilities. PTCL uses both the structured interview and the unstructured interview method. 1. Structured interview: The structured interviews are the most formal types of interviews, in this method the interviewer pre planned his interview and prepare a list of questions that will be asked from the candidate. Usually for higher position and highly technical post this type of interview in conducted from candidates. 2. Unstructured interview: This can be termed as informal interview. The interviewer enters the interview with out any preparation for it and there is no pre planned list of question, in some cases the interviewer acts very politely and frankly. This type of interview is usually conducted when hiring on lower level or when the job is not very high technical. 2.8.3 Training and development in general: In an organizational setup, training and development is the process of enhancing skills, knowledge and abilities of human resources in order to bring efficiency and effectiveness in daily work activities and to help the organization to achieve its goal. It is the process of changing knowledge and skills to enhance the employees performance, in fact, it is not something that organization wants to achieve, but it help the organization to achieve what it wants. Training and its types: Training is the process of enhancing skills, knowledge and abilities of an individual with a focus on the current job assignments. In general there are two types of training that is on ht job training and off the job training; both of these are explained as under. 1. On the job training: In on the job training, the employees are working at their job while same time, they are receiving the training. As employees remain on their workplace so this training help to reduce the time lost and cost of training. Some simpler methods used for on the job training are Job rotation in which the trainee is assigned different duties at different departments in organization in succession so he can build a wide range of experience. This method is usually adopted for internees during their internship programs.
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Coaching involves a close relationship with a senior employee in an organization; the trainee is assigned to work under that senior employee who continuously provides support and supervision to the trainee. Projects in this method the trainees are assigned to work with the project teams who provide support and allow them to participate in new activities. Demonstrative instructions just showing the trainee how to do a specific job Advantages of on the job training: This is the most cost effective and less time consuming. Provides opportunity to learn with the same situation and equipments. Employees remain productive during training. Training occurs with the real world colleagues and bosses. No extra equipments are needed for training. Disadvantages of on the job training: Highly dependent in the availability of time and the ability of trainer. It may disrupt production. The core activity of trainer and trainee might be affected. Difficulties in finding a right person to conduct it. 2. Off the job training: In this method of training, employees are moved away from their workplace, usually to an institute or university to be trained. Mostly used off the job methods are given as following. Day release in which employees attend college or institute in off work hours during work day. Block release courses that need employees to spend several weeks at some college or institute or college for training. Sandwich courses in which employees spends a very longer time period in institute for training. Evening classes in this method employees join an institute and attend the classes at evening after the work day. Advantages of off the job training: Employees can learn new skills and experience from the outside specialists and experts. A wide rang of skills can be addressed in off the job training methods. Increase the employees level of confident and they can start their job
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more confidently. It provides opportunity to interact with the employees from other organizations. Employees focus remains on learning. Disadvantages of off the job training: Transportation and accommodation increases the cost of training. Employees are not productive during their training and hence the production activities might be affected. The new and better skill may cause some employees to leave the organization for some better job opportunity. Although employees are trained, but they will still required some basic instruction to take a start in the organization, specially the new employees. Employee development: Employee development is the process of enhancing skills and knowledge keeping in view the future responsibilities of the employees,unlike training in employee development the focus is on future job assignment. For the development process to be successful there must be a balance between employees personal objectives and organizational overall goals. In general there are two types of employee development that is career development and management development. 1. Career development: It is the process of planning employees career in such a way that their need match with the organizational goals and objectives, it helps the employees to move up in the company and attain some authoritative position in the company. 2. Management development: In management development, the organization tends to build a strong management team by initiating special type of programs from which managers can learn how to improve their skill to benefit themselves and their organization. Employees training and development at PTCL: There are five types of employees working at Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited. These are Permanent employees On-Contract employees Daily Wages Employees
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Employees are in Telecom Foundation On Deputation PTCL has special type of training programs for each of the employees category working at the company. For the effective training, PTCL has build its own training and development institute throughout the country, details of these institutes are as following. One national post graduate college of telecom and informatics. A telecommunication staff college at Haripur. Two regional telecom training schools at Karachi and Lahore. Nine regional telecom training schools in Peshawar, D.I Khan,Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Multan, Sialkot, Quetta, & Hyderabad. Fifteen Divisional telecom training centers (75 students each). To increase the effectiveness of the training wing of PTCL Etisalat academy is jointly working with PTCL on a project, the main objectives of this project is as Evaluate thee training programs and find its effectiveness. Constructing new training institutes. Developing planes for new and up to date training programs. Evaluation of the workforce working and T&D department. Introducing computerized learning programs. Determination of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Different types of training at PTCL: Different types of training programs that PTCL is currently providing to its employees are given as following. 1. Pre service training: This program is especially designed for the newly joined employees. Before putting them on their jobs, they are given training in their respective field such as engineers, line mans and other technical positions. 1. Pre promotion training: When and employee is decided to promote to some higher level or the nature of work is changed, they are provide training to make them capable of accepting new responsibilities and working efficiently on the new posting. 2. Computer and technical training: This training is necessary for technical staff to control and work with the computer system of PTCL. There are also some computer training programs for non
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technical and management staff to enhance their working such as MS Office, data base and MIS training.

3. In service courses: These are some sort of special courses designed for line mans, cable jointers and technicians. Duration of this course is normally two years. 4. Technical short courses: Technical short courses are designed to make the employees aware of the new technologies and market environment. These are initiated when a new technology is installed or when a new plan of action is put into action. The purpose is to introduce the employees with change. 5. Internship program: PTCL also offers internship programs for students and graduates toenhance their skills and abilities and to increase their employment opportunities. The duration of this program is normally two months and acompletion certificate is issued for successful internees. Employee development programs at PTCL: PTCL has effectives programs for employees development; it facilitates career development as well as management development process. PTCL says that employees and company are partners in employees career development and continuously provides assistance and support for the process. PTCL takes following step to enhance the career development process. Provides financial and educational assistance. Encourages opportunities and provides leaves for higher education in foreign countries at scholarship. Send employees for training and short courses to foreign countries. Provides local training and scholarship studies. PTCL is also working for management development, for this purpose they adopt the following methods. 1. Job rotation: In this method the trainee is continuously rotated to different job positions in organization so he/she can develop a wide range of experience and can become a

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generalist. In simple it helps to widen the managers perspective about the organization. 2. Serving committee: In this process the individuals are assigned to serve the experienced management so they can closely observe them and can learn from them. 3. Outside experiences: In this process the trainees are send to attend workshop, seminars and conferences so they can enrich their management skills and abilities

2.8.4 Reward and COMPENSATION

The work of designing and installing a job evaluation program is handled, for the part,by the H.R. department with some consultation with line managers. The decision to adopt a particular pay structure with pay grades and fixed minimums and maximums for the grades is a top management responsibility.The day-to-day work of analyzing jobs, evaluating their worth according to a formal job evaluation plan, and maintaining suitable records is are H.R. dept. functions Periodic wage are conducted by the H.R. dept, but any firm decision to rise or change the entire schedule is particularly always reserved for the chief executive officer of the organization. Following three types of compensation packages are being served to PTCL staff. 1) N.B.P.S (National Basic Pay Scale) 2) N.C.P.G (New Compensation Pay Grades) 3) N.T.C (New Terms and Conditions) HEALTH AND SAFETY A significant part on occupational health programs is the identification and control of agents within the working environment that can cause occupational diseases. Some agents may be gases, dusts, fumes, toxic chemicals and metals, noise, heat, radiation, biological substances and stress. Industrial hygienists are employed to identify and control such hazards to health. Other important elements of an employee health programs are pre-employment medical examinations, periodic examinations for those working on jobs having exposure to occupational disease-causing agents, rendering of first aid, treatment of minor ailments such as colds and headache, and providing health education information. Small companies typically hire physicians, nurses and industrial hygienists only on the consulting and part time basis. DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE

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Discipline has two principal meanings. In the first sense it means training that molds or corrects. This means the achieving and maintaining of orderly employee behavior because the people understand and believe in the established codes of conduct. The second meaning of the term discipline refers to punishment of wrongdoers. The H.R. department commonly assumes the responsibility for formulating the list of necessary rules together with the range of penalties for each offense. Frequently this list of rules and penalties is discussed and cleared with high-level line management before it is issued and communicated throughout the organization. LABOR RELATIONS . The H.R. department plays very significant role in labor-management relations. The director of industrial relation usually serves as a key member of the bargaining team often acting a chief management spokesman. In operating on a dayto-day basis under the terms of the labor agreement, line supervision often finds frequently occasion to consult the H.R. department regarding such matters like allocation of over time, handling of transfers and layoffs, and the application of contract work rules. BENEFITS AND SERVICES Included under this category are pensions, group life insurance, hospital and medical insurance, sickness leave pay plans, supplemental unemployment compensation, loan funds, credit unions, social programs, recreational programs and college tuition refunds plans.The actual decision to establish or to expand these programs is nearly always made by top line management upon the advice and consultation of the H.R. department. ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT Organization development is a general approach for improving the effectiveness of an organization that utilizes a variety of applied behavioral science methodologies. Among the objective of the OD are to increase the level of trust and supportiveness among people in the organization, enhance interpersonal skills, make communication more open and direct, directly confront problems and to tap the knowledge of all who can contribute to problem solutions wherever they may be in the organization. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY

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Very commonly the Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP HR) in the company bears the major responsibility for insuring that the organization complies with the various equal employment opportunity laws and regulations. She or he often delegates the dayto-day detailed administration to someone within the H.R. department who either specializes in this field of work or who performs these duties along with others department such as the employment function. Usually the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company, whether she or he is called the chairman/chairperson of the board or the president, plays a key role in the formulation and implementation of equal employement policy. PERSONNEL INFORMATION SYSTEM Today, many organizations have staffs of people trained in mathematical analysis,computers, and management information systems. Some companies have applied these capabilities to personnel work. Among the applications have been human resources planning, skills inventories, employee benefits analysis, and productivity studies.

2.8.5 Performance appraisal;

Definition and explanation: Performance appraisal is the process of measuring the actual work performance of individual usually in terms o quality, quantity and time to ensure that every thing is going as planned and to suggest any corrective action if there is a deviation from the original path. The purpose of performance appraisal is to improve the performance. It also help in finding the training need and the documented results of the process can enhances decision about reward, compensations, promotion and career development. The general process of performance appraisal is depicted in the following diagram.

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Performance appraisal at PTCL: The main objective of the performance appraisal in PTCL is the same for any other organization, To improve the performance of employees.Despite this, there are some other objectives, given as under To decide about pay, and other benefits To find any need for training To decide about reward and compensation To provide inputs about career planning and development. In PTCL, the rating scale method is used to measure the performance of the employees, in this method different taints or qualities of employees are measured using a bipolar rating scale and each trait is assigned a rate a value from a given set of values (poor to excellent or something like that). These traits includes communication, punctuation, skill, quality work etc. a diagrammatic representation of rating scale is give following.

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Here I am giving my SWOT analysis form. I tried to use my keen observation in order to find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. As it is very difficult for a researcher to discuss with the employees of any organization about its weaknesses, moreover they are also not so much open in telling their strengths and opportunities in front of them. Where there is a company in operation it has to work in two kinds of environment i.e. The external environment and internal environment of the company. For a company to avail maximum and avoid maximum, it has to know what it has to avail and what it has to avoid. The external environment has to be scanned by the management for any arising opportunities or any critical threats. The resources of a company constitute its strengths and weaknesses External factors are broadly categorized into: Economic forces Social, cultural, demographic, and environmental forces Political, governmental and legal forces Technological forces Competitive forces etc Internal factors are; Marketing strength of firm Financial/Accounting resources Management Computer information system Production/operations etc 4.1 WHY SWOT ANALYSIS IS CONDUCTED: A SWOT Analysis is conducted by the company so that it is able to position itself to take advantage of particular opportunities in the environment and to avoid or minimize environmental threats. In doing so, the organization attempts to emphasize its strengths and moderate the impact of weaknesses. The analysis is also useful for uncovering strengths that have not been fully utilized and in identifying weaknesses that can be corrected. Matching information about the environment with the
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organization's capabilities enables management to formulate realistic strategies for attaining its goals. STRENGTHS Up to date technology Monopoly over the local market Skilled Human Resource Innovative policies Availability of infrastructure Liberal policies for IT investments Government support High profits Large no of staff Power to make policies Large network Globally recognizable Good Credibility WEAKNESSES Regional & Domestic Political Instability Weak economy & corporate profiles Over staffing Poor employee relations Professional jealously Corruption (TA/DA etc.) Unionization Analog technology Slow decision Poor marketing Conflicts Nepotism Favoritism Inefficient staff Non motivated staff People resist changes Poor staffing
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OPPORTUNITIES Market Size Privatization & liberalization Govt. IT operations & projects Innovation Introduce new technology THREATS Political Instability New cellular companies Privatization bad debts Economys depression 4.2 IDENTIFICATION OF A MAIN PROBLEM There is a bureaucratic set up prevailing in PTCL which can not be turned into an efficient organization simply by giving it autonomy in some matters. Just as an elephant in the zoo will not walk away as a free animal even after its shackles are removed, the habits and the culture of the bureaucratese do not change even after they are told that they are now autonomous in their working. But because of privatization, development of a medium to long term strategic plan is changing the situation to the operational plan driven by commercial requirements.

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The Human Resources should take less time in recruitment and training the staff. Highly qualified & trained staff may be deputed in HR department. Refreshing courses should be adequate and more frequent during the year. The promotional criteria by the Human Resource Department should be defined and be as per rules. More training centers should be established. If there is lack of resources, it is difficult, the training centers of the other organizations in the same capacity can be utilized by determining the terms and conditions. During the training by Human Resource Department the ethical values should be more emphasized. The proper and competitive evaluation of the methods and procedures adopted by other competitors will enhance the performance of Human Resource Department. This is the era of Information Technology. The functions and procedures of the company should be converted from manual to the automatic. It will enhance the performance & accuracy of the Human Resource Department and ultimately of the company. Human Resource Department should allocate resources for this purpose. Human Resource Department may advice and train employees for one window operation in order to reduce the time and conserve the resources. Agents for the promotion of the company policies and to facilitate the Customers by the Human Resource Department may be appointed with proper check and balance system. Pay packages may be revised in the light of profit earned by them Organization.

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CONCLUSIONS: To fulfill the requirement of the MBA degree program, I have completed my internship with PTCL for about two months. During this period I have gained a lot of knowledge and practical experience. I have practically realized the importance of individual/practical work. The very important things which I learnt are, like any other basic sphere of modern socio-industrial activities, Telecommunication is a main and important field for the development of any country. The staff of organization is highly qualified and their behavior is friendly. Also the working environment of organization is very good. So I recommend all students who do their internship in future, should do the training program with PTCL because this is very good institution of learning.No doubt PTCL is enjoying monopoly but the time is came when competition will force company to change its policies to become favorite telecom service provider in the market & keep its current place &customer base. The actual working substances are the human beings .It goes with out saying that Human resources are the most important in the organization and so does the Human Resource Department .It integrate all the activities and functions of the company like job analysis, recruitment, staffing, training,designing compensation package, employees appraisal system. Human Resource Department plays the key role in the hiring, retention, motivation and promotion of the employees .Actually it assign the specified duties to the specified persons in this age of specialization. Human Resource manager should be well versed and confident in his field. He should be humane, well natured and have go face reading capabilities .All this ensures his success. He should be of the notion victory is not everything, but the way of fighting.

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Annexure and Appendices:

Questionnaire for internship report on PTCLs HRM department I would like to appreciate your participation in this survey HRM department and its activities of PTCL, your answers will help me to complete my study. This information will not be used for any other purpose. Personal information of the respondent: Name:. Age:. Address: Position at ptcl : Experience(years):.. Department:... Instructions: answer the questions as per instructions. Q.1 Are you satisfied from the HR planning of your company? Yes No If no why: _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Q.2 Do you think there are equal promotion opportunities? Yes No If no why: ________________________________________________________

Q.3 In which areas, do you think you need training?

___________________________________________________________ Q.4 Do you think the companys training is effective? Yes No If no why: _________________________________________________________

Q.5 Do you think the HR department is fair in selection and recruitment?

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Yes No If no why: _________________________________________________________

Q.6 Are you satisfied from the companys reward and compensation policies? Yes No If no why: __________________________________________________________ Q.7 what do you think about the companys performance appraisal? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Q.8 how much is your overall satisfaction from PTCL? (Select one). (Extremely dissatisfied) (Extremely satisfied) 1 2 3 4 5

Q.9 Which is your Department? (Service , Sales , Parts , Other)

Q.10 Have you receive any of the following training? ( On the Job , Off the Job)

Q.11 Is the training environment friendly? (Yes , No , Dont Know)

Q.12 Are the training program scheduled? (Yes , No , Dont Know)

Q.13 Is the evaluation procedure fair? (Yes , No , Dont Know)

Q.14 Is every one were given a chance to participate in training? (Yes , No , Dont Know)

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Q.15 Is the selection for training fair and transparent? (Yes , No , Dont Know)

Q.16 Has training enhanced your skill, knowledge and performance? (Yes , No , Dont Know)

Q.17 Are your trainers properly trained to conduct training programs? (Yes , No , Dont Know)

Q.18 Did the training meet you learning requirement? (Yes , No , Dont Know)


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