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1- Introduction To Robotics:

the American robot industry association (RIA) defines a robot as a "manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices, through variable programmer motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. In general, the arm of a robot has a number of joints. The current approach to the design of control systems for robot joints is to treat each joint of the robot arm as a simple joint servomechanism, ignoring the effects of the movements of all other joints. Figure-1 illustrates a single-joint arm, without an the joint shown. The actuator is assumed to be an armature-control dc servomotor.

Figure (1): Robot arm joint.

The power source, usually called an actuator, is come type of device used to drive the robot. The three basic types of actuators used today are: (1) hydraulic, (2) electric, and (3) pneumatic. The mechanical arm mechanism of a jointed-arm robot is called the manipulator, and usually consists of base, an arm having a series of axis or joints and a power source. The manipulator is used to move a device called an

End-Effecter, in any number of directions. The end-effecter most frequently used is a hand or Gripper.

1.1- The Arm Axis:

The first axis (Base axis) corresponds to the human waist and rotates the body about the base. This axis provides "arm sweep" and only moves in a horizontal plane. The second axis (shoulder axis) corresponds to the human shoulder and providers "shoulder swivel", this joints permits movement only in a vertical plane. The third axis (Elbow axis) is similar to the human elbow and provides "elbow extension", which allows the end-effecter to be positioned at different distances from the body. The fourth axis (wrist roll is similar to a rotating human wrist. The fifth axis (wrist pitch axis) corresponds to the bending of a human wrist. The computer commands are sent to the robot controller from the computer through the parallel-printer port that transmit ASCII characters codes. These command manipulate the axis and gripper, provide time delays, select the speed of operation, control the output ports and limit switches, and store data in memory.

1.2- Servomotor:
a servomotor is a dc motor designed specifically to be used in a closed-loop control system. The circuit diagram of a servomotor is given in figure-2.

Figure (2): Servomotor.

em ( s) = K m

d dt

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

d dt

Em ( s ) = K ms ( s ) E a ( s ) = ( Lms + Rm ) I a ( s ) + E m ( s)
I a (s) = E a ( s) E m ( s) Lms + Rm

(t ) = K I a (t )

the torque equation is:

J d 2 dt

= (t ) B

(6) (7) (8)

T ( s ) = ( J S 2 + B S ) (s )

(s ) =

T (s) J S2 +BS

The block diagram of servomotor is given in figure-3

Figure (3): Block diagram of servomotor.

Figure (4): Gears.

r11 = r22

1r2 = r1 2 2 = J
d 2 dt 2 r1 = r 2 2
1 The arm is connected to motor through gears, with a gear ratio of n = r

2- Robot Program Statements:

statement # Print " statement # Lprint " " "

The first statement contains the command print (to output screen). The next command, Lprint (to output to the pro-arm).

3- Stepping Motors:
A stepping motor has the capability of rotating in either direction, starting or stopping at varios positions and moving its rotor in precise angular increments for each input excitation change or digital step pulse. The precise angular movement is repeated for each input step command, which allows the motor to accurately moves its rotor to a known repeatable position. So stepper motors can be used to control position in low-power, low speed application. They can be used to control stepping axis very precisely.

4- Robot Commands:

4.1- Move Command M(ove):

As already mentioned, the pro-arm used six stepping motors, five to move the axis and one to operate the griper. Therefore, each movement command must include instruction for each motor.
statement # Pr int "Mm1,m 2 , m3, m 4 , m5 , m6" statement # L Pr int "Mm1,m 2 , m3, m 4 , m5, m6"

4.1.1- Axis Movement Specifications:

Figure-5 shows the maximum distance, in degree and steps, that each axis may move from its zero position. Axis Base Shoulder Elbow Direction cw ccw up down up down cw Wrist Roll ccw down Wrist Pitch up Gripper close open Motor M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M4 M5 M4 M5 M4 M5 M6 +/+ + + + + + + + Max Steps 1000 1000 600 600 500 500 7200 7200 900 900 2000 2000 Example M1000,0,0,0,0,0 M-1000,0,0,0,0,0 M0,600,0,0,0,0 M0,-600,0,0,0,0 M0,0,500,0,0,0 M0,0,-500,0,0,0 M0,0,0,7200,7200,0 M0,0,0,-7200,7200,0 M0,0,0,900,-900,0 M0,0,0,-900,900,0 M0,0,0,0,0,2000 M0,0,0,0,0,-2000

4.2- Zero And Nest Command (Z and N):

one of the positions that the pro-arm is often required to remember is its "Home" position. This is done using the Z(ero) (zero-position) and N(est) commands.

4.3- The Speed Command(s):

The stepping motors are used to move the axis in the pro-arm. The motors may be controlled to move the arm in any one of five different speeds as shown in Table-1. Speed No. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 1 2 3 4 5 Description Very slow Slow Medium Fast Very fast Movement speed 64 mm/sec 102 mm/sec 127 mm/sec 128 mm/sec 203 mm/sec


4.4- The Position P, Here H, And Goto G, commands:

using the P(osition) command to memorize a specified position, and H(ere) command to memorize a current position. The G(o-to) command is used to recall a position that has been memorized using either the P(osition) or H(ere) command, and then used to instruct the pro-arm to move the position. P(osition) command is identified by different number following the P (e.g., P1, P2,P3, etc). Hn and Gn.

4.5- Delay Command (D):

The pro-arm uses the D(elay) command to that the arm movement for specified length of time. "Dn" means that it is to delay the pro-arm's movement for 13 seconds. n must be integer from 1 to 99.

4.6- The Open And Close Commands (O and C):

The gripper (hand) may be opened as part of a move command using any number of negative steps up to minus 2000. It may also be closed using the move command with the same number of steps that was used to open it, by giving a positive number. However, if it is to be fully opened or fully closed, all that is necessary is to use the open or close command.

4.7- The Limit Command, L:

The pro-arm uses the L(imit) command to stop the arm from trying to move past its maximum travel position. The format of this command is Ln where n is either a 1 or 0. The 1 will turn ON (activate) the limit operation and a 0 will (deactivate) turn it off.

LAB EXPLORATION: Purpose: The exploration will provide the practice using most of the pro-arm
commands within a BASIC program setting.

Exuipemnt: IBM-compatible computer system, pro-arm Robot, pro-arm Grid


a)- check the system installation. b)- boot your BASIC software up by typing GWBASIC and pressing


c)- at the BASIC prompt, type the follwing programs and explain the results.

20 30 35 40 45 50 60 Print "Z" Print "S2" Print "M1000,0,0,0,0,0" LPrint "M1000,0,0,0,0,0" Print "M-1000,0,0,0,0,0" LPrint "M1000,0,0,0,0,0" Print "END" : END : LPrint "Z" : LPrint "S2"

20 30 Print "Z" : LPrint "Z" Print "P1,500,0,0,0,0,0" : LPrint "P1,500,0,0,0,0,0"

40 40 50 60 70 90

Print "P2,500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0" LPrint "M1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0" Print "G1" Print "N" Print "G2" Print "END"

: LPrint

"P2,500,0,0,0,0,0" : LPrint "G1" : LPrint "N" : LPrint "G2" : END

20 30 40 50 60 Print "Z" Print "O" Print "D10" Print "C" Print "END" : LPrint "Z" : LPrint "O" : LPrint "C10" : LPrint "C" : END

20 25 30 35 50 60 70 80 90 Print "Z" : LPrint "Z" Print "M0,-450,300,0,0,0" LPrint "M0,-450,300,0,0,0" Print "M-1000,0,0,0,0,0" : LPrint "M-1000,0,0,0,0,0" Print "D5" "For x=1 To 8" Print "M250,0,0,0,0,0" Print "D5" Print "Next x" : LPrint "D5" : For x=1 To 8 : LPrint " M250,0,0,0,0,0" : LPrint "D5" : Next x : LPrint "N"

100 Print "N"

110 Print "END"


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