Irish Republican Army

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Michele Kuznicki Corey Willett Michael Griffin Eric Manley Ronald Matten INDT 479/592 Domestic and Foreign

Terrorism Eastern Michigan University Skip Lawver/Bill Dangler


Irish Republican Army

Table of Contents Page Introduction - Michele Kuznicki ------------------------------------- 3 History - Group --------------------------------------------------------- 5 Political Side - Michael Griffin -------------------------------------- 11 Leadership - Eric Manley --------------------------------------------- 14 Aid, Support and Funding - Ronald Matten ------------------------ 21 Conclusion - Michele Kuznicki -------------------------------------- 24 Presentation - Group

Introduction by

Michele Kuznicki The purpose for the entire presentation is to inform interested students issues that surround the Irish Republic Army.

First, the History of the Irish Republic Army established in Ireland explains from the beginning of 6000 BC. Continuing through the 11th and 12th centuries showing the changes of rulers throughout the 16th century by the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Second, the Political Side by Michael Griffin, expresses the struggle of Ireland of its social and economic development as well as equality. Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain has had many battles dating back to 6000 BC. While Ireland constantly campaigned for civil rights, they were divided and the British government was successful. Yet parts of Ireland still continued their struggle for unilateral independence.

Third, the Leadership by Eric Manley, although during the many years Ireland had many leaders. Notably, Michael Collins, born in 1890, began

freedom fighting (guerrilla warfare) in 1919. He was elected to the Sin Fein Executive and continues his campaign of assassination, bombings and arms smuggling. In 1921, he was elected chairman of Dublin following the signing of a peace treaty. Great Britain broke the peace treaty, beginning the Civil War which Michael was the only one killed in an ambush on his return home.

Fourth, the Aid, Support and Funding by Ronald Matten, shows the Ireland was mainly self-supported by its own government in organizing forces to battle against Great Britain. Guerrilla forces targeted the British in bombings and assassinations to secure arms to support their forces. The IRA was also supported by America and received training from Libya (Colonel Gadaffi), the Palestine Liberation Army (PLO), the Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) and the United States. Great Britain.

Human settlement began around 6000 BC by hunters and fishers on the east coast. Celtic Ireland included a large number on small kingdoms called the Five Fifths - of Ulster, Leinster, Munster, and Connaught from the beginning of the Christian era. St. Patrick is credited for Christianizing Ireland, which shaped the Irish church.

During the 11th and 12th century, boundaries were established by Henry II, encouraged by Popes Adrian IV and Alexander III. Henry II proclaimed overlord of Ireland and secured recognition of his of his actions from the church leaders. In the 15th century a small region of Ireland was ruled by the earls of Kildare until the 16th century.

In the late 1700s, Irish Protestants began to agitate English control, which restored same civil rights to Catholics. A revolt in 1798 forced British action in 1801 between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. This created a breach between the Catholics and the Protestants, which resulted in the Great Hunger of 1845 - 1852. More than a million people starved and more than a million people emigrated.

The Fenian movement resulted in some Parliamentary reforms supported by Ireland and America for its struggle to achieve an Irish Republic. Agitation continued throughout 1912, several home rule measures failed, and despite the interventions of World War I, the Irish provisional

government was proclaimed in 1916. In 1920 the government of Ireland Act was adopted creating northern and southern Ireland. Southern Ireland became the Irish Free State in 1921 and was changed to Eire in 1937.

In 1949 in response to the British government's Ireland Act which reinforced partition all parties in the Irish parliament declared their unanimous opposition to partition. The same year the IRA issued an Order which forbade military action against the forces of the 26-County state. The early 1950s saw an anti-partition campaign conducted by Irish governments and supported by all parties in parliament. Its ineffectiveness in the face of the British government's indifference contributed to the renewal of the IRA.

Through 1970 and 1971 the IRA gained increasing support in nationalist districts in the Six Counties and among nationalists throughout Ireland. This accelerated with the introduction of internment without trial in 1971. IRA Volunteers carried out a campaign of urban guerrilla warfare against the British army and economic bombings in Northern cities and towns.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s confidential contacts were maintained between British government representatives and the IRA. These channels proved unproductive of an understand were maintained between British government representatives and the IRA.

From August 31, 1994 the Irish Republican Army ceased military operations and attempted a Truce with Britain. Britain demanded that the IRA to unilaterally surrender their arms. The IRA criticized the British of bad faith and unionist intersurgence and rejected their demands.

February 9, 1996: This statement announced the renewal of military operations by the IRA, and accused the British government of squandering an opportunity for peace. Later that month the IRA cited a lack of an effective democratic approach and British abuse of the peace process as the reasons for its failure.

April 4, 1996: In its traditional Easter greeting, the IRA said there would be no return to a Stormont assembly but said it remained ready to help in developing a meaningful negotiations process.



Description The IRA is a radical terrorist group formed in the 1969 as a clandestine military wing of Sinn Fein the legal political movement dedicated to remove the British forces from north Ireland and unify Ireland.


The IRA has a history of violence including bombings, assassinations, kidnapping, extortion And robberies. Since breaking the cease fire agreement in 1996 the IRA has been on a bombing Campaign against train and subway stations , shopping areas in mainland Britain and military Targets in northern Ireland and the European continent .


The IRAs active membership is estimated to be several hundred , plus several hundred sympathizers.


External Aid

The IRA has received economic aid form Libya , the Palestine liberation organization (PLO) and thousands Of dollars from sympathizers in the US including a US congressman.

To Understand the political side of the IRA one must first look at Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein is the oldest political party in Ireland , they take there name from The Irish expression for We ourselves. Since being founded in 1905 they Have worked for the rights of the Irish people to attain their independence.

Sinn Fein seeks an end to partition which is the cause of conflict, injustice And division in Ireland. Sinn Fein wants the establishment of a new Ireland based on social and economic Development ; genuine democracy , participation , equality and justice at all levels.

Sinn Fein is a Irish republican party. There objective is to end British rule in Ireland. They seek national independence of Ireland as a sovereign state. Sinn Fein wants to Transform Irish society into a democratic settlement . We know that peace is not Simply the absence of violence . real peace a lasting peace- is based on democracy, Justice, freedom and equality. Enter the IRA.

Sinn Fein believes beyond the present conflict, beyond this phase of their history That all people of Ireland will be united .The Sinn Fein vision is one of redistribution Of wealth , for the well-being of the


aged, for the advancement of youth , for the Liberation of women and for the protection of there children.

The Sinn Fein party officials do not often comment on the operations of the IRA, but They do say that Sinn Fein is committed to peace . They have sought to construct a Peace process which reaches out and embraces everyone on the Island on the basis of Equality .

The Sinn Fein objective is for an agreement that will earn the respect and allegiance of All sections of people . To achieve this and over objective ,Sinn Fein is supporting the Good Friday agreement , which Sinn Fein reached with other northern parties and the British governments following multi-party negotiations in Belfast.

Sinn Feins peace strategy was supported by a renewal of the 1994 cessation of the armed Struggle by the military wing of Sinn Fein the Irish republican party and was reinstated At this years annual conference called Ard Fheis.

Sinn Fein is seeking to build on the success of its 1998 election campaigns , which produced Vital gains for the party with voters reelecting Party president Gerry Adams, and Chief Negotiator Martin McGuinness.

By Michael Griffin


LEADERSHIP IN THE IRISH REPUBLIC ARMY Michael Collins 1890-1922 Commander-in-Chief Michael Collins, an Irish freedom fighter who essentially invent modern guerrilla warfare when he founded the Irish Republic Army. Leading thousands of fighting Irish, Collins liberated parts of Ireland from the British control in 1921.

On October 16, 1890, Michael Collins was born near Sams Cross, a Hamlet in West Cork. The young Michael grew up spearhead fishing for Salmon in the river and sea and played among the cliffs above Black Beach and at Cliodhnas Rock.

Michael was born to a Michael John Collins and Marianne Obrien. Michael was the youngest of eight children. Michael was born when his father was seventy-five, unfortunately Michael was only six when his father died.


Michael attended a national school at Lisavaird where he met a schoolmaster named Dennis Lyons, who was a active member at the Irish Republic Brotherhood (IRB). A secret organization dedicated to Ousting the British from Ireland - by force if necessary. Dennis was Michaels tutor in giving him a sense of pride of the Irish as a race.

Michael went to London where he became active in the Gaelic Athletic League and in the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) where he later became the secretary and president of the IRB. In 1916 Michael returned home to Ireland where he became a recognized organizer and immediately following, began to rebuild the IRB.

In 1919, Michael, he was elected to the Sinn Fein Executive. 1917-1918 his activities included creating a intelligence network. Organizing a

national loan fund for Rebellion, Creating and Assassination Squad (The


twelve Apostle) and arms-smuggling operations. By 1920, Michael was wanted by the British and had a $10,000 Price tag on his head.

Two years later, Michael and a best friend name Harry Boland (another IRB member) went to Lincoln Gaol in England to help Eamon de Valera Escape. A member of the Irish Republic Army.


By the mid 1919 the Anglo-Irish War had begun with the first shots being fired at Solo Headbeg. Over the next year the Royal Irish Constabulary became the target of Sinn Fein Terror Campaign which was orchestrated by Michael. He felt there was much to gain by provoking England to war.

In the late 1919 the IRB had infiltrated the leadership of the volunteers and directing its pace on the violence. Michael was made president of the IRB Supreme Council. At the same time, he was Minister for Finance in Dail government and commander of the Irish Republic Army (IRA). Michael


became acting president after Arthur Griffiths was arrested in 1920 and de Valera left for America. Michael and de Valera co-operated, however, there were differences between them.


Later the British responded with violence. Special forces were sent over to impose curfews and Martial law on Irish. These forces became known as the Black and Tans after a popular Limerick Hunt Group because of their dark green and khaki uniforms. Also, another veteran force from the great war, called the Auxiliaries joined them thus beginning a pattern of assassination and reprisal.

In November 1921, Michael Collins gave the order for the IRA to launch an assassination on the British, resulting in 14 British Officers being assassinated which effectively destroyed the British Secret Service in Ireland. In Reprisal, the Black and Tans launched a attack on a crowd


watching a football game at Croke Park - twelve people were killed, this day became known as Bloody Sunday throughout the world.


In 1921, the day after truce was signed, de Valera led a delegation to London for peace talks with the British Prime Minister. These talks broke down after irreconcilable differences. president of the Irish Republic. Later, de Valera was elected

He then offered negotiations as

representative of sovereign state. He knowing, neither Republic nor United Ireland could be won at such a meeting, he sent Michael to head the Irish delegation. Michael didnt want to go - he declared that he was a soldier not a politician.

Michael as chief negotiator pressed for a United Ireland. After Michael excepted and signed the treaty, he said I tell you, I have signed my death warrant. In 1922, Michael was elected chairman and Dublin Caste was surrendered to him.




The civil war came, the IRA had split into pro-treaty or anti treaty forces. Many followed Michael accepting that the treaty gave the country the freedom to win freedom. Michael efforts had failed, fighting broke out in Dublin and Cathal Brugha was killed. The ten month civil war had begun. Michael then fled on a mission to visit troops in his home country of Cork. Michael was warned not to go. He told his companion, they wouldnt shoot me in my own country. Depressed and ill, he set out, some say to stop the fighting. He visited many people. And, on his return back, his convoy was ambushed at a place named Beal Na Mblath -- the Mouth of flowers. Michael was the only man killed.

By: Eric Manley

Aid, Support and Funding


The Irish Republican Army and the armed struggle in Irish politics. There has always been a tradition of armed resistance to the British military and political occupation of Ireland. The British government has denied demands for Irish Independence since the 1700s.

During the Great Hunger of 1845 - 1852 more than a million unarmed people died and a million people emigrated in 1848. In 1850 the Irish government was supported by America during the Fenian Movement for an armed struggle.

In 1911, the British government denied liberated plans for Ireland. therefore, in 1913 the Unionists and Conservative organized the importation of arms illegally and pledged to resist Home Rule (Britain) by force, which established the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF). The Irish Volunteers, also called Oglaigh na hEireann major goals were to secure and maintain the rights and liberties common to all of Ireland. In 1914 they were allowed to import arms and later attacked by the crown forces.


In 1916 after the execution of their (IRA) leaders, they voted in 1918 for the Sinn Fein party which sought to establish an Irish Republic. In 1919, Sinn Fein established an independent parliament called Dail Eiriann and declared sovereignty of Ireland as a Republic. The Irish Volunteers became the Army of the Republic under the Minister of Defense.

The British government sought to ban and declare war on the Irish democracy, which killed three Irish mayors. The IRA waged an effective guerrilla campaign led by the , Tom Barrys Flying Column (Tom Barry) in Cork.

In July 1921 an agreement of Truce was called by the British government which split the IRA. Consequently the IRA dumped their arms. During the late 1920s and 1930 the reorganized and again sought political and military strategy.

The IRA raided British installation in Six Counties for arms during the 1950s to 1962. Consequently nationalists districts were attacked in Belfast and Derry in 1969. The military organization of the IRA was defeated.


Again in 1970 and 1971 the IRA was reorganized and began yet another campaign of u rban guerrilla warfare of economic bombings. Another truce was called in 1974/75 and was unsuccessful.

Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams and SDLP leader John Hume supported by the Irish government attempted another Irish Peace Initiative.

The Irish Republican Army (IRA)/Provisional Irish Republic Army (PIRA) has received aid from a variety of groups and countries and considerable training and arms from Libya (Colonel Gaddafi) and at one time the Palestine Liberation Army (PLO) Chairman Arafat. Also suspected of receiving funds and arms from sympathizers in the United States. Their are suggested links to the Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) which is found in the Spains Basque region. By: Ronald Matten Conclusion:

Finally, bringing the presentation to an end by tying the sections together to give interested students a full explanation of the armed struggle and political conflicts that Ireland has experienced. Even today Ireland continues to battle


politically with the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Ireland as a weak country has shown its strength in being successful in its tactics and experience to bring about an opportunity for equality in Justice, which at times did not last long. Ireland continued to struggle against Great Britain for independence against Home Rule. Many times Great Britain used peace talks to gain an opposition for Ireland to dump their arms, which consequently planned attacks to take over Ireland. Maintaining their goals for a free country Ireland is still today forced to negotiate with Great Britain.

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