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Teresita L. Quianola
Vision: Center of excellence in education and research in agriculture and allied fields in the Visayas.

Mission: Attainment of the highest quality of human capital and scientific knowledge for the sustained growth and development of agriculture, fisheries, forestry and agroindustries I. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS a. Computed maximum credit hours of part timers from Registrar b. Duly signed and notarized contract of services of part timers c. Approved DTR II. PROCEDURES IN PROCESSING SALARIES OF PART-TIME TEACHERS DEPT./ PERSON STEP PARTTIME OFFICE ACTIVITIES DURATION INCONCERNED CHARGE 1 Submits DTR to HRMDO at the end of the month Computes the number of hours served per DTR submitted and checks if the actual number of hours served do not exceed the computed contact hours and within the class schedule as submitted by the Registrars Office. Prepares payroll within the first two (2) working days after the end of the month and attached contracts ( 1st payment only). Reviews and signs the payroll; Records and releases the payroll to the Office of Vice President for Administration and Finance for approval. 2 After 2 days, follows up status of payroll Informs when payroll was forwarded to OVPAF for processing. One (1) Hr Ms. Aida Luisa T. Godoy

1 Hr

Mr. Abdon G. Malnegro

10 min

Ms. T. Quianola /Ms. Merle Gravador

5 min.

Ms. Merle Gravador

Note: For those rendering make up classes, DTR should be attached with an approved permit to conduct classes outside of the regular schedule. Approved clearance should be attached for end of semester claims.

For complaints, please call Ms. Teresita L. Quianola at 335-2639 and/or Drs. L B. Cano (335-2609/R C. Guarte (335-2602)

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