After One or Two Hours, We Played With The River Water and We Enjoyed It. Obvious

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My history

Thirteen years ago, when i was seven, one day, In the state of Hidalgo. I insisted my father that let me go to river. He let me. I went with my sister and my aunt to the river near grandmas house. So, we left about 2:00 pm and we walked in hill, when we arrived, we can saw trees with peaches, It was spring, and my sister and I ate some. I love peaches, the peaches was my favorite fruit. After one or two hours, we played with the river water and we enjoyed it. Obvious we rested under tree for minutes. In this moment, we didnt think nothing. After we decided to come back to house. Then I followed my aunt because she knew the way and I just walked slow because I was little. Eventually we walked hours but we didnt find the way, I was tired and hungry. My sister and I were sad. We didnt know what to do. After about thirty minutes got dark. Suddenly my father, my mum and my grandpa found us. My father told us off, I was very scared; I dont know how describe it. Then took us to house and we arrived about seven pm. When I came in I just slept. Two or three years later, I remembered that and I thought my aunt didnt show us the way, i didnt know the reason but she played with us. It was terrible for me and I thought my aunt was bad or mischievous I didnt know but since that day, I never leave with my aunt. I dont trust her.


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