Waves. Side. Danced They Did. Spark. Waves. Glee

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Authors Purpose Tone: solitary cheerful and joyous ( now that he is in the company of daffodils- a host/ crowd) nostalgic

gic and blissful ( since he is remembering) I feel like the authors purpose was to share a memory or story. PURPOSE- in order to express the beauty and simplicity of nature which people often neglect in the bustle of their lives. ( successful)

Type of Poem: iambic tetrameter

The WAVES.|.be SIDE.|.them DANCED;.|.but THEY ......1................2..................3................4 Out-DID.|.the SPARK.|.ling WAVES.|.in GLEE: ....1.............2.............3.............4 A PO.|.et COULD.|.not BUT.|.be GAY ......1.............2...........3............4 In SUCH.|.a JOC.|.und COM.|.pa NY: .......1................2..................3.................4 I GAZED.|.and GAZED.|.but LIT.|.tle THOUGHT

Rhyme scheme: ABABCC ( all stanzas ) Lyric poem-expresses thoughts and feelings

Setting: England countryside Onomatopoeia Fluttering

Inversion What wealth the show to me had brought When on my couch I lie And then my heart with pleasure fills Simile Lonely as a cloud stanza 1- author compares himself to a cloud wandering over valleys and hills to express an almost detachment from the world as if his head is literally in the clouds Continuous as the stars that shine stanza 2- comparing the line of daffodils to the infinite stretch of stars


Ten thousand I saw at a glance ( stanza 2) stressing how many daffodils there were They stretched in a never-ending line ( stanza 2)

Personification Multiple uses of daffodils dancing and in stanza 2 , tossing their heads The waves beside them danced stanza 3

Symbols Daffodils symbolize the joy and happiness of life Also, he possibly tried to associate daffodils with heavenly or supernatural beings 1. HOST of daffodils a host of something usually refers to a host of angels 2. SPRITELY dance - spritely is a term associated with fairies. 3. Flowers are described as GOLDEN like halos 4. Compared to stars which are also associated with the heavens

Imagery the use of descriptive words throughout the poem golden daffodils (stanza 1) Beside the lake beneath the trees (stanza 1) They stretched in a never-ending line (stanza 2) Along the margin of a bay ( stanza 2) Sparking waves (stanza 3)

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