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Candidate: Irene Navarro Content Area: The Factor Captor Game (Lesson 1.4) Subject Matter: Math Lesson Content Description: Students apply factoring by playing a game. This lesson also reviews factoring and is a continuation of last weeks math lesson on factoring. Type of Lesson: Direct Instruction Instructional Strategies/Method of Delivery: Direct Instruction, Review Content Standard: NUMBER SENSE 1.4 Determine the prime factors of all numbers through 50 and write the numbers as the product of their prime factors ELD Standard: INTERMEDIATE COMPREHENSION Restate and execute multiple-step oral directions. Lesson Objective: All students will mark the factors a product through a game called Factor Captor and identify the factors of a product through completing a worksheet. Date: 04/19/13[MONDAY] Grade Level: 5th Grade

Assessment: Formative: -White Board Slates -Observations as students play Factor Captor Game Summative: -Completed independent student worksheet Lesson/Assessment Modifications: ELL: Special Needs ELL: visual support, seated with a bilingual student, partner activity (promote lower affective filter environment) ADHD: seated at the front of the class, visual support, hands-on game Note: Students are located strategically for math class based on previous math performance in 4th grade. Students who need more guidance in math are seated at the front of the class and in the center of the room, closest to the teacher. Technology: 1.4 Lesson PowerPoint, document camera, and timer INTO Anticipatory Set/Orientation Review last weeks lesson on factoring by going over what a factor is Quickly review homework from previous lesson which is the foundation for this lesson (show homework using document camera) State lesson objective (show objective from PowerPoint slide) -Include that we will learn to play a factor game Introduce the vocab for the lesson (show from PowerPoint slide) -Vocabulary info will be copied in math journals (use timer to manage time) -Go over vocabulary one word at a time White Board Slates- have them write multiplication facts for 36 -Also ask for them to identify the factors in the facts Partner Discussion (Think-Pair-Share) - ask why isnt 5 a factor of 36?

State technology that will be used: Power Point, Timer, Document Camera Re-state Content Standard and Objective in student friendly terminology: Must tie into Assessment By the end of the lesson, you will learn how to find factors of a product using division as you play Factor Captor with your partner. Outline adaptations for EL and special needs students Picture files, partner support, seated at the front of the class

Modeling/Presentation (I do) Introduce Factor Captor Game (display instructions/game board on document camera) Read instructions Show example of how to play using two color sticky notes Write down factors for a number on class whiteboard Repeat more modeling examples if necessary Guided/Structured Practice (We do) Have class play as Player 2 with you Use sticky notes to distinguish players Have class interact with you through their individual white board slates Checking for Understanding/Formative Assessment (They do) Partners will play Factor Game on their own Make observations as they play the game State technology that will be used (consistent in through): PowerPoint Outline adaptations for EL and special needs students (consistent in through): Visual support, seated at front of the class, group discussions (lower affective filter environment)

Independent Practice/Summative Assessment/Closure Class will independently complete study link on Lesson 1.4 Give option for journaling time after worksheet is completed on what the students learned about factoring Close class with discussion on factoring State technology that will be used: document camera (display workbook/math journal prompt) Outline adaptations for EL and special needs students -Give more time to EL/special needs students -Scaffold them as they work independently on their worksheet -Have them orally state to me what they learned instead of writing in their math journal

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