GRE Argu GRE Argu: James Jiang James Jiang

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GRE Argu
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James Jiang
2012 Fall

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Revised GRE Argu

Lecture 5
James Jiang
Oct 20, 2012

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Outline of Lecture 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Argu Argu
( ) )

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Argu Argu
specific instruction transition wordsArgument component evidenceconclusion
Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Argu Argu
logical fallaciesArgument
reasoning line

insufficient evidence stated or unstated assumption

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Argu Argu
counterexamplesalternative explanations unsolved question
Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Argu Argu
( ) )

GRE Open Course Make Excellent Education Easily Accessible

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Argu Argu


Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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52 (29%) 50 (28%) 10 (6%) 62 (37%)

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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specific evidence assumptions alternative explanations Questions, answer

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Argument Argument
Evaluate insufficient evidence Examine stated and unstated assumption Raise alternative explanation Answer unsolved questions
Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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GRE Open Course Make Excellent Education Easily Accessible

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Opening ParagraphThis argument concludes that _______. However, its author fails to provide sufficient evidence to permit a proper evaluation of the argument's reasoning. Each point of deficiency is discussed separately below.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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This argument concludes that _______. (+ summary of major supporting evidences)

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Canada, Sept 2012

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However, its author fails to provide sufficient evidence to permit a proper evaluation of the argument's reasoning.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Canada, Sept 2012

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Each point of deficiency is discussed separately below. (optional)

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphOne of the argument's deficiencies involves _______. The author provides no specific evidence that _______. In any event, more information about _______ is needed in order to determine ______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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The author provides no specific evidence that _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphAnother weakness of the argument is that it provides no information about _______. It would be useful to know _______. It would be helpful to obtain information about _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Another weakness of the argument is that it provides no information about _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphYet another of the editorial's shortcomings has to do with _______, which would require detailed information about _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Concluding ParagraphIn view of the above, it can be said that the conclusion presented in the argument sounds unconvincing due to lack of substantial evidence as _______. In a nutshell, then, a proper evaluation of the editorial requires more information about _______.
Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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sounds unconvincing due to lack of substantial evidence as _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Keyword alternatives
solid/ strong/ qualified/ convincing/ persuasive support

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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argument is insufficient/ inadequate/ deficient/ not enough/ unsatisfactory

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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fails to provide sufficient/ convincing/ positive/ tangible/ ample proof/ evidence

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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GRE Open Course Make Excellent Education Easily Accessible

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions, and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

GRE Open Course Make Excellent Education Easily Accessible

Opening ParagraphThe conclusion of this argument _______ rests weakly on three primary assumptions. First, the argument assumes that _______. It further presumes that _______. The argument makes a unwarranted assumption about _______.
Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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The conclusion of this argument _______ rests weakly on three primary assumptions.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Canada, Sept 2012

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First, the argument assumes that _______. It further presumes that _______. The argument makes a unwarranted assumption about _______. (Optional)

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphThe argument assumes that _______. Nonetheless, the validity of the authors argument depends on the idea that _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphSimilarly, the arguments conclusion depends on the assumption that _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphThe most significant assumption made by the author to arrive at the conclusion is that _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Concluding ParagraphIn sum, this argument relies heavily on its assumptions, perhaps too heavily. Denying any one of these assumptions results in a weakened or, in some cases, invalid conclusion. Nevertheless, the conclusion that _______, despite its not being proven with the premises given and assumptions made by the author. To strengthen the argument, the author would need to not only address these three assumptions but also _______.
Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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It is unreasonable/ irrational/ unfair/ illogical/ unscientific/ unsound/ wrong to assume that

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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false/ wrong/ unwarranted/ unjustifiable/ flawed/ incorrect/ mistaken/ questionable/ erroneous assumptions
Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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GRE Open Course Make Excellent Education Easily Accessible

Write a response in which you discuss one or more alternative explanations that could rival the proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Opening ParagraphThe given argument brings out the conclusion that _______. The argument mainly cites the evidence about _______. There may be alternative explanations for _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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There may be alternative explanations for

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphThe argument is weakened by possible alternative explanation for _______. It is likely that _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphThe arguer also fails to rule out several explanations for _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphFurther, the writer ignores the possibility _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Concluding ParagraphThe arguer has failed to convince us in regard to _______. It is possible that _______. The argument proves to be weak in many respects. It ignores many possibilities or alternative explanations that could affect _______. The above discussion proves that the writer has ignored many aspects that could result in _______.Therefore, the arguer should present us with more relevant explanations to support his recommendation.

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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The explanation provided by the author is not convincing/ credible/ logical/ plausible/ rational/ probable
Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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GRE Open Course Make Excellent Education Easily Accessible

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Opening ParagraphThe problem with the recommendation is that it is based solely on certain dubious _______. To make a convincing argument that _______, the memo's author must address specific questions about _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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the memo's author must address specific questions about

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphOne question that must be addressed is whether/ who/ what/ how _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphAnother question that must be answered is whether/ who/ what/ how _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Body ParagraphTwo additional questions that must be solved have to do with _______. How many _______? What if _______?

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Concluding ParagraphIn sum, assessing the reasonableness of the recommendation requires answers to questions regarding to _______, _______, and _______.

Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Tackle/ answer/ reply to the question about/ as to/ concerning/ regarding/ relating to
Argu Argu

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Summary of Lecture 5
ArguReasoning line ETS

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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Thank you
Next Lecture: 2012 2012-10 10-27 21:05 PM
(Beijing Time)
Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

GRE Open Course Make Excellent Education Easily Accessible

GRE GRE Open Course

Materials used in this lecture mainly come from Saving My Revised GRE Argu Copy Right 2012 by James Jiang. All Rights Reserved. Authorized and printed in Toronto, Canada, Sept 2012

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