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Chapter 14 LookAheadReports. Eachsubcontractor must submitevery week a list of activities planned for the next two weeks with projected staffing. The ConstructionManager must compare this information with theoverall schedulestogauge subcontractors' performance and promotecorrective action if necessary. Progress Reports. All subcontractors must submit at least every two weeks progress reports comparing actual versus scheduled progress. The Construction Manager should have the meansof making quick, independent checks. Progress Meeting Minutes. The Construction Manager minutes of the regular construction coordinationmeetings. must issue the

Field Logs. The Construction Manager must keep a field log documenting all important field events as well as verbal communication and decisions concerning execution of the work and relations with the subcontractors.

ChangeOrder Log. TheConstructionManager mustmaintain an up-todate log ofall field changes. approved as well as pending. AccidentReports. Each subcontractor must submit reports on every losttime accident. The Construction Manager must participate the in investigation of major accidents and insure that reports on all accidents are promptly filed and kept as protection against potential future legal action. AcceptanceReports. The Construction Manager must documentand file all final equipment inspection and acceptance. Construction Status Reports. The Construction Manager must issue every month, for management information, a complete report on all construction activities with cost and scheduled evaluation for compliance to the AFE objectives.

14.5 Influence of CICE in Construction Management

In the late 1970's. theBusiness Roundtable sponsored an extensivestudyto determine the causeof the diminishing productivity beingexperienced by the constructionindustry in theUnitedStates and to propose solutions to stop and A team was formed with representatives of prestigious reverse the trend. universities, contractors, and owners from several sectors of industry. As a result of this concerted effort, the Construction Industry Cost Effectiveness report. now widely known as CICE, was issued. TheCICE reportidentifiesand proposesremediesfor a seriesofspecific problems directly related to the decline in productivity. Those directly related to

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