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Phrase and Clause

Phrase is a small group of related words within a sentence without subject or verb. Types of phrases : Adjective phrase Example : It was cold, bleak, biting weather Hes an extraordinary looking man Adverb phrase Example : He always behave in a good manner She always drives with care He sat in a corner of the room Noun phrase Example : He is wearing a nice red shirt She brought a glass full of water Prepositional phrase Example : The man in the room is our teacher She is shouting in loud voice Verb phrase Example : They are eating an apple She has finished her work She should study for the exam Gerund phrase Example : I like writing good essays She started thinking about the problem Infinitive phrase Example : He likes to read books He made a plan to buy a car

Clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb Example : He was eating a bacon sandwich She had a long career She was born in Spain clause clause clause

Types of clause : Main clause A main clause may from part of a complex sentence which are made up of two or more main clauses linked by a conjunction such as and, but, or so. Example : I love sport and Im captain of the local football team Subordinate clause Example : after we had had lunch, we went back to work Relative clause A relative clause is one connected to main clause by a word such as which, that, whom, whose, when, where, or who. Example : I first saw her in Paris, where I lived in the early nineties.

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