The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks - Google Tricks

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The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks







The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks

Maybe to help dispel the wacky notion that geeks are boring, or maybe to prove that Search isnt all work and no play and Sergei and Larry are by no means dull boys, Google every-once-in-aGoogle-Moon leavens their spam-fighting and user experienceenhancing with some honest-to-goodness, good clean Fun Google Tricks. You probably know a few of these memes already passed around the intarwebz ad infinitum as they often are those quirky little tricks and pranks you never thought youd see from such a serious search engine. Occasionally, we searchers stumble upon some quietly placed Google Easter Egg, or sometimes Googles PR peeps publicize some brand spanking new Fun Google trick that spices up the user experience as much as it enhances it. Whichever it is, these Google Tricks are fun darnit, so have fun with them. Meme junkies and time-wasters that we are here at Google Tricks, weve had our fair share of good times. And because were not greedy, and because we like to organize as a way to procrastinate, weve done the heavy lifting of gathering what we consider to be the Top 25 Fun Google tricks right here in one glorious and easy-to-read location on this page. If you like the cut of our jib, perhaps youd be so kind as to like us on the you-know-what-book, or add a one to our G+ thingie. Wed be so happy and thankful if you did.


Are you satisfied with the results you get without any of these google tricks? yep. if it ain't broke don't fix it. nerp. I needs me some tweaks.

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The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

1. Google Gravity Quite simply, this is Earth-bound physics infused into Googles interface: with gravity, the visual elements you commonly find on the interface, such as the search bar, the Im feeing lucky button, and everything else fall down like a stack of bricks on the bottom of the browser. You can even pick up and throw the search results at the walls or just simply mess with them. This is no longer implemented on Google, but you can still see how it worked through the link below.

2. Let me Google that for you LMGTFY or Let Me Google That for You is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek service made for those of us who are too lazy to use Google. Upon entering a search query, instead of results, you get a link that you can then mail to your lazy recipient. Clicking on the link launches the actual search: thus, in this perigrinatory manner, you have Googled it for them. All they have to do is click the link. A beautiful example of technology making things more complicated for us. 3. Google Chuck Norris There was a time when the internet raged with all imaginable Chuck Norris jokes. So naturally, Google itself dipped its hand in the meme with the Chuck Norris Google Trick. Search Chuck Norris, and Google returns a familiar Chuck Norris joke: Google wont search for Chuck Norris because it knows you dont find Chuck Norris, he finds you. 4. God on Google Earth Sometime in 2010, people around the world went God crazy when Google Earth supposedly had taken a snapshot of divine beings while crossing a mountain zone in Switzerland. Theres no definite answer, of course, but the buzz it created was testament to how the entire online community could get excited over a blurry photo, like they do with pictures of cats. 5. Google Pac-man A treasure-trove of fun Google tricks wont be complete without mentioning Googles Pac-Man doodle. On May 22, 2010, the 30th anniversary of the classic game, people around the world woke up to a search engine sporting an actually playable mini-version of Pac-Man. And naturally, hundreds of millions of people spent hours playing the game, basically slowing down productivity to a halt. 6. Google Mirror This fun Google trick simply displays a mirror image of everything you might see when doing a search on Google.

@HipsterCorgi @memeburn & 10 we added as our favorites of 2012: 2/13


The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

7. Google Hacker Those who are familiar with the so-called language of hackers (1337 5p3@k or leet speak) may love using this Google trick to amuse haxor pals or confound the squares. Sure, the trick isnt much trickier than swapping letters for moderately analogous numbers or ASCII characters e.g. G becomes 6, E becomes 3, N becomes ||, etc But its still fun symbol-play, and still somehow feels like a secret language, despite that we all now w00t every time we are overcome with joy.
by Chris Arlington 39 days ago

@taiwotrillion We get! So true about all the fun tricks and Easter Eggs Google has hidden throughout it's universe. We're big fans!
by Chris Arlington 39 days ago

8. Google Barrel Roll A Fun Google trick that is still accessible today, the barrel roll means exactly as it says: make Google do a barrel roll. Simply type Do a barrel roll into the search bar and Google dutifully obeys. Warning: This Especially Fun Google Trick is known to make babies cry and grown men squeal with delight.

@dhawaldamania Thanks for the great infographic Dhawal. We've got a nice one too. Ours is on the top 10 search tricks:
by Chris Arlington 39 days ago

Get The Google Homepage

We heart #GoogleDoodles so much we posted our top ten all-time favorites here: Good clean doodly fun!
by Chris Arlington 39 days ago

Now Get Quickest Access To Google By Setting It As Your Homepage

New Infographic: The Top 10 Google Search Tricks. Plus it's pretty!
by Chris Arlington 43 days ago


Search for:

9. Google Rainbow Like a handful of the other Fun Google Tricks included in this list, this third-party website that has no official affiliation with Google but only offers its two cents in letting people experience the search engine in a delightful way. If you like colors, this site delivers it although it may remind you more of the internet circa early-1990s, with all its animated GIFs.




The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

10. Google Sphere Google Sphere turns every little element you commonly see on Googles homepage into a swirling sphere. Its pretty cool, but its no longer implemented on Google. To see how it once worked, just visit the link below. 11. Google Spam Probably not an actual Google trick but more a manifestation of how Google offers users related information. In the folders in your Gmail account, you usually see a one-line text advertisement from Adsense. But in the Spam folder, what youll see is a real Spam recipeyes, its a recipe for something you can actually eat. 12. Google Tilt or Askew Typing the word tilt or askew on Google (specifically if youre using the Chrome or Safari browser) commands the search engine to tilt the whole screen slightly to the right. 13. Dragon Slayer Those who use Google Docs will find this mildly amusing. If you create or open any spreadsheet, pressing Shift+F12 pops up a message that says: Dragon slain! Congratulations, youve slain the dragon! ]B=8}. 14. Google Ninja Who doesnt love ninjas? Google definitely does. If youre using your Google Reader feed, press the keys up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and a ninja (or a couple of them) appear! 15. All the Google Doodles Over the years, Google has released several of its doodlesa temporary re-design of the Google logo made as a tribute to a historical event or the birthday of someone who has changed the world for the better. Through the link below, youll find all of the Google Doodles, not only the American versions. 16. Recursion Type recursion into the Google search bar and Google in return asks, rather recursively: Did you mean recursion? 17. Googles Nessie Use the beach theme with your iGoogle homepage, then very patiently sit there and wait until the clock strikes 3:14 AM. Or you can just more the clock forward and see the monster that comes out. If you actually waited several hours until 3:14 AM, finally seeing the monster might not totally amuse you. 18. Flight Simulator What started as an Easter egg became so well-loved that Google eventually turned it into a regular feature of Google Earth. Just click Tools > Enter Flight Simulator, and youre off to make a round-the-world tour. It would have been more awesome if Google Earth also has a rocket launcher feature with unlimited ammo to go with it, but maybe next time. 19. Google MentalPlex One of the earliest (if not, the earliest) Google April Fools joke (this one surfaced in 2000) is the Google MentalPlex. Instead of typing their queries into the search bar, unwitting users were invited to just think their questions while gazing intently into the 4/13


The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

MentalPlex circle (apparently to allow Google enough time to read your brain signals and transform them into actual search engine queries), then click into the circle to see the results. Even Googles CEO and co-founder Larry Page called MentalPlex a quantum leap in finding what you are looking for on the Internet. Typing in queries is so 1999. It was fun. Especially if you remember that this was the early days of Google, long before the billion-dollar behemoth called Adsense and what-have-you. 20. Google Anagram Step 1: Type anagram into the Google search bar. Step 2: Google asks if you in fact mean nag a ram. Step 3: Proceed to LOL. 21. The disappearing OO This is not really a Google fun trick per se, but you can wow your clueless friend with this little magic. Click anywhere on the white space of the Dark Arts page (URL in linked title above), then pretend to rub your two fingers on the two OOs on the Google logo for 2 to 3 seconds, and the Os will vanish. To bring it back, do the same thing: Click anywhere again and the OOs will reappear, after which you will be redirected to the real Google. 22. Annoying Google The Annoying Google trick is not really annoying under normal circumstances. Even if youre in a hurry, Annoying Googles way of messing up the words as you type them (randomly changing from upper-case to lower-case) is not really annoying. But if you want to see this in action and determine for yourself if its really annoying or simply mildly amusing, visit the link below. 23. Epic Google Epic Google is Google on steroids not the enhanced performance however, just the obscene bulk. Once the page loads, the logo, search bar, Search and Im Feeling Excessive buttons, all swell until they either float off the page or you type a search and get the heck outta there. 24. Weenie Google Weenie Google is the flip side of Epic Google. Once the page loads, the logo, search bar, Search and Im Feeling Inadequate buttons,immediately begin to shrink to inscrutable and barely-usable sizes. Is fun, no? 25. Chicken Rolling Rick-rolling is a popular prank that involves redirecting the unwitting user to a video of music artist Rick Astley singing one of his hit songs (most often Never Gonna Give You Up). Chicken-rolling, on the other hand, is like Rick-rolling, but with one dancing man eating fried chicken legs. To subject your unwitting friend to this prank, type the code 2204355 then click Im feeling lucky. See what happens. Whew. What a lot of fun that list provides.

About the author

Christoph Arlington is Master Trickster of Search Kung-fu, Google Laffriots, and General Intarw ebs Yuks at You can stalk him on Google+ and Tw itter w here his w it is even more razor-sharper (if that's even possible!). Since you asked, no, he w asn't born w ith an unholy infatuation w ith Google Tricks, but the w orld, as is its w ont, turned him into a slightly mad, madly-obsessed Google voyeur. This site is his (physician-prescribed) steam-blow off.



The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

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421 421 Post to Add to LinkedIn Twitter Google Gravity: The Top 10 Funny Google Sphere 4 38 More 4 Search Google Tricks Of Offers A Strange 38 Engine Fun 2012 Perspective On 4 38 Search Results 4 38

The Top Ten Google Doodles Of All Time

Google Mirror: Just A Trompe Loeil?

Epic Google: Bigger Really Is Better

4 38 4 38 Written by Chris Arlington 4 38 4 Tags:38 chicken roll, chuck norris google search, chuck norris google trick, do a barrel roll, epic google, fun google tricks, funny 4 funny google tricks, google askew, google barrel roll, google chuck norris, google dragon slayer, google easter egg, google google, 38 Post to Delicious gravity, google gravity download, google gravity i feel lucky, google gravity prank, google gravity trick, google hacker, google mirror, 2 pac man, google rainbow, google spam, google sphere, google tilt, gravity google, here let me google that for you, let me google 2 that for you, lmgtfy, nag a ram, no gravity google, pac man google, rainbow google, who is the cutest google 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chris Arlington Post to StumbleUpon Christoph Arlington is Master Trickster of Search Kung-fu, Google Laffriots, and General Intarwebs Yuks at You Add to Reddit can stalk him on Google+ and Twitter where his wit is even more razor-sharper (if that's even possible!). Since you asked, no, he Send via E-mail program wasn't born with an unholy infatuation with Google Tricks, but the world, as is its wont, turned him into a slightly mad, madlyPost to Digg obsessed Google voyeur. This site is his (physician-prescribed) steam-blowoff. Post to YC Hacker News Post to Slashdot Submit to Techmeme Tip Add to Tumblr Comments (28) Post to Pinterest 29 Google Easter 29


April 9, 2012 at 7:27 pm | #


The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

Real words! How rare and welcome! So why are they called called Google Easter Eggs? Do they come out on Easter, or because theyre nice surprises we find theyve quietly hidden? Reply

Christoph Arlington
April 11, 2012 at 3:20 pm | #

Fair question Roose. Thanks for asking it. Theyre called Google Easter Eggs because Google hides them discreetly (as opposed to the Google Tricks they launch loudly and proudly). So when theyre found it feel s a little like Easter. Or Christmas, I suppose. Maybe they ought to be called Google Christmas Presents too, just to make things more confusing. Isnt that Googles stated mission anyway, to make the web more confusing? Reply

Tony James Scott

June 2, 2012 at 1:35 am | #

Where are the links? Reply

Christoph Arlington
June 3, 2012 at 5:04 pm | #

Good question Scott. Guess it would help to make it easy to see examples of these tricks at work if I posted links. Will 7/13


The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

get on that ASAP. -Christoph Reply

June 22, 2012 at 9:32 pm | #

Hi Christoph, Please post the links as well, M dying to see all these tricks. Thank you. Reply

July 7, 2012 at 7:28 am | #

Some of them dont have links. Reply

challan cruz
July 12, 2012 at 6:45 pm | #

u suck chris suck dick Reply


July 19, 2012 at 4:32 pm | #

when i go togoogle and i try to put the chicken roll it doesnt let me click im feeling lucky Reply

Christoph Arlington 8/13

August 3, 2012 at 3:22 pm | #

The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

Two things: If its not letting you click Im feeling Lucky, its probably because you have Instant Predictions turned on in your search settings. Turn that off to be allowed to actually click a button before you see the search results. The other thing is, rather than type chicken roll type 2204355 and then click Im Feeling Lucky. Thats how the chicken roll trick works. Reply

July 28, 2012 at 10:23 am | #

What about ? Reply

Christoph Arlington
August 3, 2012 at 3:17 pm | #

Yeah! too. Thanks Miguel! Reply

kurt richards
August 1, 2012 at 5:33 am | #

also if you type zerg rush it comes up with the zerg rush game and the things will try to eat everything. Reply

Christoph Arlington
August 3, 2012 at 3:14 pm | #



The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

Nice. Thanks Kurt! Reply

December 26, 2012 at 4:37 am | #

nice trick dude Reply

August 7, 2012 at 12:02 pm | #

How do u get To go on the google tricks to show ur friends Reply

September 16, 2012 at 6:39 am | # open that website! thats cool Reply

Christoph Arlington
November 7, 2012 at 6:32 pm | #

Agreed Rayhan. Google Terminal is awesome. I love the concept. Whoever thought that one up is brilliant! That is a totally fun google trick. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Im going to have to add it to the tricks canon. Reply

October 21, 2012 at 12:00 pm | #



The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

if you type in zerg rush your page will be eaten. Its very funny! Reply

November 10, 2012 at 1:13 pm | #

that is one exhaustive favorite is the mentalplex! Also check out my list of fun google tricks Reply

Christoph Arlington
November 16, 2012 at 1:52 am | #

Thanks for the link Pankaj. Youve got a nice list of additional tricks there. Reply

nikhila nandakumar
November 11, 2012 at 9:35 am | #

thank u for an awsome easter egg..!!!! Reply

November 11, 2012 at 6:09 pm | #

2204355=You got chicken rolled Reply

your mom
November 12, 2012 at 8:12 pm | #



The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

this is the awesomest thing ever idk what else to write Reply

November 29, 2012 at 12:13 am | #

Why doesnt google make it where you can slice everything in half or something like that Reply

December 3, 2012 at 7:14 pm | #

type in zorg to google search bar its a google mini game Reply

January 17, 2013 at 2:14 am | #

type in zerg rush on google Reply

February 1, 2013 at 12:12 am | #

thanks me and my friends got a fun kick out of this it was fun. Reply

February 8, 2013 at 12:38 pm | #

tnks for ALL!!! Reply 12/13


The Top 25 Fun Google Tricks | Google Tricks

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