Instlation Project

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Nama : I Nyoman Dipa Suwidya Kelas : IV C TL NIM : 1115333003 My Past Project Last time I have done a little project.

The title of that project that ihave done is electrical installation for home and the purpose of that project is to make a good electrical installation for dadank subrata house at gunung Athena street gang gunung kidul no. 8. 5 days was taken to finish the project by me and my brother. The project started from 21th january 2013. Before the project started, I came to that house and saw the situation there. The situation tahat I have seen was so crowded. There were so many materials that hadnt been used by the owner. And there were so many trash outside of the building. But it doesnt matter to me. All I need to do was draw the building to make a schematic installation. After that, I went to my house. The next day, I drew the schematic installation but the computer was used by my friend so I just made the installation in a sketch book. After that I went to an electrical shop to buy the materials. Rp 1008.000,00 was cost to buy that materials by me. The materials that I have bought were so many such as: Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Materials Fitting Socket Switch double switch NYM cable 3x2,5 NYM cable 2x1,5 NYM cable 3x 1,5 PVC pipe junction box L Bow isolation tape Average 10 pcs 5 pcs 3 pcs 2 pcs 24 m 27 m 25 m 28 m 5 pcs 10 pcs 1 pcs Price (Rp) 5000 10000 11000 14000 12000 8000 10000 4000 10000 1000 5000 Cost (Rp) 50000 50000 33000 28000 288000 216000 250000 28000 50000 10000 5000

After that I called my brother by phone to confirm his schedule tomorrow but the call was answered by his wife so I just asked his wife to tell him about the schedule tomorrow. At the next day, I and my brother went to that house by car but the car that I used cannot be parked near the house so we need to walk about 500 meters. After arrived to that house immediately we took the materials to their location. We created the installation according to the schematic installation that I have made before. The materials were installed perfectly by us. After we checked the installation, we found no problem so we cleaned the house and then tell Mr. Subrata that the job was finished by us and one week later, we got our payment its about Rp 500.000,00.

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