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Sayfuna Mumayaz Beginner

Week 1 Tap into your Talent Lesson 1 Nice to meet you Learning To be able to ask and answer basic personal information Objectives: questions. To get to know other students in the class.

Stage and Objective

Lead in

Tim e

Warmer Find someone who - Speak to everyone in the class and write the name of a student next to something that is true about them. You can only write a persons name once. Example: Student 1: Do you have 3 brothers? Student 2: Yes, I do. Student 1: Whats your name? Student 2: My name is (Student 1 writes this on their sheet) 2 truths, 1 lie Introduce yourself. Pleased to Meet You! Look at the pictures on the PP first and ss guess where each person is from. Then read to find the answers. Give ss word cards with names, ages and where they are from and have them read and then group the word cards together. Practice speaking name/ Whats your name? age/ How old are you? live/ Where do you live? from/ Where are you from? Groups first s introduces him/herself, second s introduces him/herself and then also introduces the first person. Continue until the last person has to introduce everyone. Personal pronouns - worksheet to be Pronoun stars. Ss work in groups of 3. Student 1 gets the set of sentences and students 2 and 3 get a complete set of pronoun cards. Student 1 reads out the sentence using the word star instead of the pronoun. Students 2 and 3 race to find the correct pronoun.


Reading/ listening






Restricted practice


Freer practice


Getting information. 1 role card per student and 3 blank cards. Mingle to get the information from 3 other ss.

Sayfuna Mumayaz
Project 30 mins Poster about yourself.

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