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CONFLICTS SPM TRIAL 2008 (a) Yes; quaint and curious war is!

You shoot a fellow down Youd treat, if met where any bar is, Or help to half-a-crown. The Man He Killed Thomas Hardy

Based on the extract above, what is the personas perception towards war? (5 m) (b) In the poem Death of a Rainforest by Cecil Rajendra, what words have escaped the persona? (8 m) (c) In the poem The War Against The Trees by Stanley Kunitz, the persona describes humans disregard towards the destruction of nature. How are you affected by his description? Discuss with close reference to the poem. (12 m)


By overthrowing first the privet-row Forsythia-forays and hydrangea-raids Were but preliminaries to a war Against the great-grandfathers of the town, So freshly lopped and maimed. They struck and struck again, And with each elm a century went down. The War Against The Trees Stanley Kunitz

From the lines above, what have been destroyed? (5 m) (b) In the poem A Quarrel Between Day and Night by Omar Mohd Noor, explain why night cannot be trusted. (8 m) (c) Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro Patria Mori. Wilfred Owen calls it the old lie. Do you agree? Discuss with close reference to the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen. (12 m)

CONFLICTS SPM 2011 (a) But ranged as infantry,

And staring face to face, I shot at him as he at me, And killed him in his place. I shot him dead because Because he was my foe, Just so: my foe of course he was; Thats clear enough; although The Man He Killed Thomas Hardy

In the extract above, why did the persona shoot the other man? (5 m) (b) What are the personas feelings about youth in the poem Crabbed age and youth cannot live together by William Shakespeare? (8 m) (c) Nature still suffers despite the efforts carried out by man. Discuss the statement above with close reference to the poem Death of a Rainforest by Cecil Rajendra.

CONFLICTS SPM 2012 (a) night proposed to day

Ill take twelve hours and you take twelve hours day had to accept it for there was no alternative or night will take twenty four hours of fear of dream-thoughts fastening us to deep darkness forever a quarrel between day and night Omar Mohd Noor

In the lines above, state nights proposal and the consequences if day were to refuse. (5 m) (b) Describe the lawn before and after the arrival of the bulldozers in the poem The War against the Trees by Stephen Kunitz. (8 m) (c) War causes great suffering to man. Discuss with close reference to the poem Duclce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen. (12 m)

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