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7 Churches 1

Testimonies of Faith
Article Thirteen

7 Churches By Patsy Ann Pugh

7 Churches 2

Revelation 1-1-8 Written to the 7 churches of the Roman province of Asia-Johns work is a revelation of things which must shortly take place. The theme of Johns work is clear-the Lord God Himself has guaranteed the final vindication of the crucified Jesus before all the earth! Johns vision on the isle of Patmos, and he is in exile for the testimony he holds-in which he is more than willing to give his life for! John beholds this vision and testimony while in vision beholding the LORD in all His majesty and glory! The risen one revealed Himself not only as LORD to those 7 churches, but as they would fulfill the course of church history from his departure all the way up toHis return back to this planet! The letters to these churches carry the weight of the history of Gods people, and are synonymous with the history of Gods people throughout ancient Israel-and through every age of time! The framework of such a vision encompasses the apocalyptic story flow of both the prophets of old, demonstrating how that the end of all the ages is symbolic of the destruction of ancient Israel and Judah, and pictographs the same worship system of deception and delusion that has lured creative beings away from the true worship of the creator in every age of time since the dawn of the setting up of YHWHS Base-station in comparison to the pagan sun-cult base-station worship systems since long before the flood! So the discipline follows the same ebb and flow of the grand conflict between the forces of good and evil! 1. Ephesus-is told to return to her first LOVE! 2. Smyrna-to be faithful unto death! 3. Perganum-to be beware of false teachings and immoral deeds that so often accompany hypocrisy! 4. Thyatira- beware of the deceptive games of false teachers!

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5. Sardis-to wake up and do or complete her first works! 6. Philadelphia- to keep up the faith of Jesus and enter on into the Kingdom of God! 7. Laodicea-this is the church age of today who are spoiled rotten with the gadgets of this modern world, but are spiritual blind, and need to be clothed with true righteousness and anointed with the eye-salve of the Master of the Universe!

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