Phrasal Verbs

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Phrasal verbs IN get in let somebody in dive in move in check in come in walk in break in drop in/call in join in plug

in an electrical machine fill in take somebody in OUT walk out lock out climb out look out check out go out get out move out let somebody out eat out drop out of college

get out of something that you arranged to do cut something out leave something out cross something out/rub something out go out put out a fire/a cigarette/a light turn out a light blow out a candle work out (do physical exercises, develop or progress, for mathematical calculations) work something out carry out an order fall out (with somebody) find out that/what/when, find out about something give/hand things out point something out (to somebody) run out (of something) sort something out turn out to be/turn out good/nice, etc. try out a machine, a system, a new idea, etc. ON/OFF put on/leave on turn on/off switch on/off put on some music/a cd/a video etc. ON AND OFF FOR EVENTS, ETC. go on call something off

put something off, put off doing something ON AND OFF FOR CLOTHES, ETC. put on clothes, glasses, make-up, a seat belt, etc. put on weight try on clothes (to see if they fit) take off clothes, glasses, etc. OFF= away from a person or place be off (to a place) walk off/run off/drive off/ ride off/ go off (similar to walk away/run away, etc.) set off= start a journey take off= leave the ground (for planes) see somebody off VERB + ON= continue doing something drive on/walk on/play on go on= continue go on/carry on (doing something) go on with/carry on with something keep on doing something GET ON get on=progress get on (with somebody) get on with something VERB + OFF doze off/drop off/nod off finish something off go off= explode, ring put somebody off (doing something)

rip somebody off show off tell somebody off UP/DOWN put something up (on a wall etc.) take something down (from a wall etc.) pick something up put something down stand up sit down/bend down/lie down turn something up turn something down knock down a building/blow something down/cut something down etc. be knocked down (by a car etc.) DOWN= getting less slow down calm somebody down cut down (on something) Other verbs + DOWN break down close down/shut down let somebody down turn somebody/something down write something down go up/come up/walk up(to) catch up (with somebody), catch somebody up keep up (with somebody)

set up take up a hobby, a sport, an activity, etc. fix up a meeting, etc. grow up bring up clean up/clear up/tidy up something wash up end up somewhere, end up doing something give up= stop trying, give something up= stop doing it make up something/be made up of something take up space of time turn up/show up= arrive, appear use something up bring up a topic, etc. come up= be introduced in a conversation come up with an idea, a suggestion, etc. make something up= invent something that is not true cheer up, cheer somebody up save up for something/to do something clear up= become bright (for weather) blow up=explode, blow something up= destroy with a bomb, etc. tear something up beat somebody up break up/split up (with somebody) do up a coat, a shoelace, buttons, etc. do up a building, a room, etc. look something up in a dictionary/encyclopedia, etc.

put up with something= tolerate hold up a person, a plan, etc.= delay mix up people/things, get people/things mixed up AWAY go away drive away fly away blow away take away walk away run away look away get away= escape, leave with difficulty get away with something= do something wrong without being caught keep away (from) give something away put something away throw something away BACK be back walk back give something back put something back go back come back get back take something back

wave back/smile back/shout back/write back/hit somebody back call/phone/ring (somebody) back get back to somebody= reply to them by phone, etc. look back (on something)= think about what happened in the past pay back money, pay somebody back

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