Makes 30 Squares, Depending On Size

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Pumpkin & pineapple cake

(Makes 30 squares, depending on size)

125 ml cooking oil 2 extra large eggs 375 ml Snowflake cake flour (210 g) 200 ml castor sugar (160 g) 3 ml baking powder 3 ml bicarbonate of soda 375 ml grated raw pumpkin 250 ml crushed pineapple, well-drained 1. Beat oil and eggs until light and creamy. Sift all dry ingredients and add to oil mixture. 2. Add grated pumpkin and pineapple and mix well. Spoon in greased square pan of about 24 cm. 3. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for about 25 - 30 minutes. Stand in tin before turning out to cool off. Cut into squares.

Substitute pumpkin with butternut. Rich meringue cake

(Makes 1 large cake)

125 g butter or margarine 125 ml sugar (100 g) 3 extra large egg yolks 375 ml Snowflake cake flour (210 g) 10 ml baking powder 160 ml milk

3 extra large egg whites 125 ml sugar (100 g) 125 ml desiccated coconut (40 g) 80 g red glac cherries 1. Beat butter and sugar well. Add egg yolks and beat until light and fluffy. 2. Sift dry ingredients and add alternately with milk to butter mixture. Spoon into a 23 cm round loose-bottomed cake tin. 3. Topping: Beat egg whites until foamy. Add sugar gradually, while beating until soft peak stage. Add coconut and cherries and spoon onto dough. 4. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 C for about 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to 150 C for a further 40 minutes. Leave to cool slightly in tin before lifting out to cool further.

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