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What does preserve the learning environment mean?


Look like?

Sound Like?

PROMPT Be ready to learn by the time the bell rings.

PREPARED Bring ALL books and

materials to class every day.


to other people and their property.

to all plants, animals, and classroom materials.

On - Task


On - Task

Follow directions the first time they are given.

Use signals! Fist = tissue, crossed fingers = restroom, and pencil shake Teacher will indicate IF you can get up or IF you need to wait.


On - Task

Stay in your assigned seat during the whole class period.


On - Task

No personal grooming in


Snack Free Zone Only WATER

Cell phones are to remain off.

Other technology should be cleared by the teacher before
use daily. On SOME days Kindles, iPads, and iPods can

be used FOR CLASS never for music, texts, or

personal email. I will announce this in advance.

Areas that are off limits without permission

Where do you get stuff and give

me stuff?

What happens if I am absent or


Hall Privileges Agenda calendar page 3 per month Teacher approval Sign-out sheet

What happens if I forget my


Lets talk about classroom norms

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