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Campaign Media Release


The Rudd Labor Government today issued an all-points bulletin for the safe return of Shadow Minister for Health, Peter Dutton, Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry and Science, Sophie Mirabella and Leader of the Opposition in the Senate and Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Senator Eric Abetz.

We have grave concerns for the whereabouts of these three senior Shadow Ministers.

If Mr Abbott wins the election on 7 September, they will all be senior Cabinet Ministers. Yet we have not heard a peep from them all campaign.

Peter Dutton is officially missing in action he hasnt been seen since the MidWinter Ball.

You couldnt get Sophie Mirabella off the TV before the campaign she had a higher profile than Justin Bieber. For the last three weeks however, she has turned into Peter Andre.

And as for Senator Abetz, the last time he gave an interview the Ashes series was tied.

Our challenge to Mr Abbott is to let these senior team members off the leash.

Let Mr Abetz tell Australians what he really thinks about WorkChoices.

Let Mr Dutton tell Australians why he wants to cut hospital funding to the bone.

Let Ms Mirabella well, let her say anything anything at all. Our 50,000 auto workers deserve at least that.

Stockpiling these charmers in the Liberal Witness Protection Program until election day speaks volumes about what Mr Abbott thinks of his dream team.
19 AUGUST 2013

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