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1 - Preencha os espaos em branco com a forma adequada do verbo destacado - Tempo

verbal: Presente simples

a) John...................with his parents in a country town.(Live)
b) That guy......................a lot of important information.(Have)
c) Our great grandfather......................a pension.(Get)
d) She..................English well but her
e) Ronaldo.......................goals when hes in good shape.(Score)
f) We....................control of our lives due to bad habits.(Lose)
g) Mary and college in the evening.(Go)
2 - Transcreva as frases da voz ativa para a voz passiva:
Charles wrote the email. (Ativa) >> Charles escreveu o email.
The email was written by Charles. (Passiva.) >> O email foi escrito por Charles.
The news shocked us. (Ativa) >> As notcias nos chocaram.
We were shocked by the news. (Passiva) >> Ficamos chocados pelas notcias.
The president will visit them. (Ativa) >> O presidente vai visitar eles.
They will be visited by the president. (Passiva) >> Eles sero visitados pelo presidente.
They have fired her. (Ativa) >> Eles a demitiram.
Shes been fired. (Passiva) >> Ela foi demitida.
*Duas caractersticas importantes da voz passiva:
1) A presena do verbo "to be": Am, is, are, was, were, been, etc.
2) A preposio "by".
#Com base nas explicaes acima coloque as frases a seguir na voz passiva.
a) Jane painted the picture.
b) The rain scared us.
c) The school will hire him.

d) They have selected him.

3 - Qual o passado dos verbos irregulares abaixo?

a) Hit:.............................
b) Beat:...........................
c) Cut:............................
d) Put:.............................
e) Hurt:...........................
f) Let:.............................
g) Set:.............................
*Dream tem duas formas, uma regular e outra irregular. Quais so elas?

3 - Escolha as frases que melhor substituem as que esto no futuro simples(will):

a) I will talk to her in private.
1-I going to talk to her in private.
2-Im going talk to her in private.
3- Im going to talk to her in private.

( )
( )
( )

b) You will have better friends.

1-Youre going to have better friends.
2-You going to have better friends.
3- Youre going have better friends.

( )
( )
( )

c) He wont let it happen.

1- He is going to let it happen.
2- Hes not going to let it happen.
3- He not going to let it happen.

( )
( )
( )

d) Will she take a test?

1- Is she going to take a test?
2- She going to take a test?
3- Is she going take a test?

( )
( )
( )

e) It will make your dream come true.

1- It going to make your dream come true.
( )
2- Its going to make your dream come true.
( )
3- Its not going to make your dream come true. ( )
f) They will tell you what to do.

1- Theyre going to tell you what to do.

2- They is going to tell you what to do.
3- Theyre going tell you what to do.

( )
( )
( )

g) Flamengo will win.

1- Flamengo is goin to win.
2- Flamengo going to win.
3- Flamen is going to win

( )
( )
( )

4 - Usa-se "who"para se referir a pessoas,"which" para coisas e animais e "that" para

ambos os casos anteriores.Vejam exemplos:
a)Shes the woman who helped you.(Ela a mulher que te ajudou.)
b)This the car which I sold.(Este o carro que eu vendi.)
c)Shes the woman that helped you.(Ela a mulher que te ajudou.)
d)This is the car that I sold.(Este o carro que eu vendi.)
Com base nas explicaes acima, preencha os espaos em branco com o pronome
relativo mais adequado.
a) Im the teacher...................wrote about the problems......................students often
complain about.
b) Where is the book..................I bought yesterday?
c) The players....................scored most points are the best ones.
d) Can I see the were talking about?
e) I really admire people cope with their problems.
f) The lei..................he gave you is here.

5 - Escolha a opo que melhor preenche os espaos em branco.

a) your brother? Twenty years old.
1. How is
2. How much
3. How old
b) .......... the books? They're only 40 dollars.
1. How much are
2. How old are
3. How much is
c) ............ are there in the room? There are three chairs.
1. How much chair
2. How many chairs
3. How many chair
d) ............ ? I'd like some soda, please.
1. What do you like
2. What would you like

3. What can you like

e) ............... this? It's my cellphone
1. Who cellphone is
2. Why cellphone is
3. Whose cellphone is
f) ? He works in a bank.
1. When does he
2. Where does she
3. Where does he
g) ............ lunch? I have lunch at eleven o'clock.
1. What time do you
2. What time do you have
3. What time does you have
h) ? She studies every day.
1. How frequent do she
2. How often do she
3. How often does she

6 - Escolha a opo que melhor preenche os espaos em branco, fazendo uso correto das
preposies 'In, on, at, off, for'.
a) She when I spoke with her.
1. In
2. on
3. at
4. off
5. for
b) He might fall.......the horse if you don't help him.
1. In
2. on
3. at
4. off
5. for
c) He set a good example........his children.
1. In
2. on
3. at
4. off
5. for
d) He didn't have his shoes................when it happened.

1. In
2. on
3. at
4. off
5. for
e) I'm sorry, he's not.........right now.Could you come back later?
1. In
2. on
3. at
4. off
5. for
f) I need to know what happened there last night.What...........?
1. In
2. on
3. at
4. off
5. for
g) Do you really think they're.........drugs because they're missing work?
1. In
2. on
3. at
4. off
5. for
h) They're having a going away party.........her mother.
1. In
2. on
3. at
4. off
5. for
i) They still depend..........their mother.
1. In
2. on
3. at
4. off
5. for
j) You did the right thing...........telling me about what happened.
1. In
2. on
3. at

4. off
5. for
7 - Escolha a opo que melhor preenche os espaos em branco de acordo com as regras
de uso de "used to".
a) I'm used to............alone.Dont worry.
1. Live
2. Liveing
3. Living
b) He used to.........his parents every week.
1. Calling
2. Call
3. Calls
c) We're not used to........... like that.You must do something.
1. Lose
2. Losing
3. Loseing
d) Are you used to...........with people that way?
1. Deal
2. Dealing
3. Dealt
e) They used to............late for work.
1. Show up
2. Showing up
3.Showed up
f) I used work on foot.
1. Going
2. Go
3. Went

8 - Traduza as frases abaixo.

a) I cant get used to such a thing!
b) You'd better get used to that!
c) I didnt use to like her


9 - Passe as frases a seguir para o ingls.

a) Eu estou acostumado a trabalhar at tarde
b) Ela costumava ficar com raiva facilmente
c) Ns estamos acostumados a levantar cedo

10 - Escolha a opo que melhor preenche os espaos em branco, com o uso correto do

'Genitive Case'.
a) He dress is in the closet.
1. The Mary's
2. Mary's
b) The book is
1. Jesus'
2. The Jesus'
c) We were going in car.
1. Friends'
2. Friends's
d) She had nothing to do with............comments.
1. Tinna's
2. Tinna'
11 - Reescreva as frases abaixo usando o 'Caso Genitivo' corretamente.
a) The cellphone of the boy is not working.
b) The eye of the tiger is yellow.
c) The secretaries of the doctors are very attentive.

12 - Traduzam as sentenas a seguir para o ingls.
a) O carro da irm do Pedro.
b) A casa da me da Joana.
c) Qual a melhor traduo para: "His mother-in-law's letter really reassured him."

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