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Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 601(c), £27, or 49474)1) ofthe intemal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit rust or private foundation) SizrarRenmus tues” | P The orentzaton may have to use a copy of ths rum to watisy tate reporting requirement (1B No. 1545-0087 yrs (ech BE san maT Casares change [ete Soba Benbee Ax ca_! _oveoss7 Chane aster] Nbrwn ete ERERAT REG] | Roo Faia ae Biaunun | 22 |p. Box 2161 (916) a4s.as74 Tvemiatee [RE] Corton scm oreo ed BP oe Tatucdnum [Sm | Sacramento, Calliomin 95842 eee Ha) iste gop mimteamune ves no HO) Avo al attietes inckdec? Cvex Cno. 1_ Tax-exempt status: (7) 6046) ( 3 J -4at7(at) or ET 527 No," attach a lst (980 Instructions) ate: wrnreaclon sicuseennense lore Cart Tat Thon UIC LYerdomaine 1969 [w Suse eal ae Ga YI] Summary "Blt est toga isn area sie son flame. | -orgartzaion discontinued its operations or dlsposed of more than 25% of Is assets. ‘3| 9 Number of voting members of the governing body Part Vi nota). se TS 45 B] 4 Number of Independent voting members of the governing body (Part Vi, lino tt) | |. | Ls 42 ‘5 Total number of employees Part V,tine2a). . . . eae 5 431 $[0 Taatnmowcteamecs(eatantrecaany TITS fiili fe 3.80 Ta Total gross unrelated business revenue from Part Vill line 12, column (C).. see es 0 b Not unelated business taxable income from Form 990-7, ng $4," C2 * tS St foe ie a ear Comeavewr 8 Contributions and grants (Part Vill, ine th). 2. 4,474,949, 3,927,459. | 9 Program service revenue (Part Vl tine 26). 2). 1 It 96,747 100,318 £10 Investment income (Part Vil, columa (tines 3 4, and7) 1 39,416 42.548 11 Other revenue (Part Vill, column (A), lines 5, 6d, 8c, 90,100, and 118). 42 Toll revenue—add foes 6 though 11 (must equal Pant Vil colin tye 13) senna 407031 18 Grants and similar amounts, pald (Part X, column (A), lines 1-2)... > ag| i Benefits pad to or or members (Part X, column (A) ine 4). | | | ‘15 Salarlos, other compensation, employe benefits (Part X, column (A), lines 5°70) 044,846 2,235,258 | Soccer reese a b Total fundraising expenses (Part IX, column 0), line 25) > 292,363 | 17 Olher expenses Part X, column (a), nes Ma-t1d, 118-24)... | aata.soe] 4.440.560, 48 Total expenses. Add lines 13-17 (must equal Pat [X eolumn (A), ne 25). 3.456.440 3.675.838 19_Revenus loss expenses. Subtract ling 18 from line 12. , °. 4,154,672 394,483 7 eur _| tad Yor 20 Total assots (Part X,lne tw 6,536,825 6,792,646 24 Total lablities (Part X.Hne 26)... 4,316,146) 4,179,232 il 22_Not assote or fund beiances, Subtract.Une 24 from tine 20°” : 220,679 613,416 Feng] _ Signature Block =e Tee goats of pein, dle Dal fave narod bn ary iebang maaapaa/ig ean pa GT - srs Ba i crs sd cana Stn ot pupa Cw ar Roa Sa ct eae ES ay Sign » Here | P Snunsect a : 7 = fi L inadieZ dative Director : Tpeereti name wa Prepares ate ack Preparee's kerdiving number Fs oy a) = Ss Preparer’s — Uday | Feearesieg sp) a orm e000 age 2 FERMI _Stztoront of Program Senice Accomplishments (oa hetucTony 1+ Biol dosrbo the expanzaton's mission: Saermmento 2 Did the organization undertake any egnticant program sendacs during tha year which were rot fsled oa ‘tho prior Form 990 or 990-EZ?. 6... 2. te ee ee eee eee. Dl ¥es Zo i1"Ves,"doserbo these new services on Scheduls 0. 3d the organtzation coas0 conducting, or make sigleant changes in how it conducts, any program sever? eee ee teen Settee net een. C1Yes @ No IFoo," deserve these changes on Sched O, 4 Describe the exempt purpose achievements for ach of the organization's three largest program services by expenses, Section S01(6\) and 601(9()orgazalons and section 4S47(a}) rust to roquted te oot tne crooner nd ‘allocations to others, the total expenses, and revenue, If any, for each program service reported. “4a (Code: ...........) (expenses § 444_ Other program services. (Describe in Schedule O. {Expenses § " "4,250,650 Including grants of ) Revenue $ ) fe Total program service expenses b § 3,268,331 (ust equal Part IX Ling 25, coun B)y Fem 990 (e005) Form 600 6s) Page 3 [@amnay] Checkiist of Required Schedules Yes [We 1s the organization described in section 601(}) or 4947(a) (other than a private foundation)? It "Yes," complete ScheduloA so. ee ee ee 2 Is tho organization required to complete Schedule B, Schedulo of Contributors? |) |). ) ) [fz v '3._Did the organization engage in director indirect politcal campaign activities on behalf of er in oppostion to candidates for public office? if *Yes," complate Schedule C, Pat}. . 2... ee ee ew L8 ¥ 4° Section &01(c}2) organizations. Did tho organization engage In lobbying activities? If “Yes,” complete SchodileC, Pat... we ee sees sisi oes caine eee saree | & 5 "Section 601(c)(4, 601(c)6), and 501(c)(6) organizations. 1s the organization subject to tho sectlon 603346) notice and reporting requirement and proxy tax? I *Yes,” complete Schedule C, Part ll... . «|S 6 Did tho organization maintain any donor advised funds oF any accounts where donors have the right to. provide advice on the aistribution or Investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? if “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Path 6... ee ee ee ee ee ee x 7” Did the ergantzation recolvo or hold a conservation easement, Including easements to preserve open space, the environment, historic land areas, or historic structures? If *Ves,” complote Schedulo D, Pat. . | 7 8 Did the organization maintain collections of works of art historical treasures, or other similar assets?if “Yes,” complete ScheduioD, Part ll. sv ee ee ee ee ee te ee eee PB © Did the organization report an amount in Part X, Ine 21; serve asa custodian for amounts not ised in Part X; oF provide erecit counseling, debt management, credit repalr, or debt negotiation ‘services? If “Yes,” complete Schedule, PartV we ee ee ee Se v 410 id the organization hold asso inform, permanent, or quashendotnénts? i "es" completo Schedulo D, Part V ” | 40. Lv 14. Did the organization report an amount In Part X, tines 10, 12, 13, 15, or 252/f*¥es,” complalo Schedule D, Parts Vi Vi, Vil, IK orX as applcebls se ee eee tee ee LM 12 Did the organtzatio recelve an audited firancial statement forthe year fr which Ito completing tis retum that was prepared in accordance with GAAP? if “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Parts Xi, Xi, and Xi... | 421 ¥ 13 _Is the organization a school described in section 170XINANII? if “Yes,” completa ScheduleE . . . .”, .[ 43 v ‘14a Did the organization maintain an office, employees, or agents outside of the US.2,...... . .(140 x 1 Did the xganization have aggregate revenues o exponses of mero than $10,000 trom grantmaking, fundrasing, ‘business, and program service activites outside the U.S.? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Pat. . . . , .(14b v 15 Did tho organization report on Part Dx column (A) ine 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance to any ‘orgarization or entty located outside the United Statos? Hf "Yes," completo Schedule F, Part... [15 16 Did the organization report on Part X, column (A, ine 8, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or assistance {0 Individuals located outelde the United States? If "Yes," complote Schedule F, Part ill’... . . . .{16| |v 47 Did the organization report more than $15,000 on Part Dt couenn (Eno 1107 if Yes,” complete Schack G, Pat)" {471 |v 18 Did the organization report moro than $16,000 total on Pat Vl, nes To and Ba? "Yes" complete Schedule G, Par! {18 19 Did the organization report moro than $15,000 on Part Vill, line 82? If “Yos,” complete Schedule G, Part i! | 19 v 20 Did tho organization operate one or more hospitals? If “Yes," complete ScheduleH . . 2... . . [20 x 21 Did the orgartzaton report mer than $8,000 on Part % coli (9) Sne 1? If Yes” compoto Sched Pots and ti [21 22 Did the organtzaton report mare than $5,000 on Part IX, column (A), Ine 271 "Yes," complete Sched Pats fand m {22-1 | v 23 Did tho organization answer *Yes" to Part Vik Section A, questions 3, 4, or 67/f “Yes,” complote Sched. ve eee ee ef ¥ 24a Did the organization have a tax-exempt bond Issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000 as ofthe last day ofthe yea, that was Issued after Decembar 31, 20027Hf "Yas, answer questions ‘2éb-2dd and complolo Schedulo K. If *No,” goto question 28... ee tetal | 'b Did the ergantzaton Invest any procoeds of tax-exompt bonds bayond a temporary petiod axcoplion? . | [2abl I'v © Did the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time during tho year ‘to defoase any tax-exempt bonds?. . 2. ee ee ee 5 (RAG ¥ 4 Did the organtzation act as an “on behalf of issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year?" [24dl_—L v7 25a Section 601(c}{9) and 601(c)(4) organizations. Did the organization engagoin an excess benef transaction wht a disqualied person during the year? if "Yes," completo Schedule L, Part! . . . . . - « -|25al__| ¥ bb Did the organization bocome aware that it had engaged in an excess boneft transaction with a disqualified person from a prior year? if "Yes," complete Schedule L, Parti... .. ey [5B [ 28 Was a han to or by a cuent or former ctfest, deta, tusteo, kay employee, highly compensated employes, of lqulied person outstanding as ofthe ond ofthe crgankzation's tax year? if Yes," compete Schoduie L, Pet ll. | 26 |__| v 21 Did the organtzation provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, rector, trustee, key employee, of substantial contributor, orto a person related to such an Indhidual? "Ves. complete ScheculeL, Part if | 27 |__| v- Fem 990 05

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