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SCHEDULE A {Form 990 or 990-22) Public Charity Status and Public Support ‘Tobe complatd bya secon £012) organzaton and scton 404) nanexmoptuarkable tue ‘Open to Publi Deze ot sary > Attach to Form 090 or Form 90-€2. >See separate Instructions. omni Nave che poten Easloar ansten nie Sacramonto Loaves &Flshos cai _ovess07 Reason for Public Charity Status (Al organizations must complete This part) (see Instructions) ‘The organtzation Is not a private foundation because It is: (Please check only one organization) 1 C] Achurch, convention of churches, or association of churches described In section 170(b)(1AN(). 2 Aschool described in section 170(b)(1)(A)0). (Attach Schedule E) 3 Cl Ahospital or a cooperative hospital sorvico organization described in section 170{b)(1}(AN{i. (Attach Schedule H) 4 © Amedical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital described In section 170{b)(1)(A)(l). Enter the feta noo st enn ee 5 C1 An organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a govemmental unt described in ‘section 170(b)(1)(A)(v). (Complete Part IL) 6 (1 A federal, state, or local government or govemmental unit described In section 170(b)(1)(A)(v). 7 An organization that normally receives a substantial part of Its support from a governmental unit or from the general public described In section 170(b){1)(A)(vi). (Complete Part 1.) 8 CO Acommunity trust described In section 170{b)(1)(A){v). (Complote Part Il) 9 O] Anorganization that normally recelves: (1) more than 331% of Its suppor from contributions, membership fees, and gross Testo acento cap tretane~saet nota csr a ee oe en sae Siar on gos testo ene sn uri users ake eons fesse ST tem as acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975. See section 509(a)(2). (Complete Part lil.) 10 (An organization organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety. See section 509(a)(4). (see Instructions) 11 1 An organization organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to cany out the Purposes of one or more publicly supported organizations described In section 509(a)(1) or section 50B(a)(2). Seesection '500(a}(3). Check the box that describes the type of supporting organlzation and completo lines 11@ through 11h. aD type! b O Type ¢ C1 Typo i-Functionaly integrated ¢ 0 Type iother © CG By checking this box, | certify that the organization Is not controlled directly or Indirectly by one or more disqualified Decor rtanoston area sno at oe saa psy tetas tensa deanna ‘509{a)(1) or section 509(a)(2). {tom egrton rsd a tn ct fo eS ht tw 2 Tp The ype epg opanain,ccchiavoc sonics ys fo ORE ero Tpe lc Type sonar Shen Aug 208 hn thereat yl on fe yan following persons? @ A person who directly or Indirectly controls, either alone or together with persons described in (i) and (ji) below, the governing body of the supported organization? .......... ~~ ‘(itt (it) A family member of a person described in Jabove? . we Hts (0) A 35% controlled entity of a person described In () or (I) above? 2... lL lt ns _ Posh evn lattes St ects totais ga : a eee : mnmeceees |e | dems [en eies| Gomer | aes | ama sige Aogicien | goenrgconraat| “cs Molyes” | (aumasd noe Yes [Ne | Yeo | No | Yes | No [es For Pevacy Act nd Paperwork Reduction Act Notc, sae he instuctons for Form 880. Cat No. 1285F Schedule A (Form 000 or @0-E2) BOD ‘Schedute A Form 890 or 0007) 2008 Pe 2 ‘Support Schodulo for Organizations Described in Sections 47O(NTANw) and T7O(E)ATAN (Complete only if you checked the box on line 5, 7, of 8 of Part L) Section A. Publlc Support alondar year(orfiscal yearboginningin) » ]_(@)2004 |) 2008 | (@) 2008 | (a) 2007 | (op 9008 | 1) Total + moma cattsen red menienirierssed Bort | sososstl_sorastr|_aqss0| aaragc|_aszraso|_toazeaes 2 Taxrevenues levied for tho organization's ‘benef and ether paid to or expended on Msbehafo ee ee 5 3 Tho value of sorvices or factilos furished by a govermental unit tothe ‘orgarizaton wihout charge. 4 TolaLAddines 13... . . . |Sas03ti| —Se7esar| 331500] _aarasio| som7d55| 19,s26905 {5 The porn of fot contribution by each [BEES een person (other than a governmental uit or Publ supported Tred nine 1 tak exceeds 296 o he cmt Shomeontne ti,colmn() . 6_Publlesupport. Satreat tro si 79326905 Bostion B. Total Support Calendar year (orfisel yearbeginningle) > | (a) 2004 [(e)2005 [tay 2006 | (@h2007_| fo) 2008_|_() Tota ia 3,930,311| 3,674,547|~3,319,699| 4,474,949 3,977,459] 19,326,905 8 Gree nce fn nist, Feb royallos and nears fom eit farsa. royetee and incor fom erat sz4a|__azza1|__sz.tsa|___soate|__aa,seal 147,028 8 Net Income from unrelated business activites, whsthor or not the business Is rogulaty caniedon ee ws 10 Other Income. Do net Include galn or loss from tho sale of capital assets Copdnin Pet). ess - 41. Total support. Add Enea 7 tough 10 DD aes 42 Gross receipts trom related acto, ot. eee nsinucions) vw... LB 348,723 8 itv yu te Fem 00 ft ho openzato’ tt eco tid fu, o th ox rao seston OHA) tarizaton, check tis boxand stop hero oe. ss se eee eee ere ecererecere El Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentage 14 Publfe support percentage for 2008 (ine 6, column () dvided by ine 11, column)... . [48 oa 15 Public support percentage from 2007 Scheduio A, Part W-A,tne26f 2... 15. 897%. 16a 33/4 % support test—2006. If the organtzation cid not check tho box on tne 43, and tne 14 is 334% or more, chock ths box ‘and stop here, The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization... ee ee ees ED 1b 33%4% support test-2007. If the organization ld not check a box on line 13 oF 16a, and line 15 ls $3496 oF more, check this ‘box and stop here. The organization qualfies as a publisy supported organization... se... eee es PO 17a 10%-tacts-and-clroumstances tost 2008. tthe organization did not check a box on line 19, 16a, oF 16b, and line 14 Is 1086 or ‘more, end Ifthe organization meets the *facts-and-clrcumstances* test, chock this box and stop here. Explain niPart V how the organization meets tha *fects-and-clrcumstances* test. The organzation qualifies es a publily supported organization...» CI b t0%efacts-and-clreumstancea tost—2007. Ith organization dd not check a box on ne 19, 16,16, or 17a, and Uno 15 fs 10% oF ‘more, end If the organlzation meets the “facts-and-ckeumstances” test, check ths box and stop here. Explan l Part IV how the ‘organization meets the “facs-and-clrcumstances" test. The orgarlzation qualiles asa publicly supported organization... . > OI 18 Private foundation. Ifthe organization did not check a bax on line 13, 16a, 16, 17a, or 17b, check this box and see Instructions » C] ‘Schedule A (Form 90 or 690 2008 Scot Ar 00 or 60ED 208 [GEMM support Schedule for Organizations Described in Section 509(a)(2) (Complate only it you checked the box on lino 9 of Part 1) Section A Public Support Pace 3 Galondaryear (orfiscalyearbeginainginy » | (a) 2008 | (@) 3008 | (e) 2006 | (a) 3007 | te) 2008, Total 1 Gifs, | grants, _ contibutions, and membership fe9s recelved. (Do not ncluda any "usual grants)... 2 Gross roclpis rom admissions, nerctandtso sold or ‘senfces perfonrad, or facies fared yeti al ltd oe ‘organkzaton’s tax-exempt pupese . ‘3 Grose rcp from aces that ww not on tuvolated fade orbusness under sacton 513, 4 Texrovenves lovled forthe organization's bboneft and ether pald to or expended on is ina teers eater eet 5 Tho valvo of services or faciltles fumished by a governmental unit to the ‘organization without charga =... © Total. Add lines 1-5... a Amounts cluded on Ines 1, 2, end 8 recelved from disqualtied persons, 1b Amounts Incded on tines 2. and 3 TecoNed fom other than disquaied persons that exceed the gator of 1% of ffetetal of tne 8,10, 19, and 12 fone yoarar$5000 eh et ce: Add ines 7aand7 2... 8 ublle support (Subvat tno To ‘rom Sestion B. Total Support alondaryear or fiscal year beginning in) » | (a) 2004 | _(b) 2008 | (e)2008 | (2007 | te) 2008 (Wretar 9 Amounts from ina6 . sw ws 1 Grows nee frm hint, ind ayer Tcolved on sess leans Fete royals and cs fom sae soe en eee 1b Unrelated business taxable Income fess section S11. taxes) from businesses acquld after Juno 30,1875. . © Addihes tOaand 105. 44 Net Income from, unvelted business actiiles ot ‘inciuded In ine. 10, ‘hor ort th Busnes fs eguary 42. Other income. Do not include gan or lose from tho saio of capt assets CokinnPavy so... 19 Totat suport. (cd nes ©, 100,11, SEE EAT 14 Ftv yar tho Farm 080s th rgantaton' fe, secon, hi, fourth, Ft ox your 8a seen SOT) cxgarizalion, check this box and stop here... Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentage 18 Public support percentage for 2008 (ino 8, column () divided by ina 13, column). 416_Publle support percentage from 2007 Schedule A, Part VA, lina 27g [Ls 5 Section D. Computation of investment Income Percentage +17 Investment income percentage for 2008 (ine 10c, column (9 divided by lino 13, column (l) . 48 _Invosiment income percentage from 2007 Schedule A, Part IV-A, ine 27h a 16. %. % 19a 93% % support tests—2008. If the organization did not check the box on line 14, and line 15 is more than 33/4%, and line 17 isnot more than 33% %, check this box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization » C) 'b 33% % support tests—2007. If the organization did not check a box on tine 14 or line 19a, and Ine 16 is more than 334%, and Tino 18 isnot more than 334%, check iis box and stop here. The orgenzatlon qualifies as a publey supported orenieaten ® C1 20__Private foundation. ithe organization did nat chack a box online 14, 182, or 196, chook this box and sea Instructions » C] ‘Sohal A Ferm 50 or EZ 2008

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