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Dasa Trend Analysis I

We know that various results which one expects in an Horoscope are felt only during specific period, when the influence of a sign (rasi dasa) or a graha (udu dasa) becomes predominant. However, before moving to the analysis of the antardasa, it is important to judge the overall trend of a dasa. This helps in pin pointing the exact dasa that would give a particular result. The steps given below shall aid in finding out the dasa trend. DASA TREND The trend of any dasa can be judged by dividing the dasa period into three parts. These parts would focus on the results indicated bya. The sign/ House b. The lord c. Occupation and Aspect on that sign However the sequence in which the sign, lord or conjunction will give result is dependent on the Sign in the Rasi dasa and on the Planet in the Graha dasa. This is enumerated below: RASI DASA ------------------1. Rising of the Signs: There are three ways in which a sign can rise: a. Sirsodaya (Rising by head) : Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius. b. Pristodaya (Rising by Back) : Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn. c. Ubhayodaya (Rising bothways): Pisces Sirsodaya signs give results in the early part of the dasa, Pristodaya signs give results during the last part of the dasa, whereas the Ubhayodaya signs give results during the middle part of the dasa. 2. Benefic/ Malefic Nature of the lord/ aspects/ conjunctions Jyotish shastras have said unanimously that the benefic results of the dasa shall be felt during the early part and the malefic results will be felt in the latter part. In the remaining two part of the dasa, benefic results will be given in the early part. Thus the results will be given by the lord/ aspect/ conjunction, depending on who is the most benefic among them. THE ONLY EXPEPTION TO THIS IS; IF NODES ARE PLACED IN THE DASA RASI, THE DASA DURATION IS DIVIDED INTO TWO PARTS. THE DASA FROM KETU TO RAHU IS CALLED BHOGA MARGA AND IS GOOD MATERIALLY, WHEREAS THAT FROM RAHU TO KETU IS KNOWN AS MOKSHA MARGA AND IS GOOD SPIRITUALLY. GRAHA DASA -------------------

RESULTS OF NATURAL SINGNIFICATION The Results of the natural karakatva (signification) of a planet is given based on the nature of rising of a sign, which as as follows: a. Planets in Sirsodaya signs give results in the first part of their dasa/ antar. b. Planets in Pristodaya signs give results in the last part of their period. c. Planets in Ubhayodaya sings give results in the middle part of their periods. Some astrologers opine that the planets in Ubhayodaya Rasi give results throughout their period (JP 18-26). RESULT OF PLACEMENT, OWNERSHIP & STRENGTHS/ WEAKNESSES 1. For malefic planets a. The results of its exaltation or such strength in divisions are felt in the first three sub periods i.e. about 1/3rd the period of dasa/antardasa. b. The results of its house placement and ownership are felt in the next three sub periods i.e. the middle 1/3rd past of the dasa/antardasa. c. The results of its aspects as well as aspect on it will be felt in the concluding 1/3rd portion or last three sub-periods. 2. For Benefic planets a. the result of its ownership and house placement are felt in the first three sub-periods (i.e. first 1/3rd part of the period); b. The result of its exaltation and strength show their results in the middle part (i.e. next 1/3rd part) c. The results of the aspects on it as well as its aspects bear fruit in the last (i.e. concluding 1/3rd) part of the dasa.

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