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Thomas A. Co H4G 07 Jul. 19, 2013 CLE 10. DaVinci - being a polymath 1.

Fight Club - Nietzschean existentialism, negative view of the corporate world 2. The Matrix Trilogy - Socrates, Plato, Freud 3. Assassins Creed series - conspiracy theories 6. Bible - Life of Jesus 4. Star Wars universe - Yoda, Sith philosophy 5. Halo universe - music, inuence in art 7. Karate - 5 rules of the Dojo 8. DC universe - Batman,Watchmen, hero-villain dichotomy 9. Scam School - fun After careful reection, mostly movies and video games Ive watched and played in my childhood and early teenage years are the main inuencing factors in my present day philosophies and ideologies on life. Specically, it is the views in Fight Club the lm, the philosophical dialogues and references to great thinkers in the Matrix Trilogy, and this desire to be free from from hidden and unknown things by ghting, nding inner peace and perfection, and willing to channel that changing force out into the dark, corrupt, ignorant and chaotic world stemming from the Assassins Creed video game series that I say inuence me the most. Almost every moment I spend awake, alive and breathing leads eventually to reections and thoughts about this bigger, outside world I am paradoxically both a member of and not and inuencing factor of. Of course, other forms of multimedia across different genres inuence my art, my athletic side, and the musically inclined me, but somehow, all my goals somehow lead to this inner, dominating desire to change the world. I let these things inuence how I think because they gave a bigger perspective of the reality around us. Behind the dark themes and being ction, they present truths about our world which, when I realized and accepted, developed deep within me the desire to change things.

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