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NSF GK-12 Graduate Fellows Program

Award # DGE-0139171

University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Reading Material to Accompany Activity

by Melissa Ernst Department of Biological Sciences

Activity aligned with the 2001 North Carolina Standard Course of Study for 8th Grade Science: Goal # 4

Hovercraft Background: Friction is a force that opposes motion. When you wave your hand in the air, there is very little friction opposing the motion of your hand. However, when you slide your hand across the table, it is harder because there is a larger force of friction acting against the movement of your hand.

A Hovercraft is also sometime called an Air Cushion Vehicle or ACV. Hovercraft fly just two feet above any surface, allowing it to navigate safely across water, land, ice, snow or any combination. Hovercraft are propelled by air screws (propellers) and are supported by a cushion of air retained within a flexible structure. The flexible structure and cushion of air provide a very low friction interface. The air is retained by a rubber skirt that enables the craft to travel over a wide range of terrain. The skirt simply gives way when an obstacle is encountered. History: Hovercraft started as an experimental design to reduce the drag that was placed on boats and ships as they ploughed through the water. The first recorded design for an air cushion vehicle was by a Swedish designer and philosopher, Emmanual Swedenborg, in 1716. The project was rather short lived however. In the mid 1870s, Sir John Thornycroft built a number of model craft to check the 'air cushion' effects and even filed patents involving air-lubricated hulls. Both American and European engineers continued to work on the problems of designing a practical craft. Not until the early 20th century was a hovercraft possible because only the internal combustion engine had the very high power to weight ratio suitable for hover flight. In the mid 1950s Christopher Cockerell, a British radio engineer, and French engineer, Jean Bertin, worked along similar lines of research, although they used different approaches to the problem of maintaining the air cushion. Cockerell began by exploring the use of air lubrication to reduce hydrodynamic drag. This idea was later followed by one in which a thin layer of lubricating air gave way to a deep air cushion which would

raise the craft above the surface, enabling it not only to clear small waves, but also to make the transition from water to land and back again. His first experiments were conducted with the aid of two cans and a vacuum cleaner (using the blowing end). The cans were drilled and bolted so that one can was inside the other with the open ends facing down on to some weighing scales. The top of the larger can was open and had a tube connected to it so that air could be forced in to the top can and around the smaller can inside.

The air traveled between the inside of the bigger can and the outside of the smaller can and was then let out towards the scales in a narrow ring of air. The cans were made so that it was possible to remove the inner can from the larger can so the air could be directed in two ways The experiment was conducted in two steps. First the smaller can was removed and the blower switched on. The scales measured the amount of thrust the air from the one can produced down onto the scales. The smaller can was now replaced inside the larger can so that the ring of air was produced. Again the blower was switched on and the scales measured the amount of thrust the ring of air produced down onto the scales. Cockerell observed that the two cans nested inside each other produced more thrust onto the scales than the simple open can or plenum chamber did. He had discovered the momentum curtain effect and this was the key idea that he patented. In 1959, the first working hovercraft model was produced and crossed the channel between Calais & Dover, France in 2 hours 3 minutes. 1967: The US military took several Hovercraft to Vietnam - used it extremely successful and developed during 1970's the LCAC, which with a weight of 100 tons and 16.000 HP are at current time the major craft in size and capacity.

Environmental impact: Because the hovercraft does not pierce the surface over which it is traveling the advantage is two-fold: a) Less friction = less fuel burnt to move b) Less friction or interruption to the surface = less disturbance of the environment. Therefore, Hovercraft can be used in shallow water and drying areas. These areas are often remote and environmentally sensitive. Most of these areas are wetlands, swamps, and river delta. They are not only the feeding ground for a lot of different species of birds but are often used by marine life hiding from predators. In these sensitive areas, no transportation means are available. Hovercraft are able to operate in these areas in an environmentally friendly way. Damage to the shore environment, such as beaches, mud flats and vegetation is virtually non-existent because of the hovercrafts low pressure "footprint". For example, the average human being when standing on a beach exerts a pressure of 3 lbs per square inch underfoot, rising to 25 lbs per square inch when walking. The average hovercraft exerts a pressure of only 0.33lb per square inch on the surface regardless of speed. This "footprint" pressure is less than that of a seagull standing on one leg! Another important factor is that, by necessity, the hovercraft hull is a 'sealed unit'. Any accidental discharges and leaks are fully contained within the hull structure, remaining there to be pumped out at an appropriate shore facility. There is no exhaust discharge into the water as with most conventional watercraft, thus eliminating the pollution of the marine environment by oil and fuel particles, particularly prevalent with two-stroke outboard motor usage. Hovercraft have minimal base requirements: Hovercraft do not require, docks, piers or dredged channels and can operate off many beach sites. Road access to the maintenance base is desirable but not essential. Hovercraft can work in areas and leave without the need for environmentally damaging construction projects to support the operation. Applications: Modern Hovercraft are used for many applications where people or equipment need to travel at speed over water but be able to load and unload on land. Uses for hovercraft hovercraft vehicles: Flood and Ice Rescue Wetland Geological Survey Pipeline Support Law Enforcement Flood and River Control Wetland Hydrological Survey Recreational Utility Support

Wetland Anti Poaching Patrol Organizations currently using hovercraft: U.S. Coast Guard Dive SAR Drug Enforcement Flying Pest Control Marine Fire Rescue Forestry Service Antarctic Stations Border Patrol Wildlife Control Coastal Authorities Lifeguard Stations Dive Recovery Harbor Patrol Oil Spill Recovery

Mosquito Abatement

Fire Rescue National Parks Service Port Authorities Military Services Nuclear Power Plants Hunter and Fisherman Private Enthusiasts

It was thought that pads of high-pressure air could replace the wheels of a car. However, two main difficulties became apparent: 1. Pads of high-pressure air proved difficult and wasteful of power to lift the car high enough for it to travel over any but the smoothest surface. 2. The difficulty of propulsion. As soon as physical contact with the ground is lost, a new method of propulsion had to be devised to replace that usually supplied by the wheels. Because of these problems, the Hover car concept has never been a reality and commercial use has moved towards the Hover train but even then with limited success. Rails provide smooth surface for the high-pressure air and the guidance from the tracks overcomes the problem of steering. Either an engine with a propeller or an electrical linear induction motor provides the hover train forward and reverse movement. Other than these, the hover principle is used for moving large or heavy objects but is limited to very special applications. The Hovercraft as a vehicle is still in common use but not in large volumes as was first thought. As engine and materials technology progress, the Hovercraft may yet make a comeback. Links of interest: Hovercraft museum: General information:

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