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What is Motivation?

According to Gary Johns Motivation, the extent to which persistent efforts is directed towards a goal. Reference: (Page#159, author Gary Johns, fourth Edition, Harper Collins College Publishers, Book name Understanding and Managing life at work, Source: Library of Hailey College of Commerce)

Motivation at Individual level:

Porter and miles believe that system consists of those set of affecting motivation of an individual in the organization .Each individual employee when join organization bring skills, interests, needs, attitudes, and other personality traits. According to Individual psychology each person develops certain drives and desires as a result of the experiences he goes through and thus you can hardly motivate two people using the same method unless they have both passed through similar experiences. The degree and strength of an individual's personal motivation is the single most important factor in determining the extent to which he or she will commit to do what needs to be done to achieve a desired result. Reference: (Page#112, Edition 2005 Theories and Practical Applications, Author Nirmal Singh, Publishers name Deep and Deep Publications Pvt Ltd) (

Motivation at Organizational level:

The reward system in most organizations is to attract, retain, and motivate employees. The organizations compensation structure must be equitable, consistent and compliance with law and all these components play an important role in employees better performance. The organization motivate the employees by giving them compensation Packages, i-e Base pay ,incentive system and indirect compensation i-e life and health insurance, pension, retirements plans and perquisites. When an employee is highly motivated they feel free to express their views and ideas since they are passionate about their

jobs. They know that they are an important part of the organization and want to contribute more towards the betterment of the organization, this makes them more creative. For increasing the creativity amongst the employees, managers has to design a leadership style in such a way that is encourages employees to provide more suggestions, new ideas and new cost effective ways of delivering better performance. Reference: (Organizational Behaviour Managing People and Organization, 2009 Edition, Author Gregory Moor, Ricky W.Grif fin, Publisher name Biztantra Management for the flat world!)

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