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Among the many empirical research held by the Frankfurt School is The authoritarian personality, conducted at Berkeley in connection

with the Berkeley Public Opinion Research Group. This research is important not only because it contains the empirical reflection of many insights of Dialectics of Enlightenment, but also for presenting a successful connection of empirical social research with philosophical reflection. Also important in this research is the dialectical way Psychoanalysis is used to comprehend the problem of prejudice as a reflection of deep impulses and the socialization process in the administered society. The authoritarian personality exemplifies two especial ways Theodor W. Adorno interprets Psychoanalysis as Social Psychology. These ways can be found in his theoretical works, such as Sociology and Psychology, and Negative Dialectics. The first way is exactly his dialectical interpretation of the Ego as something psychic and not psychic, a libido fragment and, at the same time, a worlds representative. The second way concerns to a potential Adorno sees in Psychoanalysis. According to him, despite it being science, it contains a concern with the sediments of the phenomenal world. For the author, Critical Theorys insight according to which there would be something in the phenomenon that could be achieved only through theoretical reflection was inherited not only of idealism but also of Freuds psychology.

Critical Theory and Social Psychology: Adornos interpretation of Psychoanalysis. Deborah Christina Antunes Antunes Professor at Universidade Federal do Cear (UFC), Sobral Advanced Campus, CE, Brazil,

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