Dream #4 - July 2013

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I am submitting my application for the position of I found this position while job searching on the EADS website.

DREAM all of us a big group of friend walking through a dark river area at night, maybe northern minnesota, after a n ew years party where netts therese mary , tyrel, sonya erl, . Tyrel was getting wasted and punching my knuckles playfully but kind of anry and reeally hard. We left the bar and walked through the river since rory said he saw something before he wanted to show, as we walked through the river, rory with his rope tied to a horse pulling him and my rope tied to him.. saw things like a hard shelled manta ray on the river floor. Then rory dived down and picked up this vase. It had a swatika and tiny cross carved on it and somebodys inituals on the bottom but in the opeb part was some kind of soft, organic material, like the belly of a moolusk. It pulsated and was slimy. We took it back home and put it in a large cooking glass pan, like what u make lasagna in. it was a bluish, jelly like foam with one end more foamy where its head was. Later the foam dissapeard and it became what reesemberd a huge flea , but with tentacles. I saw its eye.

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