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MEC 260: Engineering Statics

Fall 2009 - Final Exam

***NOTE: You MUST circle your answers to receive credit***

Problem 1. Two forces are applied to the end of a rod as shown. a) Express the resultant of the two forces as a vector with i and j components (3 points). b) Calculate the magnitude of the resultant (2 points).

10 lbs

Problem 2. Given force P= 200 N and angle =70 , calculate the tension in cable AC. (5 points).

Problem 3. Given the geometry, express the force applied at point D as a vector. (5 points).

Problem 4. Calculate the moment of the force applied at point D in Problem 3 taken about point C. If you don't have an answer for Problem 3 or if you are unsure of your answer, use the generic form of the force vector f = fxi + fyj + fzk, leaving fx, fy and fz as variables. (5 points).

Problem 5. Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area with respect to the y-axis. Hint: for a rectangular area of size h by b, the moment of inertia about the centroidal axis 1 parallel to side b is 12 b h3. Include units in your answer. (8 points).

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4 in

1 in x 10 in

Problem 6. The 10 N block A is attached to link AC and rests on the 20 N block B as shown. The angle of the link is = 60 and the coefficient of static friction is 0.3 between all surfaces of contact. Neglecting the weight of the link, determine the value of the force P required to move block B. (10 points).

Problem 7. The tool shown is used to crimp terminals onto electrical wires. Knowing that a worker will apply forces of magnitude P = 27 N to the handles, determine the magnitude of the crimping forces that will be exerted on the terminal. You must draw free body diagrams to receive full credit. Hint: use symmetry to simplify the analysis (12 points).

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