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Water-and-Pipe Analogy for Ohms Law Edvard May 20, 2013

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Ohms Law also makes intuitive sense if you apply it to the w ate r-and-pipe analogy. If we have a water pump that exerts pressure (voltage) to push water around a circuit (current) through a restriction (resistance resistance), we can model how the three variables interrelate. If the resistance to water flow stays the same and the pump pressure increases, the flow rate must also increase. Pressure = Increase Flow rate = Increase Resistance = Same Voltage = Increase Current = Increase Resistance = Same

An analogy for Ohms Law

If the pressure stays the same and the resistance increases (making it more difficult for the water to flow), then the flow rate must decrease: Pressure = Same Flow rate = Decrease Resistance = Increase Voltage = Same Current = Decrease Resistance = Increase


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If the flow rate were to stay the same while the resistance to flow decreased, the required pressure from the pump would necessarily decrease: Pressure = Decrease Flow rate = Same Resistance = Decrease Voltage = Decrease Current = Same Resistance = Decrease

Review of Water-and-Pipe Analogy for Ohms Law

1. With resistance steady, current follows voltage (an increase in voltage means an increase in current, and vice versa). 2. With voltage steady, changes in current and resistance are opposite (an increase in current means a decrease in resistance, and vice versa). 3. With current steady, voltage follows resistance (an increase in resistance means an increase in voltage). Re source : Lessons in electric circuits , Volume I DC

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