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The Rheostat In Few Simple Words Edvard May 20, 2013

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A variable resistor can be made from a w ire w ound e le me nt , rather than a solid strip of mate rial . This is calle d a rhe ostat. A rheostat can have either a rotary control or a sliding control . This depends on whether the nichrome wire is wound around a dough-nut-shaped form (toroid ) or a cylindrical form (sole noid ). Rheostats always have inductance , as well as re sistance . They share the advantages and disadvantages of fixed wirewound resistors.

Startup rheostat of VL10 3 kV DC electric locomotive

A rhe ostat is not continuously adjustable , as a pote ntiome te r is. This is because the movable contact slides along from turn to turn of the wire coil. The smallest possible increment is the resistance in one turn of the coil. The rheostat resistance therefore ad-justs in a series of little jumps.

Left: Toroid wire rheostat; Right: Slide wire rheostat


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Rheostats are used in highvoltage, high-power applications. A good example is in a variable-voltage power supply. This kind of supply uses a transformer that steps up the voltage from the 117-V utility mains , and diodes to change the ac to dc. The rheostat can be placed between the utility outlet and the transformer.

Figure 1 - Connection of a rheostat in a variable-voltage power supply

This results in a variable voltage at the power-supply output. A pote ntiome te r would be destroyed instantly in this application.

Rheostat Working Principle (VIDEO)

Cant see this video? Click here to watch it on Youtube. Re source : Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics Stan Gibilisco

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