MRivera SHU Courses

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2012 1. BAM311: Business Ethics (A) a. Instructor: Michael Winstrom b. Learned: In this course I learned how ethics play a very large role in business, not only in the United States, but also in the world. Discussions on ethics and morality were weekly topics of how companies actions affect people and effect global communities. 2. BAM441: Communication Skills for Managers (A-) a. Instructor: Tod Skrzynski b. Learned: In this course I learned how important communication can be in the management of people. The course addressed current challenges of communication in business for managers. Some highlights of the course were examining the balance that managers make between technology and the new forms of communication technology, like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Other topics the course covered were traditional communication issues, like interpersonal and group communication. 3. LAS301: The Adult Learner (A) a. Instructor: James Owens b. Learned: Primarily, the course covered the book How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Everyday by Michael J. Gelb. It spoke at length about the type of man, educator, philosopher, and all around Renaissance man that Leonardo da Vinci was. The course relied heavily on the belief every person can achieve some level of da Vincian living. The course surrounded his seven teachings: Curiosita, Dimonstratzione, Sensazione, Sfumato, Arte/Scienza, Corporalita, and Connessione. 4. MGT452: Leadership (B) a. Instructor: Bill Motz b. Learned: This course as well as the course textbook has to be in the top 3 most pratical textbooks that I have ever used for any course. The book and course took a triad approach to leadership: theory of leadership, applicability of leadership, and the development of leadership skills. The instructor, Bill Motz, used the textbook effectively with chapter assessments in the areas of leadership traits and ethics, leadership behavior and motivation, and contingency leadership theories. My favorite part of the entire textbook and course was the focus on influencing (power, politics, networking, and negotiation).

Winter 2013 1. LAS401: Senior Seminar: Integrative Experience (A) a. Instructor: Cannot remember b. Learned: Unfortunately I cannot say that I learned anything from this course. I cannot even remember the instructors name. Sorry. I however, did very well in the course. 2. MGT360: Human Resource Management (B-) a. Instructor: Stephen Ball b. Learned: Unfortunately I cannot say that I learned anything from this course. I cannot even remember the instructors name. Sorry. 3. MKT351: Advertising & Promotion (B+) a. Instructor: Lori Timmis b. Learned: This course concentrated on the advertisings focus on Integrated Marketing Communication. The course teaches that in todays marketing world, marketers need to understand that traditional marketing/media is not enough to be successful. The instructor zeroed in on the new technology aspects of marketing tools, like social media. One of the best experience from this course is that if a student takes it in the Winter semester, the instructor makes all students watch the Super Bowl, live, and log online to discuss at length the television ads effectiveness, target audience, and potential influences the ad may have on consumers. 4. PHI329: Technology and the Human Condition (A) a. Instructor: Ran Lahav b. Learned: This course focused on societys dependency on technology by incorporating books like Blade Runner, Desert Solitaire, and Brave New World. It offered ethical conundrums about the extension of life, artificial life, and the issue of morality in respects to technologys every growing integration into life. I found this course to be interesting if I were a philosophy major, however, I did not and still do not find value for it in a communications major. Summer 2013 1. MGT361: Organizational Behavior (A-) a. Instructor: Carol Himelhoch b. Learned: As I have taken many organizational behavior and development courses in my time in higher education, this course offered a refresher of information that I had learned years earlier. Topics like the new concept of People-Centered organizations were studied in depth. Other topics I remember were the usual; Organizational Culture, Behavior, Leadership, and International

Organizational Behavior, values and attitudes, group dynamics and teams, and managing conflict and negotiation, to name just a few. Each week, we submitted our evaluation of case studies on material we learned that week. 2. SOC341: Research in Social Sciences (A) a. Instructor: Stephen Ball b. Learned: This course centered on the tools and methods of evaluating research in academic journals, articles, and papers. By far, this has been my favorite course I have taken in all my undergraduate studies. Issues like Logical Fallacies that many writers fall into when writing or publishing their work are highlighted such as Appeal to Force, Appeal to Pity, Appeal to Authority, Irrelevant Material offered but having no said relevance to research, and False Cause. The course uses the textbook Evaluating Research in Academic Journals by Fred Pyrczak. The textbook reads like a how to manual of evaluating articles in academic journals. The most rewarding course that I believe every student should take in their freshman year of college to give them an effective tool when doing research. 3. PCM495: Professional Communications (IP) a. Instructor: Mary Antonaros b. Learned: The course covers communication research in the areas of literature reviews, strategic research, and generally assists in the research process by assisting students to use research tools effectively, like library skills, database usage, and use of academic journals. Fall 2013 1. MKT470: Global Marketing a. Instructor: Deborah Harvel-Jenkins b. Learned: N/A course not attempted yet 2. PCM330: Intercultural Communication a. Instructor: Mary Antonaros b. Learned: N/A course not attempted yet

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