Sujeet@iitk - (Topic To Be Announced by The Instructor)

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Semester I, 2013-14 ME667: Adhesion, Friction and Lubrication for Micromachines Instructor: Sujeet K. Sinha (

in) (Office Location: Room 302, Northern Laboratories, Mechanical Engineering; Office ext.: 6679) Assessment for this course: Term paper:
(topic to be announced by the instructor)

20% 10% 35% 35%

Class participation and attendance: Mid-term exam: Final exam:

Term paper: Students will write a technical paper of maximum 15 page length (A4 size paper; includes figures; 1.5 spacing, 11 Times Font; 1 cm margin on all sides; extra pages for the references) on a topic related to the course. The topic will be provided by the instructor. Student must produce his/her own written work and strictly without any form of plagiarism. Figures may be re-produced from other works with proper citing/referencing. Self-produced figures are preferred. Marking will be on the technical merits and, systematic and proper writing. Class participation and attendance: Students will be encouraged to participate in class room discussions during the lecture and some record of this discussion will be maintained for grading purpose. Students are expected to attend all lectures unless a proper reason (such as medical) is given in advance with proof. Mid-term and final exams: These two exams will be written 2 hour tests. Questions will be of essay type with numerical type problems. The questions will be based on the class works and the syllabus covered during the semester for this course.

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