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2012 ID End Term exam Based on memory recall Case 1:

mht ml Q1) What conflict management styles are used by various actors in the case? Give examples (ANS: 9 conflict management styles based on some 3 characters - Most people lost marks here) Q2) What are the pros and cons of these conflict management styles you have discussed? Q3) What conflict management style should have been used? Justify.

Case 2: A case on attrition in oil company due to salaries being better elsewhere and less challenging job in current company. An exit interview statements were given between a HR manager and a senior employee who is leaving. Even though the company is big and where the employee is joining is new and small, they are paying huge sums for their expertise. In this company, employees are not being allowed to take independent decisions and everything is mandated by higher management. Q1) Explain the attrition in the oil company on the basis of relevant theories of motivation. Q2) Based on your understanding of motivation, what advice will you give to HR manager to stop attrtion.

Case 3: A meeting between boss and employee where the employee has been given a lucrative offer to become Division president for cosmetics. He refused the offer citing problems in personal life. How his family was being neglected. How his health was suffering, his reflexes were becomign weaker, golf game had gone bad. Q1) What are the stressors for the employee? Quote examples from the case. Q2) What are the various attributions the boss and the employee are making? Are there any attribution errors, if yes, what?


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