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Table 6.

1 Connectives useful words and phrases Addition

and also further (more) in addition too again the following and then what is more moreover as well as as a corollary to complement

initially first (ly) then so far after(wards) at last (lastly) finally once secondly (etc.) next subsequently meanwhile at length in the end eventually succeeding following since prior to previously later to begin with

for example for instance such as as as revealed by thus to show that to take the case of to elucidate that is to say in other words a case in point an instance Emphasis above all in particular notably specifically especially significantly more importantly indeed explicitly in fact

Cause and effect

consequently thus so hence as a result because/as therefore accordingly since/ until whenever as long as effectively of course depending upon necessarily eventually inevitably it may happen that in the course of things

of course naturally obviously clearly evidently surely certainly decidedly indeed virtually no wonder strangely enough oddly enough luckily (un)fortunately admittedly undoubtedly Conclusion to conclude in conclusion after all finally when all is said and done in the end ultimately

Contrast and Comparison balance

but however nevertheless alternatively to turn to yet despite this on the contrary as for the opposite still instead on the other hand (on the other hand) whereas otherwise although apart from equally to balance this compensating for this all the same for all that albeit/though taking one thing with another it is doubtful confuting this/disputing this equally similarly compared with (in comparison) comparatively an equivalent in the same way likewise as with to balance (this) in juxtaposition by way of contrast in contrast

Opinion and interpretation

it would seen one might consider/ suggest/ propose/ deduce/infer imagine/ conclude presumably in the view of on the strength of to the best of ones belief theoretically literally obviously possibly maybe contrary to improbably incredibly

Summary in brief in short on the whole throughout in all overall to sum up in summary to recapitulate in a nutshell in conclusion

Restriction only if unless except (for) save (for)

This table is from Grammar for Improving Writing and Improving Reading in Secondary Schools by Geoff Dean, David Fulton Publishers.

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