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My mothers brother is my ____________ Aunt Uncle Brother Grandfather My fathers sister is my ______________ Grandmother Aunt Uncle Cousin I can

hear with my ___________ Eyes Ears Nose Hair I can see with my ______________ Hair Eyes Nose Face Ive got blond ______________ Eyes Legs Hair Ears Opposite of hard-working is _____________ Quiet Long Lazy Kind She likes to cook. Shes interested in ____________. Science Music Cooking Sports Hes very good ___________ sports. In At For By They are crazy ____________ dancing. About

For From In Vardar is a __________ in Macedonia. Kozuf is a _____________ in Macedonia. Sahara is a _____________ in Africa. Vozarci is a _____________ near Kavadarci. I live __________Exeter. In On At From My birthday is _________ 3rd January. On At In From Please come ________ 4oclock. On At In From Have you got ___________ badges? A An Some Any Sadies got ________ new CD player. A An Some Any I havent got ___________ magazines. A An Some Any Opposite of exciting is _____________ Noisy Boring Big Serious

What is Lisa like? Shes great. They are fantastic. Shes in Colorado. Whats that book like? Its really _______________ Sunny Exciting Quiet How are you today? Im Jenny. Im 12. Im fed up. What would you like to order? Pancakes and orange juice , please. Its very cold. This t-shirt , please. What shall we do now? Lets watch a film. Thank you. OK. Sadies cousin Mark ____________ a surfboard. Have got Has got Is Are My brother __________ like vegetables. Dont Doesnt Not Do Read a ______________ Film Book Coffee Hockey Speak _______________ Two languages To music A uniform Emails

I cant find Lisa. Can you see ______________? Me Him Her Them I need a dictionary. Where is _____? Me Him It Them You like me and I like __________-Me You Him Her There __________ a snake on my bed last week. Was Were Is Are _____________ there any girls at the party last night? Was Were Is Are He ____________ at home , he was at school. Was Were Wasnt Werent The Beatles __________ a famous pop group. Was Were Wasnt Werent

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