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Regular Show Top Spin Written by Kaseem Abudu

FADE IN EXT. PARK - OUTSIDE THE HOUSE - DAY The crew(MORDECAI, RIGBY, MUSCLE MAN, HI-FIVE GHOST, SKIPS AND POPS) assembles as BENSON makes an announcement. BENSON Settle down guys. Tomorrow we have the honor of hosting the world spinning top championship. RIGBY tears up a little. EXT. PLAYGROUND - DAY - FLASHBACK 2 1

RIGBY and MORDECAI as kids playing spinning top with a group of other kids. A better looking spinning top knocks RIGBYs top, breaking it. A kid with a SILVER GLOVE pushes RIGBY outside of the group. RIGBY tears up a little. EXT. PARK - OUTSIDE THE HOUSE - DAY - PRESENT MUSCLE MAN (smug) Spin tops are for baby HI-FIVE GHOST Yea, spin top are lame The rest of the group agree amongst themselves. BENSON (annoyed) I dont care, were doing this. RIGBY runs through the crew to get into the house. INT. HOUSE - MOREDECAI & RIGBY ROOM Teary RIGBY runs into the bedroom and locks the door. Opens the wardrobe, lift the floor to expose a secret compartment storing a little black box. 4 3




He opens it. Light shines out of it like when LINK from The Legend Of Zelda opening a treasure chest. He pulls out the spinning top from his childhood and blows the dust off of it. Knock at the door. MORDECAI and BENSON. RIGBY opens the door. MORDECAI see the spinning top in RIGBYs hand and immediately understands. MORDECAI Oh... BENSON RIGBY, why did you run off? I need to give you your job for tomorrow. MORDECAI BENSON... RIGBY I have to be in the tournament tomorrow. BENSON What no! You have a job to do. RIGBY Come on BENSON! Ill do anything, paint the house, trim the bushes, wash your car, please! BENSON (annoyed) Fine. But if you lose your fired! BENSON walks off. RIGBY I wont lose, right MORDECAI MORDECAI Errrr... RIGBY punches him. MORDECAI Im sorry, you were really lame when we were kids.




RIGBY I need SKIPS to train me. INT. SKIPS GARAGE SKIPS changing the tires of a car. MORDECAI & RIGBY SKIPS, SKIPS, SKIPS, SKIPS, SKIPS!! SKIPS What? RIGBY I need you to train me for the spinning top tournament tomorrow. SKIPS Spinning top, isnt that for babies? MORDECAI chuckles. RIGBY Its not for babies! MORDECAI Come on SKIPS you must know some anicent techniques. SKIPS Sorry guys, your going to have to do some old fashion hard work. SKIPS skips off. EXT. PARK - MONTAGE RIGBY working out with MORDECAI coaching him. Hi-tempo electronic music plays. RIGBY spins the top but it quickly stops. MORDECAI pushing RIGBY down for a full push-up. MORDECAI counting as RIGBY does bicep curls. RIGBY doing bench presses while MORDECAI spots him. RIGBY running to the top of the steps of the house, celebrating like ROCKY. 6 5


RIGBY launches his spinning top. EXT. PARK 7

New day. Day of the competition. Banners up. Crowd cheering. RIGBY in a tracksuit stretching at a bench. SKIPS and BENSON wearing mirrored aviator sunglasses. Looking on at RIGBY. SKIPS You think he can win? BENSON (Smug) Ha, no chance. EXT. OUTSIDE THE PARK - PAVEMENT A guy removes a SILVER GLOVE, puts it in his pocket and re-enters a limo driving directly to the park. Leaving would-be competitors beaten behind. EXT. PARK POPS runs over to BENSON. POPS BENSON! None of the other competitors hear yet and MORDECAI, MUSCLE MAN AND FIVES are losing control of the crowd. The crowd now getting aggressive. MORDECAI, MUSCLE MAN and HI-FIVE GHOST being pushed around within the crowd. MUSCLE MAN wailing. A limo pulls up. The crowd stop. A guy exits the vehicle, THE CHAMPION (resemble Vanilla Ice). The crowd erupt with cheers. RIGBY gushes over THE CHAMPION. 9 8


CONTINUED: RIGBY Dude your soTHE CHAMPION pushes pass RIGBY. THE CHAMPION (sarcastically) No opponents, I guess they got wound up. The crowd laughs. MUSCLE MAN That doesnt make any sense bro. THE CHAMPION You dont make any sense! BENSON Listen your only opponent is RIGBY here. THE CHAMPION chuckles. THE CHAMPION Fine. Good luck RIGBO. RIGBY RIGBY! Remember youTHE CHAMPION Whatever. RIGBO. RIGBY RIGBY!!! EXT. PARK - SPINNING TOP DISH Both opponents take position on either end of a huge spinning top dish. ANNOUNCER (v.o) Ready, set, spin. Both player spin their tops.



RIGBYs spinning top batters THE CHAMPIONs spinning top back and forth. RIGBY shots a pompous smile much to THE CHAMPIONs annoyance.


CONTINUED: POPS Wow, RIGBY doing really well. Benson removes his sunglasses. BENSON Suprisingly well. RIGBY Yea, I got this! THE CHAMPION Not this time- RIGBO. THE CHAMPION takes out a SILVER GLOVE and puts it on. Gestures shooting his spinning top. Dark clouds gather. THE CHAMPION Prepare to lose. RIGBY recognizes the SILVER GLOVE. RIGBY It was you. Your the kid that pushed me. The wind pick ups. THE CHAMPION Im gonna knock you out like I did years ago only this time your not coming back. Lightening strikes causing the crowd disperse in fear. Gale force winds.


The CHAMPIONs spinning top forms a tornado in the dish. RIGBYs spinning top sets in the eye. MORDECAI, BENSON, SKIPS, POPS, MUSCLE MAN, HI-FIVE GHOST grab hold of the park fence. BENSON What the hell is going on? MORDECAI RIGBY you have to stop him! THE CHAMPION laughs maniacally. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: RIGBY spinning top begins to slow down. RIGBY Wait for it. Slower. MORDECAI RIGBY do something!! RIGBY Wait for it. Slower. MORDECAI RIGBY!!! RIGBY Now! It stops. But stand up right.


The spinning top begins to spin in the opposite direction. Gaining velocity. Going so fast it forms a tornado within the original. Sucking THE CHAMPION and his spinning top into it and flinging them into the sky. The tornado is bigger than the first. MORDECAI RIGBY stop it! RIGBY I dont know how! The park crew get sucked into the tornado and flung through the top. EXT. SKY Mid-air. Above the clouds. POPS Oh, its quite nice up here. Free fall. Screaming. (CONTINUED) 11



Inches from the ground. A gust of wind guides them to there feet. EXT. PARK - FRONT OF HOUSE RIGBY walks over to them. Spinning top in hand. MUSCLE MAN RIGBY that was awesome bro. FIVES Yea. Everyone agrees. MORDECAI RIGBY what was that guys problem? Why did he hate you? RIGBY Oh I kiss his girlfriend. FADE OUT. 12

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