CMP 3 Masterandslavemorality

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Jommel Gonzales



James E. White

“One is said to think profoundly to the very basis and resist all sentimental weakness: life itself is
essentially appropriation, injury, and conquest of the strange and weak, suppression, severity, obtrusions
of peculiar forms, incorporation and at the least putting it mildest exploitation.”

Learning Expectations:

For me this chapter is going to be a serious one aforementioned to the title itself. I expect that this
chapter acquire me some knowledge about the theory of slavery.

Master- and Slave-Morality – Friedrich Nietzsche


According to Friedrich Nietzsche “the essential thing in a good and healthy aristocracy is that it
should not regard itself as a function either of the kingship or the commonwealth but as the significance
and the highest justification that it should accept with a good conscience.” It means that in able to be
called as a good society it must encompass the duty of the higher class to become a supreme class. The
theory of slave morality tackles the difference between good and evil that balance which is the absolute
one. The very basis of it is the essential thought of the utility to satisfy the various consumptions with its

He also mentioned that “the noble soul accepts the fact of his egoism without question, and also
without consciousness of harshness, constraint, or arbitrariness therein, but rather as something that may
have its basis in the primary law of things – if he sought a designation for it he would say: “it is justice
itself.” The will to power is the most impact word of Friedrich Nietzsche. It is the thing would form the
discussion between the slave and his master. The will to power must apply to all with by all means which
is was the author mentioned.
Lesson Learned:

I learned something about the theory of slavery that occur in the moral perspective of a person to
do it in accordance to his power to will.

Integrative Questions:

1. What is slave-morality?

2. What is master prior to the slave-morality?

3. How is the two connected?

4. How does the theory of will to power tackle the master and slave-morality?

5. What is the difference between the master and slave?

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