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Mathematics Teaching & Learning Experiences Term 3 Wk 1

Number Outcome: Aspect


Number Outcome: Read & use the ordinal names to at least Aspect:
Problem of the Day: thirty-first

Number Outcome: Read & use the ordinal names to at least Aspect
Problem of the Day:


10 min whole number

10 min whole number Counting sequences, Before and After Odd and Even Modelled/Explicit Teaching: Ordinal Numbers- whole class activity Students line up and then use whiteboards to label using ordinal numbers. Casual teacher whole class addition using dice Emergent two dot dice Perceptual one dot dice, one number dice Figurative two number dice Counting on and flexible two dice

10 min whole number Counting sequences, Before and After Odd and Even Modelled/Explicit Teaching: Ordinal Numbers Create line of paper children. Demonstrate how to attach to create a line of 35. Collaborative write ordinal numbers on t-shirts of number line. Students create own number lines and write ordinal numbers from 1st to 35th.

Modelled/Explicit Teaching:

Guided (Level __):

Level __:

Level __:

Whole Class Reflection/Evaluation: Resources:

Whole Class Reflection/Evaluation: Resources

Whole Class Reflection/Evaluation: Resources:

Mathematics Teaching & Learning Experiences

Outcome: Tell time on the hour & half hour on digital & analog clocks Problem of the Day:

Outcome: Tell time on the hour & half hour on digital & analog clocks Problem of the Day:

10 min whole number Counting sequences, Before and After Odd and Even Modelled/Explicit Teaching: TELLING TIME students make their own clock using paper template and push pins. Create one together first on the IWB, discussing where the numbers go and what the hands mean. Use clock with a partner to practise telling time to the hour.

10 min whole number Counting sequences, Before and After Odd and Even Modelled/Explicit Teaching: Time- use mathletics on IWB to practice reading and recording time to the hour. Complete practice sheet. Target group to work on floor with teacher, others work independently. Use mathletics on IWB to practice reading and recording time to the half hour. Complete practice sheet. Target group on floor with teacher, others work independently.

Whole Class Reflection/Evaluation:

Whole Class Reflection/Evaluation:



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