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MATHEMATICS Name:_______________________________________ Gr. & Sec. : ______________Score: I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1.

How many stars are there in the box?

a. thirty

b. fifty

c. twenty

2. How many stars are there in the box?

a. 80

b. 18

c. 81

3. What is the place value of 4 in 41? a. ones 4. What is the expanded value of 55? 5. b. tens c. hundreds c. 50+5 c. ten a. 5+5 a. six b. 5+50 b. seven




b.10th a. 6 a. 9-4=5 b. 7 b. 4-5=9 b. 20 c.

What is the first object from the left? a.

c. 1 c.5-4=9 c. 70

7. What is the place of the cat? 8. 1 + 6 = 9. 10.



c. 4th

The money value is a. 50

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. 2, 4, ____, ____, 10, 12 2. 5, ____, 15, 20, 25, ____ 3. 10, 20, 30, ____, 40, 50, ____, 70, 80, 90, 100 4. 1, 2, 3, ____, 5, 6, 7, ____, 9, 10 5. 1st, 2nd, ____, 4th, 5th, ____, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th
III. Symbols and words

A. Encircle the correct word.

1. 26 2. 58 3. 79 4. 88 5.15

sixty-two fifty-eight

twenty-six eighty-five

six-two five-eight seventy-nine eighteen one-five

seven-nine ninety-seven eighty-eight fiftee eighty fifteen

B. Match the words to the symbols. Draw a line from Column A to Column B. Column A 1. second Column B

a. 8th b. 2nd c. 10th d. 5th e. 3rd

2. third 3. fifth

4. eighth 5. tenth

Addition and Subtraction

A. Solve a.1 Add

5 +3

4 +5

a.2 Subtract

9 -2

7 -6

B. Word Problems

1. The cat has 5 rats in the red mat. It has another 4 rats in the green mat. How many rats are there? 2. The bat has 8 hats. The cat gets 3 hats. How many hats were left?

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