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16-2: The Western Democracies Stumble

I. Politics in the Postwar World A. Party Struggles in Britain 1. Labour party surpassed Liberal party in strength a. Labour party promoted gradual move toward socialism, passed some social legislation, represented middle-class business interests b. Conservative party got support from middle class, held power during 1920s, passed legislation limiting power of workers to strike B. Irish Independence at Last 1. 1914- Parliament passed home-rule bill 2. Eastern 1916- Irish nationalists v. British Rule 3. IRA (Irish Republican Army) v. British army 4. 1922- Irish Free State, Protestant northern countries still under British control C. Frances Troubled Peace 1. Series of quickly changing coalition governments ruled France D. The Red Scare and Isolationism in the United States 1. Fear of Radicals and Bolshevik Revolution in Russia set of Red Scare in 1919, 1920, Police rounded up suspected foreign-born radicals- expelled from US 2. Red Scare growing demands to limit immigration II. Postwar Foreign Policy A. Arguing Allies 1. France- secure borders against Germany a. Maginot Line- whre France built massive fortifications (along border of Germany) 2. Sought alliances with other countries (Soviet Union) 3. Britain- relax the treatys harsh treatment of Germany B. The Search for Peace 1. Locarno Treaties a. Kellogg-Briand Pact- Sponsored by US, almost every independent nation signed, promising to renounce war as an instrument of national policy b. League of Nations encouraged cooperation and treid to get members to make a commitment to stop aggression C. The Leagues Weakness 1. No way of enforcing ban on war III. Postwar Economics A. Britain and France Recover 1. Britain- serious economic problems in 1920s 2. France- economy recovered rapidly B. The United States Booms 1. Worlds leading economic power

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