Hymns To Khmun

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MORNING HYMN TO KHMUN Awakenings of Khnum, Say: Wake well in peace, wake well in peace, Khnum-Amen, the ancient,

Issued from Nun, In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Lord of Fields, Great Khnum, Who makes his domain in the meadow, In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Lord of Gods and Men, Lord of the War Cry! In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, mighty planner, Great Power In Khem, In Peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Lord of Life, Wooer of Women, To Whom come Gods and Men as he bids, In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Ram of Great Majesty, Tall-Plumed, Sharp-Horned, In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Crocodile-King, Mighty Victor, Who conquers as He wishes, In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Veiled of Face, Who shuts His Eyes to His foes, As He bears arms, In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Leader of Herdsmen, Who grasps the stick, Smites His attacker, In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Great Crocodile Who says, Each of you shall slay his fellow

In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Shu, Strong-Armed, His Father's Champion, Slayer of rebels, In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Fighting Ram Who Chases His Foes, Herdsman of his Followers, In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Multiform One, Who Changes Shape at Will, In peace, awake peaceably! Wake, Khnum Who Fashions as He Wishes, Who sets every man in his place! THE GREAT HYMN TO KHMUN Another hymn to Khnum-Re, God of the Potter's Wheel, Who settled the land by his handiwork, Who joins in secret, who builds soundly, who nourishes the nestlings by the breath of his mouth; who drenches his land with nun, while round sea and great ocean surround him. He who fashioned Gods and men, he has formed flocks and herds, he made birds as well as fishes, he created bulls as well as cows, he knotted the flow of blood to the bones, formed in his workshop as his handiwork, so the breath of life is within everything, blood bound with semen in the bones, to knit the bones from the start. He makes women give birth when the womb is ready, so as to open as he wishes; he soothes suffering by his will, relieves throats, lets everyone breathe, to give life to the young in the womb. He made hair sprout and tresses grow,

fastened the skin over the limbs; he built the skull, formed cheeks. To furnish shape to the Ka. He opened the eyes, hollowed the ears, he made the body inhale air; he formed the mouth for eating, made the throat for swallowing. He also formed the tongue to speak, the jaws to open, the gullet to drink, the throat to swallow and spit. The spine to give support, the testicles to move, the phallus to act with vigor, the rear to perform its task. The gullet to devour, hands and fingers to do their work, the heart to lead, the loins to support the phallus in the act of begetting. The frontal organs to consume things, the rear to aerate the entrails, likewise to sit at ease, and sustain the entrails at night. The male member to beget, the womb to concieve, and increase generations in Khem. The bladder to make water, the virile member to eject when it swells between the thighs. The shins to step, the legs to tread, their bones doing their task, by the will of the heart. Khnum creator of all peoples and all life formed all on his potters wheel, their speech differs in each region, and clashes with that of Khem. He created precious things in their lands, that they might bear their products abroad, for the lord of the wheel is their father too, Tatenen who made all that is on their soil. They produce their supplies thus the people of ibhat to nourish themselves and their children. As his mouth spat out they were born straightaway,

without pause henceforth the wheel turns every day. All your creatures give you thanks, you are Ptah-Tatenen, creator of creators, who in Iunet brought forth all that is, he feeds the chick in its time, he makes its mother birth it in its time, he made mankind, created gods, he fashioned flocks and herds. He made birds, fishes and reptiles all, by his will nun's fishes leap from the caverns, to feed men and gods in his time. He made plants in the fiels, he dotted the shores with flowers; he made fruit trees bear their fruit, to fill the needs of men and gods. He opened seams in the bellies of mountains, he made the quarries spew out their stones. The Diverse Forms of Khnum In First-of-Towns he is Ba of Ra, fashioning people throughout this land; at iunet he is Ba of Shu, modeling people on his wheel. He has fashioned men, engendered gods, they live by that which comes from him, he makes breathe those who rest in their tombs. In Shas-Hotep he is Ba of Osiris, making all herds by his handiwork; in herwer he is Ba of Geb, fashioning all beings in this land. He is Heru-Metenu in semenhor, Making birds from the sweat of his body. He changes his form to Lord of the Booth, to wrap Osiris in the place of embalmment; he models all things between his hands, to guard Osiris on his right side, save him from the water by his twins, guard the king on his left side, ever-living. He changes his form to suwadjenba of Pi-Neter, who makes all things in his field, he grows trees, he raises crops, to nourish all by his products.

He alters his form to beneficent nourisher, on top of nestling hill, to fashion all men and beasts. They have placed their four Mesekhenet at their sides, to repel the designs of evil by incantations; they stand as lords of the shrines of south and north, at the place of creation of all that exists. Beneficent God, Contenting God, God who forms bodies, God who equips nostrils, God who joins the Two Lands, So that they join their natures. When Nun and Tatenen first came into being, they appeared as lotus on his back, as heir to djed-shepsy at the start. Their ka will not perish, none shall hinder their action, no land is lacking in all he made. They are concealed among mankind, creating all beings since God's time, They are alive and abiding, Like Ra rising and setting, May your fair face be kind to n.n., ever-living!

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