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1. EXPENSE EXPENSE MARKETING FINANCE DIFFERENCE MAR MAY JUN JULY Rp475,581,595 Rp581,617,643 Rp933,889,723 Rp604,743,032 Rp475,581,595 Rp581,617,643 Rp933,889,723 Rp417,948,993 Rp0 Rp0 Rp0 Rp186,794,039 because Finances paying bills in the previous month

EXPLANATION ACTION PLAN 2. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AS OF NOW ALEPH ECCLESIA Artdeco Artdeco DIAN PASIFIK Digital Grafika Digital Grafika Digital Grafika Digital grafika Dysindo kreasi Pratama Fj situmeang Global premium indonesia GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY indopos integra tunggal duatiga integra tunggal duatiga JMC ENTERPRISE Metro sentral Graphia Metro sentral Graphia OBV Entertainment Panca Garda utama ADIONA CASH 1 Digital Grafika 2 Digital Grafika 3 Digital Grafika F ronald situmeang indopos indopos ZAFFA ENTERTAINMENT CASH WARNA WARNI MEDIA TECH
PT.Warna Warni MediaWincPT.Global TechPT.Bintang Bahagia SelaluDavid KartasasmitaPT.Digital Grafika I PT.Digital Grafika IPT.Digital GIPT.Digital GIPT.Digital GIPT.Digital GIPT.Digital GIPT.Digital GIPT.Digital GIPT.Digital GIPT.Digital Grafika InternusaZaffa EntertainmentOBV EntertainPrincess sound sysPT.Berlian EkspresindoPT.Berlian EkspresindoPT.Berlian EkspresindoPT.Dian Pasifik KPT.Dian Pasifik K-

(these expenses have been accrued as Promotion Exp) NAME OF VENDOR

FINANCE Rp3,309,955 Rp88,560,000 Rp259,200,000 Rp3,642,000 Rp8,273,155 Rp11,675,224 Rp14,574,274 Rp18,844,274 Rp41,340,000 Rp60,172,000 Rp245,700,000 Rp4,726,038 Rp17,820,000 Rp40,500,000 Rp135,300,000 Rp7,840,000 Rp29,205,000 Rp11,880,000 Rp64,386,000 Rp14,569,500 Rp88,987,920 Rp59,450,000 Rp5,854,545 Rp8,449,100 Rp10,175,000 Rp54,684,000 Rp19,980,000 Rp22,140,000 Rp39,053,000 Rp13,350,000 Rp296,039,811

Rp10,000,000 Rp4,813,557
1,000,000 8,500,000 2,267,745 3,441,000 4,171,200 1,003,200 330,000 5,469,200 5,469,200 2,090,000 2,090,000 1,900,800 1,846,200 39,850,000 21,000,000 6,000,000 3,459,600 3,088,800 3,459,700 6,369,000 3,642,000

REMARKS 2000 PCS PANDA NEWSLETTER SEPT 2010 Panggung fest walk PV DECORASI REJEKI RAMADHAN 20/8 - 19/9 DISTRIBUSI 20000 BROSUR PV "PLUIT PANDA GOES TO SINGAPORE" JULI 2010 atrium banner, backdrop, baliho, billboard dan umbul2 24hour shopping pemb. Baliho, billboard, umbul-umbul, poster, stiker gate 48m2 indoor banner Panda Kids club goes to singapore banner pillar fresh market, koridor Pek pembuatan gate dan dekorasi fish market Juggler untuk festival walk timur dan barat juli 2010 pelunasan dekorasi dan acara ironman 2 19.109 SMS BLAST AGUSTUS2010 iklan indopos per mei 2010 desgin PV Magazine edisi 3 PRODUKSI 30.000 EXP PV MAGAZINE EDISI 3 PROGRAM ACARA PENARIKAN UNDIAN PANDA GOES TO SINGAPORE 30.000 flyer Sale Now On 30000 LBR FLYER I LOVE SALE pelunasan rental 2 set sound system dan lighting musik reg fest walk 13/5 - 31/7 2 Flyer tenant directory dan tenant newsletter IKLAN DI KOMPAS 20/8 HAW-HAW FRESH MART PARCEL HAW HAW II Baliho+billboard Rezeki Ramadhan;railing stiker fresh mart;Poster I Love Sale Baliho+billboard I Love Sale;Umbul2 I love sale umbul2 Rezeki ramadhan;Indoor banner I love sale DP 50% REGULER BAND FESTIVAL WALK TGL 5/8 - 23/10'10 IKLAN I LOVE SALE IKLAN SALE NOW ON ACARA REJEKI RAMADAN TGL 20/8 - 19/9'10 U/M PENUKARAN GIFT VOUCHER EVENT PLUIT PANDA OKT'10 PEMESANAN THN 2009 : STIKER, UMBUL2, BILLBOARD TANPA SURAT PESANAN Pel 5% perpanjangan media iklan luar ruang Pemb II Dekorasi Batik 19.109 sms Agt 10 5000 flyer Rhythm Fest Cici & koko Moon Cake Fest column wrap dpn Century, Dante, etc baliho&billboard Rhythm Fest baliho&umbul2 LNS 27 Mar 10 baliho revisi LNS 27 Mar 10 Poster Fest Walk baliho,billboard,umbul2 China with Love baliho,billboard,umbul2 Hujan Voucher billboard revisi LNS 27 Mar 10 billboard China with Love atrium banner LNS 27 Mar 10 Biaya pasang billboard,umbul2,stiker gate All About You Rezeki Ramadhan 20/8-19/9/10 Rental sound system 12,19,26/9/10 Multi Media System 24,25,26 Sep 10 Kirim dokumen PV 7 Sep 10 Kirim dokumen PV 15 Jul 10 Kirim dokumen PV 15 Jul 10 Distribusi brosur Rezeki Ramadhan Agt 10 Distribusi brosur I Love Sale Agt 10







AUG SEPT Rp871,928,283 Rp312,086,832 Rp700,862,502 Rp674,941,352 Rp171,065,781 Rp362,854,520 because Finances because Finances paying bills in the paying bills in the previous month previous month

YTD Rp5,770,690,694 Rp5,775,685,394 Rp4,994,700

Action Plan Paid on 20 Okt'10 Paid on 20 Okt'10 Paid on 20 Okt'10 Paid on 20 Okt'10

Action Plan has been accrued as Promt Exp will be paid on Nov'10

DA GOES TO SINGAPORE" JULI 2010 d dan umbul2 24hour shopping ster, stiker gate to singapore

will be paid on 29 Oct'10 Paid on 20 Okt'10 Paid on 15 Okt'10 Paid on 15 Okt'10 Paid on 15 Okt'10 will be paid on Nov'10 will be paid on Nov'10 will be paid on Nov'10 will be paid on Nov'10 will be paid on 29 Oct'10 will be paid on 29 Oct'10

rket t juli 2010


Paid on 15 Okt'10 Paid on 22 Okt'10 Paid on 22 Okt'10 Paid on 22 Okt'10 will be paid on Nov'10 will be paid on Nov'10 Paid on 22 Okt'10 Paid on 15 Okt'10 BG MASIH DI IBU RIANI will be paid on Nov'10 will be paid on Nov'10 will be paid on Nov'10 will be paid on Nov'10 Over Budget IDR 500,000 , PO approved by Denny Over Budget IDR 500,000 , PO approved by Denny will be paid on Nov'10 Paid on 22 Okt'10 Supporting Doc not complete, not in accordance SOP (without PO) on process (to LK) WILL BE PAID ON NOVEMBER WILL BE PAID ON NOVEMBER Supporting Doc not complete, not in accordance SOP (without SPK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) WILL BE PAID ON NOVEMBER on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK) on process (to LK)

ighting musik reg fest walk 13/5 - 31/7 2010 ter MART

stiker fresh mart;Poster I Love Sale sale love sale GL 5/8 - 23/10'10


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