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SYMBOL Gr Ww T Sp So Wo or (?) (---) Punct Ref Lk Choice! Rep Spanglish! Layout Reg Prep Rel Lit. trans.

IT MEANS Grammar mistake Wrong word Wrong tense Spelling mistake Wrong sentence order Wrong word order This is necessary I dont understand Not necessary Punctuation mistake Reference mistake / who or what do you refer to? Linking mistake / wrong linker Lower level Repetition This is not English Lethal mistake Register Preposition Wrong relative Literal translation


EXAMPLES I asked to my brother / I began cry / Everybody were Actually-now / meet-know /bored-boring / I had never done my bed / assistattend / career-degree / remind-remember I have had breakfast this morning at 9 oclock / If I were rich, I will be happier Fun-fan / fiveteen / hobbie Suddenly appeared a policeman / She makes happy many people My cousins angry I enjoyed ^ so much She will dedicate only to her things

CONTENT Hes a very good person in all he does ORGANIZATION But hes crazy about his hobbies personally I think hes obsessed. ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION STYLE OR RANGE STYLE OR RANGE STYLE OR RANGE ANY STYLE OR RANGE ACCURACY ACCURACY ACCURACY People like this will be very successful in his life There were people which names I dont know / Although everything wasnt bad because He goes to run every day I looked at the dress and I got dressed I didnt know how they were called / the Monday People is / differents people / she say me / was incredible FORMATO INADECUADO Hi there guys! (for a formal letter) The most beautiful girl of the world / I arrived to England A PIECE OF ADVICE: DONT TRANSLATE!!! THINK IN ENGLISH!!!

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