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Flank wear occurs on the (a) Relief face of the tool (b) Rake face (c) Nose of the tool (d) Cutting edge Ans. (a)

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IES 2007
Flankwearoccursmainlyonwhichofthe following? (a) Nosepartandtopface (b) Cuttingedgeonly (c) Nosepart,frontrelief face,andsiderelief faceofthe cuttingtool (d) Faceofthecuttingtoolatashort distancefrom thecuttingedge Ans.(c)

IES 2004
Consider the following statements: During the third stage of toolwear, rapid deterioration of tool edge takes place because 1. Flank wear is only marginal 2 Flank wear is large 2. 3. Temperature of the tool increases gradually 4. Temperature of the tool increases drastically Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 3 Ans. (b)

IES 2002
Craterwearontoolsalwaysstartsatsomedistance fromthetooltipbecauseatthatpoint (a) Cuttingfluiddoesnotpenetrate (b) Normalstressonrakefaceismaximum (c) Temperatureismaximum (d) Toolstrengthisminimum Ans.(c)

IAS 2007
Whydoescraterwearstartatsomedistancefrom thetooltip? (a) Toolstrengthisminimumatthatregion (b) Cuttingfluidcannotpenetratethatregion (c) Tooltemperatureismaximuminthatregion (d) Stressonrakefaceismaximumatthatregion Ans.(c)




IES 2000
Craterwearstartsatsomedistancefromthetooltip because (a) Cuttingfluidcannotpenetratethatregion (b) Stressonrakefaceismaximumatthatregion (c) Toolstrengthisminimumatthatregion (d) Tooltemperatureismaximumatthatregion Ans.(d)

IES 1996
Notchwearattheoutsideedgeofthedepthofcutis dueto (a) Abrasiveactionoftheworkhardenedchipmaterial (b) Oxidation (c) Slipstickactionofthechip (d) Chipping. Ans.(a)



IES 1995
MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrect answerusingthecodesgivenbelowthelists: ListI(Weartype) ListII(Associatedmechanism) A. Abrasivewears 1. Galvanicaction B. Adhesivewears 2. Ploughing action C. Electrolyticwear 3. Moleculartransfer D. Diffusionwears 4. Plasticdeformation [Ans.(a)] 5. Metallicbond Code:A B C D A B C D (a) 2 5 1 3 (b) 5 2 1 3 Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy (c) 2 1 3 4 (d) 5 2 3 4

IES 1995
Craterwearispredominantin (a) Carbonsteeltools (b) Tungstencarbidetools (c) Highspeedsteeltools (d) Ceramictools Ans.(a)


IES 1994
Assertion(A):Toolwearisexpressedintermsof flankwearratherthancraterwear. Reason(R):Measurementofflankwearissimple andmoreaccurate. (a) ( ) Both B thAand dRareindividually i di id ll true t and dRis i the th correctexplanationofA (b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnot the correctexplanationofA (c) AistruebutRisfalse (d) AisfalsebutRistrue Ans.(c) Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy

IES 2008
Whatarethereasonsforreductionoftoollifeina machiningoperation? 1. Temperatureriseofcuttingedge 2. Chippingoftooledgeduetomechanicalimpact 3. Gradualwearsattoolpoint 4. Increaseinfeedofcutatconstantcuttingforce Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegiven below: (a) 1,2and3 (b) 2,3and4 (c) 1,3and4 (d) 1,2and4 Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy Ans.(a)


IAS 2002
Consider the following actions: 1. Mechanical abrasion 2. Diffusion 3. Plastic deformation 4. Oxidation Which of the above are the causes of tool wear? (a) 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 3 Ans. (c)

IAS 1999
The type of wear that occurs due to the cutting action of the particles in the cutting fluid is referred to as (a) Attritions wear (b) Diffusion Diff i wear (c) Erosive wear (d) Corrosive wear Ans. (a)



IAS 2003
Consider the following statements: Chipping of a cutting tool is due to 1. Tool material being too brittle 2. Hot hardness of the tool material. 3. High positive rake angle of the tool. Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 2 Ans. (b)
Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy

Chip equivalent is increased by (a) An increases in sidecutting edge angle of tool (b) An increase in nose radius and side cutting edge angle of tool (c) Increasing the plant area of cut (d) Increasing the depth of cut.

IES 1992
Toollifeisgenerallyspecifiedby (a) Numberofpiecesmachined (b) Volumeofmetalremoved (c) Actualcuttingtime (d) Anyoftheabove Ans.(d)

Ans. (b)
Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy


In a machining operation, doubling the 1 cutting speed reduces the tool life to th of 8 the original value. The exponent n in Taylor's tool life equation VTn = C, is
(a) 1 8 (b) 1 4 (c ) 1 3 (d ) 1 2

IES 2000
In a tool life test, doubling the cutting speed reduces the tool life to 1/8th of the original. The Taylor's tool life index is
( a )2

( b )3

( c )4

( d ) 8

Ans. (b)

Ans. (c)
Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy

IES 1999
Inasinglepointturningoperationofsteelwitha cementedcarbidetool,Taylor'stoollifeexponentis 0.25.Ifthecuttingspeedishalved,thetoollifewill increaseby (a) Twotimes (b) Fourtimes (c) Eighttimes (d) Sixteentimes Ans.(d)

IES 2008
InTaylor'stoollifeequationisVTn =constant. Whatisthevalueofnforceramictools? (a) 0.15to0.25 (b) 0.4to0.55 (c) 0.6to0.75 (d) 0.8to0.9




IES 2006
Which of the following values of index n is associated with carbide tools when Taylor's tool life equation, V.Tn = constant is applied? (a) 01 to 015 (b) 02 to 04 (c) ( ) 0045 to t 06 (d) 065 6 to t 09

IES 1999
The approximately variation of the tool life exponent 'n' of cemented carbide tools is (a) 0.03 to 0.08 (b) 0.08 to 0.20 (c) 0.20 to 0.48 (d) 0.48 to 0.70

Ans. (c) Ans. (b)




IAS 1998
MatchList I(Cuttingtoolmaterial)withList II (Typicalvalueoftoollifeexponent'n'intheTaylor's equationV.Tn =C)andselectthecorrectanswerusing thecodesgivenbelowthelists: List I List II A. 1. 0.18 A HSS 8 B. Castalloy 2. 0.12 C. Ceramic 3. 0.25 D. Sinteredcarbide 4. 0.5 [Ans.(c)] Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 1 3 4 (c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 1 2 4 3

The above figure shows a typical relationship between tool life and cutting speed for different materials. Match the graphs for HSS, Carbide and Ceramic tool materials the i l and d select l h correct answer using the code given below the lists: Code: HSS Carbide Ceramic (a) 1 2 3 (b) 3 2 1 (c) 1 3 2 (d) 3 1 2 Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy


For tool A, Taylors tool life exponent (n) is 0.45 and constant (K) is 90. Similarly for tool B, n = 0.3 and K = 60. The cutting speed (in m/min) above which tool A will have a higher tool life than tool B is (a) 26.7 (b) 42.5 (c) 80.7 (d) 142.9 Ans. (a)

A batch of 10 cutting tools could produce 500 components while working at 50 rpm with a tool feed of 0.25 mm/rev and depth of cut of 1 mm. A similar batch of 10 tools of the same specification could produce 122 components while working at 80 rpm with a feed of 0.25 mm/rev and 1 mm depth of cut. How many components can be produced with one cutting tool at 60 rpm? (a) 29 (b) 31 (c) 37 (d) 42 [Ans. (a)]

IES 1994,2007
Forincreasingthematerialremovalrateinturning, withoutanyconstraints,whatistherightsequence toadjustthecuttingparameters? 1. Speed 2. Feed 3. Depthofcut Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegivenbelow: (a) 1 2 3 (b) 2 3 1 (c) 3 2 1 (d) 1 3 2 Ans.(c)

Tool life is affected mainly with (a) Feed (b) Depth of cut (c) Coolant (d) Cutting speed Ans. (d)



IES 1997
Considerthefollowingelements: 1. Noseradius 2. Cuttingspeed 3. Depthofcut 4. Feed ThecorrectsequenceoftheseelementsinDECREASING orderoftheirinfluenceontoollifeis (a) 2,4,3,1 (b) 4,2,3,1 (c) 2,4,1,3 (d) 4,2,I,3 Ans.(a)

IES 1992
Toollifeisgenerallybetterwhen (a) Grainsizeofthemetalislarge (b) Grainsizeofthemetalissmall (c) Hardconstituentsarepresentinthemicrostructure ofthetoolmaterial (d) Noneoftheabove Ans.(a)


IAS 2003
ThetoollifecurvesfortwotoolsAandBareshownin thefigureandtheyfollowthetoollifeequationVTn =C. Considerthefollowingstatements:
1. 2. 3. 4. Valueofnforboththetoolsissame. ValueofCforboththetoolsissame. ValueofCfortoolAwillbegreaterthanthatforthetoolB. ValueofCfortoolBwillbegreaterthanthatforthetoolA.

IAS 2002
UsingtheTaylorequationVTn =c,calculatethe percentageincreaseintoollifewhenthecutting speedisreducedby50%(n=05andc=400) (a) 300% (b) 400% ( ) 100% (c) % (d) 50% % Ans.(a)

Whichofthesestatementsis/arecorrect? (a) 1and3 (b) 1and4 (c) 2only (d) 4only




IAS 2002
Optimum cutting speed for minimum cost (Vc min ) and optimum cutting speed for maximum production rate (Vr max ) have which one of the following relationships? (a) Vc min = Vr max (b) Vc min > Vr max (c) Vc min < Vr max (d) V2c min = Vr max Ans. (c)

With increasing cutting velocity, the total time for machining a component (a) Decreases (b) ( ) Increases (c) Remains unaffected (d) First decreases and then increases

Ans. (d)
Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy


IAS 2000
Considerthefollowingstatements: Thetoollifeisincreasedby 1. Builtupedgeformation 2. Increasingcuttingvelocity 3. Increasingbackrakeangleuptocertainvalue Whichofthesestatementsarecorrect? (a) 1and3 (b) 1and2 (c) 2and3 (d) 1,2and3 Ans.(a)

IAS 1997
In the Taylor's tool life equation, VTn = C, the value of n = 0.5. The tool has a life of 180 minutes at a cutting speed of 18 m/min. If the tool life is reduced to 45 minutes, then the cutting speed will be (a) 9 m/min (b) 18 m/min (c) 36 m/min (d) 72 m/min Ans. (c)


IAS 1996
Thetoollifeincreaseswiththe (a) Increaseinsidecuttingedgeangle (b) Decreaseinsiderakeangle (c) Decreaseinnoseradius (d) Decreaseinbackrakeangle Ans.(a)

IAS 1995
Inasinglepointturningoperationwithacemented carbideandsteelcombinationhavingaTaylor exponentof0.25,ifthecuttingspeedishalved,then thetoollifewillbecome (a) Half (b) Twotimes (c) Eighttimes (d) Sixteentimes. Ans.(d)



IAS 1995
Assertion (A): An increase in depth of cut shortens the tool life. Reason(R): Increases in depth of cut gives rise to relatively small increase in tool temperature. (a) ( ) Both B th A and d R are individually i di id ll true t and d R is i the th correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (a) Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy

IES 2006conventional
An HSS tool is used for turning operation. The tool life is 1 hr. when turning is carried at 30 m/min. The tool life will be reduced to 2.0 min if the cutting speed is doubled. Find the suitable speed in RPM for turning 300 mm diameter so that tool life is 30 min. [Ans. N = 36.66 rpm]



The following equation for tool life was obtained for HSS tool. A 60 min tool life was obtained using the following cutting condition VT0.13f0.6d0.3= C. v = 40 m/min, f = 0.25 mm, d = 2.0 mm. Calculate the effect on tool life if speed, feed and depth of cut are together increased by 25% and also if they are increased individually by 25%; where f = feed, d = depth of cut, v = speed. Ans. (2.3 min; 10.78 min; 21.42 min; 35.85 min)

Determine the optimum cutting speed for an operation on a Lathe machine using the following information: Tool change time: 3 min Tool 3 min T l regrinds i d time: ti i Machine running cost Re.0.50 per min Depreciation of tool regrinds Rs. 5.0 The constants in the tool life equation are 60 and 0.2 [Ans. 26 m/min]


In a certain machining operation with a cutting speed of 50 m/min, tool life of 45 minutes was observed. When the cutting speed was increased to 100 m/min, the tool life decreased to 10 min. Estimate the cutting speed for maximum productivity if tool change time is 2 minutes. [Ans. 195 m/min]

Inamachiningexperiment,toollifewasfoundtovary withthecuttingspeedinthefollowingmanner: Cuttingspeed(m/min) Toollife(minutes) 60 81 90 36 Theexponent(n)andconstant(k)oftheTaylor's toollifeequationare (a)n=0.5andk=540 (b)n=1andk=4860 (c)n=1andk=0.74 (d)n0.5andk=1.15 Ans.(a)


Inamachiningexperiment,toollifewasfoundtovary withthecuttingspeedinthefollowingmanner: Cuttingspeed(m/min) Toollife(minutes) 60 81 90 36 Whatisthepercentageincreaseintoollifewhen thecuttingspeedishalved? (a)50% (b)200% (c)300% (d)400% Ans.(c)

What is approximate percentage change is the life, t, of a tool with zero rake angle used in orthogonal cutting when its clearance angle, , is changed from 10o to 7o? (Hint: Flank wear rate is proportional to cot (a) 30 % increase (b) 30%, decrease (c) 70% increase (d) 70% decrease Ans. (b)



IAS 2007Contd
A diagram related to machining economics with various cost components is given above. Match List I (Cost Element) with List II (Appropriate Curve) and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: ListI ListII (CostElement) (AppropriateCurve) A. Machiningcost 1. Curvel B. Toolcost 2. Curve2 C. Toolgrindingcost 3. Curve3 D. Nonproductivecost 4. Curve4 5. Curve5 Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy


Contd. From previous slide

IES 1998
The variable cost and production rate of a machining process against cutting speed are shown in the given figure. For efficient machining, the range of best cutting speed would be between (a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 5 (c) 2 and 4 (d) 3 and 5

Ans. Ans (b)

Code:A (a) 3 (c) 3

B 2 1

C 4 4

D 5 2

(b) (d)

A 4 4

B 1 2

C 3 3

D 2 5



IES 1999
Consider the following approaches normally applied for the economic analysis of machining: 1. Maximum production rate 2. Maximum profit criterion 3. Minimum cost criterion The correct sequence in ascending order of optimum cutting speed obtained by these approaches is (a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 1, 3, 2 (c) 3, 2, 1 (d) 3, 1, 2 Ans. (c)

The optimum cutting speed is one which should have: 1. High metal removal rate 2. High cutting tool life 3. Balance the metal removal rate and cutting tool life (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 3 only Ans. (d)


IES 2000
The magnitude of the cutting speed for maximum profit rate must be (a) In between the speeds for minimum cost and maximum production rate (b) Higher production Hi h than th the th speed d for f maximum i d ti rate t (c) Below the speed for minimum cost (d) Equal to the speed for minimum cost Ans. (a)

IES 2004
Consider the following statements: 1. As the cutting speed increases, the cost of production initially reduces, then after an optimum cutting speed it increases 2. As the cutting speed increases the cost of production also and l increases i d after f a critical i i l value l it i reduces d 3. Higher feed rate for the same cutting speed reduces cost of production 4. Higher feed rate for the same cutting speed increases the cost of production Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 3 only Ans. (a) Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy

IES 2002
Ineconomicsofmachining,whichoneofthe followingcostsremainsconstant? (a) Machiningcostperpiece (b) Toolchangingcostperpiece (c) Toolhandlingcostperpiece (d) Toolcostperpiece Ans.(c)

IAS 2007
Assertion (A): The optimum cutting speed for the minimum cost of machining may not maximize the profit. Reason (R): The profit also depends on rate of production. production (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true [Ans. (a) ]


IAS 1997
Inturning,theratiooftheoptimumcuttingspeed forminimumcostandoptimumcuttingspeedfor maximumrateofproductionisalways (a) Equalto1 (b) In I the th rangeof f0.6 6to t 1 (c) Intherangeof0.1to0.6 (d) Greaterthan1 Ans.(b)
Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy Compiledby:SKMondalMadeEasy



IES 1992
Easeofmachiningisprimarilyjudgedby (a) Lifeofcuttingtoolbetweensharpening (b) Rigidityofworkpiece (c) Microstructureoftoolmaterial (d) Shapeanddimensionsofwork

IES 2009
Considerthefollowing: 1. Toollife 2. Cuttingforces 3. Surfacefinish Whichoftheaboveis/arethemachinability criterion/criteria? (a) 1,2and3 (b) 1and3only (c) 2and3only (d) 2only Ans.(a)




IES 2007
Which of the following are the machinability criteria? 1. Tool life 2. Cutting forces 3. Surface finish Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 2 and 3 only Ans. (a)

IES 2003
Assertion (A): The machinability of steels improves by adding sulphur to obtain so called 'Free Machining Steels. Reason (R): Sulphur in steel forms manganese sulphide inclusion which helps to produce thin ribbon like continuous chip. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true [Ans. (c) ]

IES 2009
The elements which, added to steel, help in chip formation during machining are (a) Sulphur, lead and phosphorous (b) Sulphur, lead and cobalt (c) Aluminium, lead and copper (d) Aluminium, titanium and copper Ans. (a)

IES 1998
Considerthefollowingcriteriainevaluating machinability: 1. Surfacefinish 2. Typeofchips 3. Toollife 4. Powerconsumption InmodernhighspeedCNCmachiningwithcoated carbidetools,thecorrectsequenceofthesecriteria inDECREASINGorderoftheirimportanceis (a) 1,2,4,3 (b) 2,1,4,3 (c) 1,2,3,4 (d) 2,1,3,4 Ans.(c)




IES 1996
Which of the following machinability? 1. Smaller shear angle 2. Higher cutting forces 3. Longer tool life 4. Better surface finish. (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 3 and 4 Ans. (d)

IES 1996
indicate better Small amounts of which one of the following elements/pairs of elements is added to steel to increase its machinability? (a) Nickel (b) Sulphur and phosphorus (c) (d) Manganese and ( ) Silicon Sili M d copper Ans. (b)


IES 1995
Inlowcarbonsteels,presenceofsmallquantities sulphur improves (a) Weldability (b) Formability (c) Machinability (d) Hardenability Ans.(c)

IES 1992
Machiningoftitaniumisdifficultdueto (a) Highthermalconductivityoftitanium (b) Chemicalreactionbetweentoolandwork (c) Lowtoolchipcontactarea (d) Noneoftheabove Ans.(b)



IAS 1996
Assertion(A):Themachinability ofamaterialcan bemeasuredasanabsolutequantity. Reason(R):Machinability indexindicatesthecase withwhichamaterialcanbemachined (a) ( ) Both B thAand dRareindividually i di id ll true t and dRis i the th correctexplanationofA (b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnot the correctexplanationofA (c) AistruebutRisfalse (d) AisfalsebutRistrue [Ans.(d) ]

Frictionatthetoolchipinterfacecanbe reducedby (a)decreasingtherakeangle (b)increasingthedepthofcut (c)Decreasingthecuttingspeed (d)increasingthecuttingspeed Ans.(d)





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