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The Rattangarh Co-Operative Society

( Reg. No..)
Ref No Date ...


This is to certify that Mr. Rajinder Singh S/o Sant Singh and Inderjit Kaur W/o Rajinder Singh, both are R/o House no. 75-76 V.P.O. Rattangarh Tehsil Chamkaur Sahib Distt Ropar , Punjab , INDIA is a regular supplier of our Milkfed Society at Rattangarh. His total animals are Ten ( Eight locating buffaloes + Two locating cows ). He is supplier of milk daily 29 litre @ 34/- per litre. Now per days income from milk is 986/- and one month income from milk all sources is 29580/-. Now Annual income from said milk is 3,54,960/-. He is regular supplier for our milkfed The Rattangarh Co-operative Society (Reg.). Please contact any information from feel free contact no .

Signature & Seal Authorised

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