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In T.L.E

Drop Cookies Product Name

Submitted by: Group 5 Submitted to: Ms. M.Robillo

Table of Contents I. List of Members II. Project Plan III.Safety and Sanitary Measures IV.Assigned task V. Grade VI. Audience Evaluation

I. List of Members Leader: Jian Michael S. Sambajon Members: Franz Bernard Posada Ronald Lopez Jerimiah Masi

II. Project Plan

Project Plan
I. Objectives -To make a delicious drop cookies

-To improve our baking skills

II. Product name: Drop Cookies

III. Ingredients
List of ingredients oatmeal vanilla peanut butter quantitiy 3 cups 1tbs cup cost P 45.oo P 18.00 P 10.oo

Unsweeten cocoa White sugar Milk Butter

cup 2 cups 1 cup 1 cup

P 10.oo P 16.oo P 40.oo P 28.oo

Total: P167.oo

1.Add the first four ingredients into a 4-quart sauce pan. 2.Bring to a rolling boil and hold for 1 minute. 3.Remove from heat. 4.Add peanut butter into the hot mixture and stir until melted. 5.Add in vanilla. (almond extract is good also, but I only use 1/2 teaspoon almond and 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla). 6.Mix in the oats and drop by tablespoons onto wax paper. 7.Let cool until set.

V. materials - Stove - casserole - wooden spoon - measuring cup - Plate - spoon

III. safety and sanitary measures Safety precautions 1.keep cutting tools in designated places with proper labels broken tools or equipment before using 3.floors should be cleaned 4.check gas stove and accessories before using 5.check electrical wiring and switches regularly 6.handle tools and equipment carefully

iV. Assigned task cooker: franz Bernard posada jerimiah masi

marketer: Jian Michael sambajon Ronald lopez

V. grade

Vii. Audience evaluation

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