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Active-Empathic Listening Scale (5 points)

1. For each sentence mark the box that best describes you. 2. Write a narrative listing the active listening skills you demonstrated well and identify at least 2 areas of improvement. 3. Write a self-analysis of how you felt during the simulation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Never or almost never true Usually not true Sometimes but infrequently true Occasionally true Often true Usually true Always or almost always true


1 I am sensitive to what others are not saying. I am aware of what others imply but do not say I understand how others feel. I listen for more than just the spoken words. 2 3

4 5 6 7

Processing I assure others that I will remember what they say. I summarize points of agreement and disagreement when appropriate. I keep track of points others make. Responding I assure others that I am listening by using verbal acknowledgements. I assure others that I am receptive to their ideas. I ask questions that show my understanding of others positions. I show others that I am listening by my body language

Self-Evaluation: Narrative Self-Analysis:

(20 points)

(see criteria on Demonstration Rubric)

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