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TOPIC: Draw Commands in AutoCAD LAB WORK: 03 OBJECTIVES: At the end of this session, students should be able to: 1. Use the draw commands 2. Draw the object using a suitable draw command 3. Apply draw commands in their drawing

PROCEDURES: 1. Draw a frame with scale 297.00 x 210.00 2. Draw the object refer to the scale given 3. Use a suitable command such as : a. Line b. Arc c. Circle d. Elipse e. Polygon 4. Make sure to use the correct command 5. Draw according to the scale given.

EXERCISE : DRAWING 1 Command: Line First point: Point 2 : Point 3 : Point 4 : Point 5 : Point 6 : Point 7 : Point 8 : Point 9 : Point 10 : Point 11 : Point 12 : Point 13 : Point 14 : Point 15 : Point 16 : Point 17 : 0,0 26.906,0 50,39.99998135 73.094,0 100,0 100,3.3975 73.094,50 100,96.6025 100,100 73.094,100 50,60.00001865 26.906,100 0,100 0,96.6025 26.906,50 0,3.3975 0,0


DRAWING 2 Command use Line and Arc.

DISCUSSION At the end of this session, the entire student was able to use the drawing commands such as Line, Arc, Circle, Elipse and Polygon. With all the command, the student need to use the suitable command for a drawing for example to draw an arc, student can use either Arc or Circle command. There are usually a few methods to do the same drawing. The students need to draw the frame with the scale of 297.00 x 210.00 using the steps in lab work 2. Next, the students need to draw the object in the lab sheet using the suitable method by referring the scale given. CONCLUSION At the end of the experiment, the entire student was able to use the draw commands. The entire student should also be able to draw the object using suitable drawing commands and lastly apply the drawing commands in the drawing. All the objectives were achieved and the experiment was a success.

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