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Geopolitics & The World System: International Structure and Relations

Group Project One India@2025: Perils, Promises and Prospects "When written in Chinese the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters, one represents danger the other represents opportunity." John F Kennedy
The May elections of 2008 gave an unprecedented mandate to the Centre-left Congress party which lifted sentiment and the markets responded accordingly. The economy was still coming out of the woods following the global recession and had not recovered fully when the Government was hit by a series of mega-scams. It floundered and was afflicted with paralysis. The advent of the Anna movement further affected decision making which was put into cold storage. Many uncertainties remain though the general mood is becoming mildly positive after a series of rapid fire reforms. An unprecedented persisting inflationary trend constituted the context of the 2013-14 budget. Even before the mercury could dip down, India witnessed its equity markets in midst of a very bad drift phase due to the poor sentiment and the weakening of the rupee. The spectre of recession loomed on the horizon as the GDP growth dipped to the new Hindu rate of 5%. There were widespread job losses in almost all industries particularly in the exports sectors. The Kashmir imbroglio, Maoist insurgency, the incompetence of the Asian Games and increasing corruption are taking a toll of public sentiment and optimism. The PM has called for the return of animal spirits. Requirement The Groups are to write 1,000 words on India @ 2025: Perils, Promises and Prospects outlining the opportunities in crisis that lie ahead! An opportunity to analyse the way we work, an opportunity to look at our systems critically and an opportunity for every Indian who lives between hope and impatience and has learned the perils of being reasonable. What can you, the young Indian, do to make India a better, stronger, equitable and secular place? Where do we go from where we stand today? Our visitors from abroad can give an unbiased view from the outside to facilitate understanding the issues which in their opinion will challenge India as given below.

India @ 2025: Perils, Promises and Prospects

Rear Admiral Dr R Chopra, VSM, MBA, PhD

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